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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 3

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Damn true!

The chipmunk was the worst story, because (1) it was just silly (not funny), (2) it went on too long, (3) it revisited Kevin's childhood abuse--but HE HAD ALREADY DONE SO!! We saw Kevin in the boxing ring with Michael/Tom many years ago...and there was no reason to revisit his flashbacks. MOREOVER, he actually had a face-to-face catharsis with Tom, and he also DUMPED TOM'S ASHES IN THE DISPOSAL. All these things said that Kevin had "moved on" from Tom, and it was the ULTIMATE REGRESSION (unnecessary) to put him right back in a catatonic state.

I guess they wanted to throw Rikaart a storyline bone, but this was misguided. If they wanted to tell a more organic, meaningful Kevin story it might be (1) how he aids in putting his mother behind bars, or (2) realizes he has an attraction to men (e.g., Rafe) that he hasn't acknowledged, or (3) gets Jana pregnant and FREAKS OUT. Or they could send Kevin and Daniel to live in the Ashram at this point. It is all good.

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Mark will defend this writing regime and them staying forever no matter what, even if he has to push their mistakes onto third parties, he'll do it. He clearly has a bias for them and doesn't want them to lose their jobs, even if it means Y&R at least has a chance to improve with the next potential writing regime.

There is ALWAYS the possibility for change, and even as Mark admits this writing regime is disastrous, he's still very protective of them. Is he afraid his favourite staff writer and Twitter friend Tom Casiello will be throw out (which I think he should, given his crappy episodes) too if there's a regime change? Is that his bias?

I've never seen someone come up with excuse after excuse as to why a writing team they admit is creatively bad should stay. Even as we talk in terms of what's ideal for this show, Mark always has to rush to their defense and point out why it's "realistic" for them to stay.

Bottom line is, as long as Y&R is on the air, there is ALWAYS the possibility for a regime change (even if it involves Maria staying in some capacity). Some of us would like to believe that a better writing team will come in one day, regardless if it will never happen, but the possibility is still there.

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Hasn't this show given Rikaart enough storyline bones.

Part of me wishes that the STD Kevin gave Lily is a cause of her cancer or the reason she miscarried (I'm not even sure if that's medically possible so that's why I said part of me). But I know the show will turn it around and say Lily is to blame for it.

You didn't include Cane on that list. Is he growing on you? wink.gif

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Nope. I'm convinced that they are gonna spin Tucker into this big, uber-stud, essentially let him occupy the place on the canvas that Terry Lester used to inhabit.... and if Braeden balks on contract negotiations again, they'll cut him loose and drop Nichols right into Victor's place on the canvas... women stealing his sperm, him impregnating multiple women after vasectomies, etc. They need leverage against Braeden, something to tip the balance of power, and my money says Nichols is their man for the job.

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They'll never do that, because Braeden is one person they refuse to give up on. If they wanted Braeden off the show, they wouldn't have tried to woo him back this last time around. Nichols as a scare tactic will wear thin after some time.

And it would be really sad if Jack continues to be phased out EVEN MORE for some piss poor developed creation like Tucker...

I just don't see them having much long-term planning for Tucker once the initial "shock" of this storyline is over.

Not that much long-term planning goes into any story or character on this show with this writing team though...

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LOL, Alvin. I'm not defending. DaytimeFan understood what I'm saying: I just don't think their departure is in the cards. I'm gonna watch Y&R even if Megan McTavish or Lucky Gold start headwriting, so it really doesn't matter to me. I didn't even think about writers much until all of you introduced me to the concept.

I think that is brilliant, and YES, it is medically possible. I would very much support them writing that because (1) THAT is a "social issues" or "public health" message that these shows claim to care about, and because (2) it would show that there are true long-term consequences to Kevin's irresponsible behavior.

Unfortunately, the show wants Kevin redeemed...so it will never happen. (Again, Alvin, I'm just saying they won't make Kevin the source of Lily's cancer...I'm not saying I agree with that.)

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How did you reach a breaking point with LML, Mark?

If anything, this writing regime has continued on with the same mistakes she made, but they're more repetitive. I think you cited no impact from "Out of Latham's Fat Ass," but couldn't the same be said about Brad's death, Colleen's death, Patty's psychosis, and many other things from this current writing regime?

This regime has also done some of the more fundamental traits of the show far worse than Latham did, especially when it comes to diversity and family dynamics.

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As long as Y&R is on the air, there's hope. I don't think the suits should wait until the numbers plunge to force Maria's hands. If they even care about this show surviving, they need to get someone in to stop the bleeding and repair the damage.

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