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Y&R: Potpourri Thread 3

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Aren't the above attributes definitional of soap opera?

In 1952 (?), on radio, Meta Bauer on GL had a custody battle with her husband, who was concerned that their little boy son was gay (euphemistically referred to as "too soft"). The husband forced the son to take boxing lessons...he did so against his will. Eventually, the little boy hit his head and died.

Meta then up and killed her husband. America voted on the verdict.

That is golden-era radio soap. Let's see what attributes it had:

- dysfunctionality (check)

- craziness, psychoses (check)

- neuroses (check)

- crimes (check)

- vileness (check)

It kept America GLUED to the story


Seacrest out!

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They have already landed. Those chipmunks are aliens which only Kevin can see. This is the next big reveal.

Mariella Bollocks strikes me as someone who is into New Age stuff/Dan Brown bull (tarot decks, esoteria, crystals, secret societies, conspiracy theories etc.) so Sylvia Browne's appearance doesn't surprise me one bit. It was bound to happen. :lol:

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See, now again we agree!

There were HUGE differences between the Meta story and today's Y&R. First, not ALL of GL was crazy at the time. (Well, it kinda was, in the sense that on a 15-minute show, Meta really owned the show at that time). But the show was more balanced. Second, the craziness was reality based (a plausible, horrific scenario).

But I just wanted to make the point that "crazy", "psychotic", "crime" etc. is not necessarily a problem. It can make for amazing soap.

We agree (I think) that today's Y&R is "sensational", "shocking", "lurid", and we agree that these are bad things because they are done without balance and without long-term repercussions.

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Yes, I agree that it can. Just like JamesF said in that thread I posted, soaps desperately need to be grounded in reality. Sure, sometimes an out-there villain can be entertaining, but it is dangerously close to becoming a parody of himself/herself.

So the keyword is motivation.


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