Members quartermainefan Posted November 14, 2009 Members Share Posted November 14, 2009 I just watched this week in a DVR marathon and it was pretty good. I am ready for Sami to get her baby and the story to be over, and then on to the next crew. Carly with the Mia was a weird match up of characters, but I personally find Chad more interesting than Mia and Will, so if anyone gets a family, I am hoping it is Chad, but then what happens to his father, Joe Isuzu? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 14, 2009 Members Share Posted November 14, 2009 Carly vs Vivian with Bo/Carly/Justin in the mix is not as strong as the baby switch.(at least not right now but it is getting there) THe other stories to me anyway are just space filler. Arianna dealing drugs, fine but nothing OMG and Mel/Phil/Nathan, cute but not OMG. I am just saying I hope Days can keep it interesting with these 2nd rate stories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members DRW50 Posted November 14, 2009 Members Share Posted November 14, 2009 I've just about finished Thursday's show. I thought Galen was a bit flat in revealing the truth to Sami, but I did appreciate how Sami tried to piece things together through her disbelief and she had natural reactions like, "A DNA test can be faked...I should know." The best moments were when Sami refused to believe Grace hadn't been her child; Ali Sweeney played that perfectly. I really liked the conversation between Mia and Maggie, how Maggie talked about she had once been a dancer, how she'd never had children with Mickey. Then consoling Mia over her regrets and poor choices. The girl who plays Mia did a very good job in this scene. The Hope/Bo scenes were well-written. Kristian Alfonso is a cold actress, but I feel like the show has taken pains not to make her the heavy, or Bo the heavy. The scene where they both admitted their faults, yet you could see they were doing so very awkwardly and they were clearly still distant and hurt, was great. The police station scenes were all quite good, although Josh Taylor does not sound well. My favorite part of that was when EJ called Kate "Mummy". And I loved Nicole's "Well why did you do that?" when EJ said he'd saved Rafe's life. Followed by weak backtracking. Nicole running around barely keeping it together is great TV. I also enjoyed the stuff with her and the DiMera butler. Chloe/Dan do nothing for me but I'm glad they are finally being put into more integrated stories. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 OMG just watched Monday's show!!! (11/16)Sami and Nicole, just had me speechless. It is too bad that Ari is knocked up. DAMN!! They would have had a full blown catfight. In fact I thought they were going to do so in this ep. MY GOD IT WAS SO GOOD. I think Mia is going to play a big role in Viv vs Carly. Arianna's story is starting to pick up as well. I can't wait until Viv and Carly come face to face Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Sagefirejosh Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 I also watched Days of Our Lives for Monday, it had me speechless, , was brilliant, and the emotion, and the anger was just so captivating and powerful. I have NEVER seen Sami so angry like this, I never thought Sami had this side to her at all. I am happy, though that Sami finally learns that Grace was never hers and that her real child is alive and is Sydney. I remember watching when Grace died, and how much it hurt Sami, I wanted to cry myself, it was just that sad. I do, however feel bad for Nicole because she really does want a child, and I did cry for her too, even though I shouldn't because she made Sami feel so much pain after Grace died and never said anything. I do understand Nicole did this so E.J. could have his child and she could have a child since she had a miscarriage, so, all in all I have mixed feelings about all of this. As for Carly, I am only 18, so when she was on Days of Our Loves from 1990 to 1993 I was between a newborn and 3 years old, so, yeah, this is my first time seeing her on Days of Our Lives I do like her and I did like the "bond" Mia and her shared at the pier, I really think her and Mia should be mother and daughter, because my friend said there is a bond between them. Also on a side note for Carly, I can't seem to see why Vivian wants Carly dead, when years prior (From what I read) Carly saved Vivian's life, and if only Vivian knew how Lawrence treated Carly, maybe Vivian would change her mind, perhaps, perhaps not. I hope Bo and Carly get together Last but not least, Mia McCormick. I feel so extremely bad words cannot fully describe it, because when she finds out Grace was her real child, and not Sydney, and that Grace died, I will cry my eyes out, along with Mia. Anyways, that is my review for that episode, and I went back to Friday's episode too. Sorry its so long, I like to write. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 What I don't get, why doesn't Abe and Lexie have a story? I swear Days is so scared to write for black people. ALWAYS has been.Now would be a good time since there are so many other new faces. Days has used all the vets BUT LEXIE and Abe. They brought on Latino's but still the AA's get no story. Also A lot of viewers don't understand Viv and Carly so my fear is once this story Days has put so much into, is done, again there is nothing to take it's place. From what I hear, Days has to maintain solid ratings through March of 2010 to get picked up again. I hope they make it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 idk why abe and lexi dont have a story. they are an amazing couple played by two great actors. i do like they have started to use lexi more. i dont think you have to understand the history between carly and viv to get it. a lot of new people also dont understand the history of most people, but get the current story. the current story is this woman, carly, killed this other womans, vivian, family member, lawrance, and now vivian wants revenge because of what carly did. days has slowly introduced carly to the canvas and explained some of her back story - with bo when hope was gone; history with victor; was a good person and a doctor; etc - and im sure once vivian actually arrives we will get their back story as well. and yes NBC will look at days' ratings from nov-march, its been said. i dont think they will have an issue because this baby story has been driving days for a year now and got raings up. the story isnt over. it isnt like sami finding out is the end of the story. days is smart, there is a HUGE twist that should keep people watching. