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The Marshalls were in the ice cream business, I believe it was the matriarch's recipe that made their fortune and bought them the very house her mother worked as a maid in. I didn't watch Generations which is a shame because I had more than one chance to once they started reairing it on BET. It never really interested me, but my great-grandmother, an Eastern European immigrant in her eighties, watched it every day.

ETA: In his Buzz Worthy podcast interview, KSJ criticized the choice of ice cream as their mogul maker, and I tend to agree with him. That's very Imitation of Life/Famous Amos, but a choice nonetheless.

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I hardly think Nelson was gushing about Nuke. He just said some good stuff about Jake and then launched into bashing of Nuke's story and Van's acting. Nelson's cynical snarky attitude would be right at home on this board.

On other boards I go to, the feeling on Nuke is more mixed, and not as reflexively negative as among many here.

I have liked both Van and Jake's performances in this story, but especially Van's. Van has been far from phoning it in.

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Well, there are definitely a few egos on GH that need to be taken down a few notches, imo. The way I see it, the younger ones probably don't have any illusions of grandeur yet and the older vets know they are talented. This would probably just sting the few that it should sting and remind them that they are not that far above being fangurls themselves.

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It is annoying, but so many soaps do this now it's hard to get away from it. Then I think about Ryan's Hope and they had maybe 4 babies during the shows entire run? It's so much more pleasant to watch adults going about there business instead of watching every single woman have 3 or 4 babies each.

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Oh, trust me, I'm not defending GEN or anything. I've only seen the first episode. But my point is that, as someone who claims to be so in-the-know with soaps and the industry and everything, Nelson's bitchass should know and understand that GEN wasn't supposed to be an "all-black" soap. It was a soap with a major black family and a major white family, and the point was to show how their lives were connected. But Nelson, like any random person from any soap board, just labels it the "all-black" soap when it was not.

And then he has the audacity to say that that should be beneficial to Jesse and Angie. As if SSM possesses a special skill that allows her to write for black characters that few other writers have.

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Famous (Wally) Amos is a black man who made his fortune and fame from a cookie recipe. In the original film version of Imitation of Life, Delilah has a similar success story, in her case it's pancakes. It's just the old tried-and-true convention of rich black folks in fiction making their money through food, sports, or music. I think KSJ proffered John Johnson and his Ebony magazine as a more viable example.

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