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Days: HUGE SPOILER! It's official!

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All I can say is that I wish Days the best of luck on this one. They're taking a major risk by killing off a child, even if we are not attached to Zack as say, we are with Abby. I just hope it's executed properly and that the following actors in particular get some seriously heavy material since they are ALL talented enough to carry any scene:

Kristian Alfonso

Peter Reckell

Renee Jones

James Reynolds

It's Bope's kid but Abe and (especially) Lexie loved that kid to death when they had him, which was clearly shown by all the lengths she went to keep him. Not to mention the fact that Abe, if I'm not mistaken, is Zack's godfather. While a child's death is extremely sad, I think this has major potential for Bope as well as Lexie and Abe since I hear he is to get his sight back in the new year and, of course, the Phelle/Shimi quadrangle. And while Bo/Hope is the major hitter in this story, I hope all the other couples I mentioned (particularly Lexie/Abe, who haven't had a decent story since the Baby Switch/Paternity reveal s/l) get highlighted. Sounds unlikey but I am hopeful. :)

It would actually bring some balance back into the show. Bring it back to traditional stories that know how to balance plot and character driven material. But execution is critical, which means Reilly need to get his ass in order come 2006 ;) . No more BS. No more dumb twists. If there ever was a time when consistent writing was critical, it's now.

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Jane I could say the same about you living in your own world since everytime you post its negative. Not trying to start anything but i already know you hate Reilly and that same close mindedness is what may hold people back from watching this play out. I felt the same you did a few months ago but Days over the last 4 months has not been a typical Reilly show. You can ask anyone of that. Some people don't like some of the stories but the execution has been better. Reilly hasn't been writing like normal Reilly. Things have turned mroe dramatic and from watching the show every day I see this. The performances have been top notch because now the actors are gettting actual stuff to work with. To be honest, I think Reilly isn't writing everything. This story sounds like a Corday idea IMO and Days knows that they have to be serious about this. This is a Bope story and I seriously don't think they will go back to Bo/Billie but if they do it would make sense because they would bond over the crisis with their daughter while Hope and him are at odds. The possibilities are endless as I said in my last post. Days may be stupid sometimes but they know this time this has got to be done right and if you read the article on like pg. 3 of this thread you will see that the buzz so far is good. The ratings for Days have been stabile and slowly improving. There have stopped the bleeding and can now look towards moving up. As long as Days performs well like it has, its fine. GH really doesn't worry me since it has its own issues. This is story will raise ratings and I think some iwll stay after too since this will start while people are still on holiday break.

As for not giving them emmy material, I doubt that this won't but then again the emmys are so messed up that it really doesn't matter. The J&J story has been great and has been powerful. I don't like Jack dying again but they handled it much better this time. As for Abe, I agree with you there but that was when the show sucked big time.

I understand your skepticism Jane because of Reilly's history. I felt that same way from 2003-summer 2005. This last few months has been excellent and I don't know if you have been watching but if you haven't well then I understand why you feel the way you do. I just think we should watch the story play out before we condemn it. Oh and please no more doom and gloom posts about any soaps-its Christmas Eve Eve :lol:

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Days IS risking a lot with this storyline. I just hope that the writing is acceptable.

I don't have any doubt about Peter and Kristian's performance because they always rise to the occasion whenever the material is good.

Its just the fact that Zack has to die in order to save the Shelle baby. That's the part that infuriates me. I just hope if Mimi gets pregnant, she's able to carry the child to term.

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Yeah I agree KR. Some people just will never be happy with what Days does. It never seems to please everyone. I mean in the Discuss the soaps forum Days is being dissed left and right today and it always seems like it happens when Days is doing big things (40th, Christmas show, and now the Zach story). Its almsot like people want to ruin it for us. This applies to GL too. People are dogging that poor show every day with how it sucks and all. If you don't like it fine say you don;t and why but don;t say that the damn thing is dead. Same goes for Days and Passions and all soaps. I don't mind negative opinions or posts but I hate when people all of a sudden protest something they never gave a damn about before. like Zach, and they use it to dig at Days. Not trying to make anyone angry but its Christams and soaps need our support and today I have seen alot of posts about GL (in the ratings thread) and Days (in discuss the soaps) saying that they can;t understand why people like this [!@#$%^&*] and so on. That is insulting people that watch and making it seem like a crime in my eyes. If you don't like it fine, say its [!@#$%^&*] in your opinion and move on but don't insult people who watch these shows. Everyone is different and this is not me angry about opinions. Its me telling people to stop grasping for ways to prove a show is [!@#$%^&*]. If it is in your mind fine state that and whatever else but please don't insult us that enjoy it. I don't want to fight its the holidays but last night and today has brought all these Days haters out of the woodwork who are spreading how Days is [!@#$%^&*] and how they can't understand why anyone likes it all over today. The show isn;t perfect I know this but I enjoy it and so do others so lets not pick on people who do or don't. Lets share opinions in a good way and not condemn a story that hasnt' even started or that is written by a certain writer with a bad history. That isn't a fair way to asses something. I hate Guza and Pratt from GH but I still tuned in to the train wreck. Did I like it? A little but I didn't condemn it when I heard the idea initially. I watched and saw it before I formed and opinion. I just wish peopel would do that before they decalre something a faliure.

Ok end of rant. Let's be nice. Its the holidays and sharing opinions respectfully is the right thing to do. For some reason today there is alot of venom all over here, especially about Days, and I don't want anything to get out of hand where people get hurt. That is the mods job I know but what can I say I am a peacemaker :) .

End of rant :lol: .

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Exactly KR-I mena yeah I care because of how his parents and family are but as far as his presence on the show in the future-no impact there. Days has enough ti build a young generation with and have alot of young stars already so they are set. You need to take risks in soaps and Days can afford to here. Besides they still have JT in their backpocket.

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I agree. There are enough kids. All of a sudden Zach is everyone's favorite Salem kid now? GMAB.

1) Zach is just going to be one more thing for DAYS fans to !@#$%^&*] about in five years when he is aged, and he is 16 and being shown more than Bo and Hope.

2) What is with people judging DAYS for this before any of it even STARTS to air, yet when Y&R was going to do it everyone was praising Y&R for its "bold storytelling" and saying this is what soaps are about, and I'm not judging until I see it play out.

Just because DAYS is doing it now it's being condemned before it airs because DAYS and JER? This is bullsh!t.

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This story sounds incredible..watching todays episode with Hope and Belle at the church...Hope praying for a miracle for Belle's baby, and not realizing that it will take her son dying to save belle's baby...This will be so heart wrenching...Can't wait...

Peter, Kristian, Martha, Jason will be incredible..

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Killing JT wouldn't really make much sense. The audience hasn't even seen Glenn and Barb in years so why bring him back just to kill him. The storyline will have a lot to do with ratings and shock value. Killing JT will just defeat that purpose :) .

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