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Lorraine Broderick as AMC head writer

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Maybe, but I think ABC knows by now there are moles everywhere. The news would've come out eventually.

I don't think she would be training someone who already has a job with the show. Tracey doesn't know the history of the show as well as Broderick but Tracey knows more about this current canvas. Maybe it's the other way around and the associate head writers are training Lorraine? :unsure: They're getting her up to speed with all the crap that's happened in the last 10 years.

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I don't think that 'training' just entails writing the show, though -- it also probably has to do with the pace of being a headwriter, with turning in story projections to the network and dealing with the notes and editing the day-to-day scripts and possibly sitting in post-production to weigh in on episode cuts. So the training could be more of a hand-holding through that process. Who knows.

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I hope I'm not being too optimistic, but I actually agree here. Broderick in the past eithe rsaid or implied she wouldn't write at ABC under with the way Frons was micromanaging so I don't think it was quick and easy to coax her back (and maybe she hasn't agreed to be a full HW again yet and is waiting and see?) I also think that Pratt's out was so sudden I do believe he was fired--that'sjust the vibe I get.

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Yeah, Brooke started a relationship with Pierce and bonded with Laura while Janet was in jail for supposedly shooting Laurel (the actual shooter was Kevin's homophobic brother, Jason, who meant the bullet for Michael Delaney; he felt that Michael "turned" Kevin gay).

Anyway.... the Janet fan in me actually was excited that she was going to take over another life (like she previously did to Nat). I remember the beginning stages of the story -- like Janet getting a lock of Brooke's hair to copy it perfectly when dyed. I also remember her recording Brooke's voice so she could study it for imitation. When Janet had completely gone over the edge due to her jealously, there was also a scene of her looking into the mirror..... but the reflection was Brooke's! ha!

Looking back now, I'm glad the story was scraped. I'm sure Julia Barr would have been fantastic, but it would have been WAY too "out there" for my tastes. It's one thing to pose as your sister (which was totally unrealistic as well -- considering Janet and Nat weren't even twins), but for Janet to get surgery to look like exactly like Brooke, perfectly copying her voice and mannerisms, and successfully fooling everyone...???

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Yes, at the time I thought it was tacky that the show had Brooke placed into their lives so closely while Janet was in prison. I felt it was unfair to Janet. I guess they were going for some "turnabout is fair play", since Janet had gotten close to Trevor while she kept Natalie imprisoned, but I thought the Janet/Laura and Janet/Pierce relationships worked well and the shift away was jarring. I don't think it was because of Brooke, because Brooke worked well with a number of characters from all age groups, but for me Laura was never as compelling without Janet in her life. I think that Janet brought something out in Laura, as they were both very fearful, emotionally scarred women.

I guess we'll never know what might have been with Pierce if the actor hadn't gotten into hot water and had to be removed. I think even if he'd stayed, he may have lost a lot of luster after he was removed from the setting that worked for him (the place he, Janet, and Laura hid away in).

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