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 I just don't see that many angles left for this baby switch story. I am thinking this so called big twist is being overrated. But I will wait to see what happens. What I am trying to say, I don't think Viv and Carly will be enough to maintain these beefed up ratings Days has right now. If veiwers don't get it or can't get it, what is going to make them still watch. Again I am not downing Days but I do think it's a mistake for Days to puts all it's eggs in one basket. I could be wrong. To newer viewers, Viv and Carly are yet another pair of new faces, on top of, Mia, Chad, Natahna, Melanie, Daniel, I can't think of any one else at this time. O and Justin. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 How can I forget, Rafe, Arianna, and Ethan I mean Brady. When I startd watching Days again this past summer, It was like a brand new soap to me with all these newbies. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 i think the twist is brilliant, tho predictable. vivian and carly isnt the only thing the show has to offer is what im saying. and their story is in its first week or so. this baby storyline wasnt enough in its first week either. thats why they are building the carly story as the baby swap comes to a head. yes, there are a lot of new people. but if we are talking new viewers then what does it matter? do new viewers care how long these people have been there? mia, daniel, and melanie have been there for over a year now. melanie and daniel for over two actually, i think. then days has vets - bo, hope, justin, carly, viv, victor, maggie, stefano, kate, lucas, nicole, sami - all there for over 10 years (or back after a long break but were on for years before). i also think that rafe, arianna, and brady being played by passions actors has helped gain some of the audiance back, esp onces burned by nbc axing it. i just dont think days is banking on one thing. there are a few things going on. days isnt like a brand new show, it IS a brand new show. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 What is this so called twist everyon keeps talking about it? Carly, Justin and Nicole are not vets of Days. I agree the Passions actors do help Days a lot. But only time will tell Jack. We shall see. I never said the baby switch or Viv vs Carly are the only star stories Days has to offer. As a writer u should have a FEW star storylines going at the same time so when one is over like right now, the next can fill the void. Jack u r a writer u should know this. Hell on STEAM i have at least 3 to 4 star stories going at all times. So that way when one climaxes, I have other to fill the void while I regroup the story that just came to a head. This is a very good discusion Jack. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 Nicole has been on days for a decade. Justin and Carly are old characters from the 80's/90's and while not true vets, the do offer to longtime days fans what vets offer. you said days is putting all its eggs in one basket, and i dont agree with that. they have four/five stories. one leading, the reast are b and c stories. i actually think that is the best bet. i dont think its that one is over so there is a next to push up and fill the void. i think that good plotting is when your star story hits it climax you have a story thats already been in the works ready to become a star story and a story that was below that ready to become the b story. this is what days is doing. the baby story is an A story, the carly story is a B story, the Melanie story is a C story, everything else is a D story. Now soon the Carly story will become an A story with the baby swap staying another A story, and the Melanie story will become a B story now thats its got the groundwork, and the D storys become C storys. I also think its great to have so many storys be a part of an overall story. The baby swap hasnt been one story all along. its been tons of little storys they got out of a swap and they also weaved other storys in, as well as characters. i like our discussion tho Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 NICOLE HAS BEEN ON DAYS FOR TEN YEARS!? Again Carly and Justin may have been on days yesteryear, But they are not vets( to me anyway) U r so right about the baby swap being a pretty good umbrella plot. I offer a few A stories at one time to give readers a variety. Days banked theirs on only one. What if the veiwers didn't respond the way they have thus far. What if this story was a complete diaster. What would Days have relied on then Maybe I don't know what in the hell I am talking about since Days has surged in the ratings. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JackPeyton Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 YES! She came on in 1998. They are not vets in the typical since of the word, no, however they offer a feeling of yesteryear that most vets do. Carly was the star of the show for 3 years when there was no hope, no marlena, nobody else. I guess what i should say is they are not newbies, and being played by soap vets helps bring a lot. the fact bthat days actually plays up the char history also helps. the baby swap has beena great umbrella. its told many little stories under one overall story. it also played some good history points like maggie losing a kid and recent history by making bo/hope confront losing zack again. they weaved in characters you didnt expect like chloe and daniel. the way they brought Mia in and tied her to the canvas was also good plot. normally soaps do offer a few A stories, but days has only offered one for a year now and the ratings have gone up. But its because the A story wasnt ONE story. It was about sami and rafes romance, about nicole holding onto aj, about sami dealing with the loss of a child, about mia's life, about bradys love of nicole, they had a lot going on. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members aMLCproduction Posted November 15, 2009 Members Share Posted November 15, 2009 So Nicole has been on Days non stop since 98? I didn't think she was. Ur a good cheerleader Jack Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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