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HBO: Game of Thrones


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Cunningham stresses that the Martin/Benioff/Weiss trio are the only gatekeepers of Game of Thrones, and that's how it's going to remain."There’s only three people who knows how it ends. The middle of last year, the two boys, Dan and David, they spent a week with George in his home in Santa Fe, who rolled out the end of the story for them. So they know what’s going to happen."

From an IGN article.....what a steaming pile of dogsh*t. I refuse to believe those two hacks have any idea how it's going to end or that they'll do it any type of justice or honor within the show. I wish the actors and these two clowns would quit with this bs and just admit that they have no clue how its going to end and will simply creat their own alternative unvierse ending. THE END.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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How so? It's a show....a show that pretends to be something its not. Which at this poiint is my only beef with it. That and the two hacks that are in charge of it. They may have all the money in the world to create their vision but I don't believe it's truly comparable to George R R Martin's vision (at least starting with Season 3 and onward). And furthermore I think all lthe money has just corrupted GRRM himself to the point where he doesn't give a crap.

Anyways I'm sure this upcoming season will be a hot mess but at this point I'm committed so I will see what crap this duo delivers.

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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Cementing that they are no longer aimed at kids in any way, shape or form, Archie has a new issue called "Game of Phones," with Game of Thrones-style fantasy sequences. Archie is Robb, Jughead is, well, Jughead (although I guess he's Theon in a pinch...) Veronica is a pseudo-Cersei, Betty is Dany (complete with dragon riding), and Reggie is Joffrey.

Edited by DRW50
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That's a good ad, although it made me start thinking, "Now is the time, ABC is the place."

It's nice to see so many characters, even if Theon is yet again MIA. I noticed Ramsay there...

Was that Brienne at the Wall?

Nice to see more of Stannis.

I was all excited for the Dany stuff but I really need Daario to get roasted in episode 1.

Happy to see almost no Tyrion or Arya.

Sansa looks so much like Catelyn now.

I will say it looks like the show decided to

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That was really good but considering it is Dany, it probably is all editing tricks. Nothing exciting ever happens with Dany and it is tough to imagine this year will be an exception. She's threaten, she'll make speeches, and then the show will find some excuse for her lack of these mythical boats she has been searching for since 2011.

Speaking of boats, I wonder if Gendry is still rowing away in that little boat of his. We last saw him in 2013 I think.

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Well if they were at all following the books then something major will happen with Dany this season. But you're right for all we know (and as many people on other boards are speculating) this could all be yet another silly dream/prophesy of hers or even another character who's path should be heading towards her.

Lol at Gendry. Another wasted potential. I'm literally terrified of what they're gonna do with Dorne and House Martell. I highly doubt it will live up to the high standards of the books.

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