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HBO: Game of Thrones


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There's only two people I've "dismissed" on this site and one them only because his logic was so convoluted and retarded when it came to a certain reality show.


Lol you'd like to pretend my thoughts/opinions are some small minority and only me but we both know that's absolutely not true. Just a read thru of the 40+ pages of comments on this article showed me that there are plenty of people who are:

1) Angry with Martin

2) Don't plan on watching season 6 because they hated 5 and don't want any type of book spoilers

3) Convinced he's sold out/betrayed the fans cuz all he does is attend these stupid nerd conventions and other celebrity events rather than buckle down and actually write a damn book.

4) Convinced he's gonna die before the next book comes or he finishes the series in its entirety.


Theres nothing wrong with me as far as my comments towards GRRM. He's not my father or mother and his little deal with HBO had done nothing except cause him to lose a lot of respect. I don't think I'm 100% right all the time and I'm always willing to listen to the other side of an argument. It's you who pretends like the show is absolutely 100% perfect and those of us who want some integerity when it comes to the books are somehow evil or stupid. It's not much to ask for and I've listed plenty of examples throughout all the episodes. 

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I don't pretend your thoughts are completely alone in the world, but they also sure aren't Reagan's "Silent Majority." You think it's some crusade where when the 'truth' is known everyone will turn on GOT and stop watching; in reality, no one cares. It's still the biggest show on TV. Controversy happens and there's still a lot worth talking about otherwise.


People like or dislike a TV show - fine. I have a number of complaints about Season 5 but I don't think it was some horrible televisual abortion. It's just not that serious to me. I'm invested in the show I like with its ups and downs, I don't have a blanket condemnation of it and i see nuances you don't. You take that to mean everyone but you is rubberstamping it or that they're all idiots and uncritical zombies sucking at HBO's teat. And you did that from the beginning. So why should I bother with you or anything you have to say?

Also, let's be clear: His "little deal with HBO" was to let them adapt his books into a TV show. It happens everyday. You don't like the TV show, that's your business. Don't try to make it about some highminded artistic issue where his books are fatefully compromised by that choice. You still have the books if you choose to enjoy them. It's not a conspiracy and it's not a war crime.

Edited by Vee
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I just saw an article on Deadline saying that HBO is in talks for seasons 7 and 8, which is interesting since I thought the show runners were firm about stopping at 7 seasons. I would post the link, but my computer is acting funny since I visited that site.

Edited by Juliajms
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Yes, they've always cited a 7-season plan, but according to this article, which gives more detail on what you just said, they are now thinking they might have two more seasons instead of one. Either this was always the plan or they've been convinced. In any case, I'm in for 8 seasons. HBO's not going to let one of the most massive global hits just go away unless absolutely necessary. As long as the writing doesn't suffer and they fix the issues from season 5....

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It wouldn't surprise me in the slightest, Game Of Thrones is pretty much the only thing fueling HBO subscriptions at this point. It would make no sense to lose it this quickly.


I don't care at all for that promo. I would rather they not release anything, than provide a promo with no information about the upcoming season.


In regards to the adaptation dispute, I don't understand why HBO couldn't have taken a slower pace to the series. There is probably plenty of material to adapt, as I imagine. So I don't see why they couldn't have done a book per season approach, or why they couldn't do a book to multi-season approach. Just my two cents, I don't read the books, but I think it might have helped GRMM more had they done that.

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I agree with you that there was a lot of material there and they could have slowed things down. In the beginning people were having a hard time keeping all of the characters straight, so maybe they didn't want to make the show even more dense, idk. As it turns out a lot of people are pretty obsessed with the show and they probably could have done more. I just wonder if they are going to get the cast to sign for season 8. So many of the actors are British and they are notorious for leaving popular shows for the sake of art.



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I'd rather get promos like that, myself. Spoiler videos are not true promos to me. Just edited splices of upcoming material I don't want to see until it airs in full. The promo also made me realize that I, though aware of how much this is a minority opinion, would not be too saddened at Tyrion meeting his maker. I don't hate any character on the show to want them removed, but he's lower on my favourites list than most.

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From EW: Bryan Cogman and Maisie Williams discuss the Sansa rape scene from last season at length on the new commentary tracks. (Sophie Turner was filming X-Men)


I see both sides of the issue and it's obvious Cogman is very disturbed by the way it was perceived. I didn't think it was exploitative and I understand why it's what would often happen in such a scenario, but I did think it was unnecessary to add to Sansa's then-unceasing misery.

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Lol good PR move on their part but I absolutely don't buy it. His motives were as obvious as his craptastic writing and plotting. Besides the fact that it made no sense (like much of that entire season) it was just a disgusting and improvised mashup....


The best part is how they justify it by "higher ratings" and more awards from people who are just caught up in the hype/marketing behemoth machine that is Game of Thrones...

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Yes, you're right as always. They're bullshitting because they got off on making a young woman they've known since she was 13 or 14 play out a rape scene.


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No where did I say I was "right". That's just simply my response and my opinion. You can take it to the nth degree as you always do and is your prerogative. And I'm sure there are others out there outside of the sampling of 5 people in this thread who watch the show that agree given his need to speak out. 


But do I think there are sick people like these two creators and writers out there like that? Absolutely Hollywood is full of them. 

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You're right, I'm clearly the one taking it to the nth degree here, calling them "sick people."


Riddle me this: Isn't it remotely possible that he genuinely feels as he says, even though we both agree the scene was unnecessary? Isn't it remotely possible it's simply down to a difference of opinion?

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