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DAYS Recasts Will

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I don't think this Sami is a Stepford Wife. Yes she does do the annoying baby talk stuff with Rafe sometimes but I don't see her as being like the endlessly weeping, distraught Sami of 2007.

I think the whole "This child should be like this parent," should only go so far. Otherwise the show just ends up repeating stories. Like when they kept trying to tell us that EJ/Sami was like Marlena/Stefano, which I thought did a disservice to all the characters.

I just hope Will has a personality and some drive now. This is one of those characters who tends to just sort of...be there.

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I don't think Patton is that bad. I mean I've felt underwhelmed by him but I like the low-keyness. The worst Will had to be the kid who played Will before Gerse took the role, you know the one who beat up Abby! God that kid was annoying. Gerse remains my favorite Will, he was perfect as JER made Will into a tragic and innocent kid sad puppy eyes and all.

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She is far from that. Sami of 2007, Sami under Hogan... that sami was a stepford wife imposter. They may as well have written Sami off and hired Sweeney to play Carrie.

Sami is now a mother of three little kids, plus a teen. She has been through a lot and after over 15 years of scheming, plotting, manipulating, lying, and playing the spoiled brat card she has finally grown up, learned from her mistakes, and changed. I am so happy about that too because while it was fun to watch her in the 90's-early 00's at some point it became tired and boring. Not only that, but everything she did never got her anywhere. I like to see characters grow and change. I also think they have done a good job of keeping some of her sami traits in her, she just doesn't use them 24/7. Her constant battles with Stefano show her bitchy side. Her recent fights with brady and nicole show that while hurt and angry she also understands. A little compassion went a long way with her and actually made the fallout that much better.

Sami also has done that with the men before... Lucas, Austin, Brandon, Franco. Its not like shes been some great icy evil vixen. She was great fun to watch, but none of her plans ever worked out. It never got her anywhere. I agree she isnt a stepford wife...funny you mention 2007 sami, that was the worst.

I also agree with you on the child doesnt have to be like the parent, but Will is one of those kids that if he was like sami i think would be perfect. Mostly because it would create an interesting dynamic between them to where she understands what hes doing and why, but as his mother and learned from her own mistakes knows it isnt going to help him. But at the same time this do good guy is very much a kid that was raised by Carrie and Austin.

But the main issue is the writing. Your right he has no personality, no drive, no nothing. He is just there.

Gerse... oh man, he was baddddddd. The little kid before him was ok i thought.

I still think the show messed up by not making Will the one who shot EJ and Lucas just took the fall for him.

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I love Sami/Chad scenes.

I cant really explain it, but Sweeney & Casey have a lot of chem together. Not in a romantic way. Not really in a family way. But she understands him, she can relate to him. I like it. I would love it if they expanded on that as a way to make Will lash out. I also wonder how this gabby/chad/mia/will thing is going to play out. I hope thye keep them on the amount they are right now tho. So far its been very c story, maybe b. its nice change from the teen takeovers we have had to take for the past decade now.

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