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Y&R: Eric Braeden and Sony reach deal

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Proletariat? Wow, you know a big word. This is how capitalism works. I was one of the few people sympathizing with the actors having to take a pay cut, but Braeden's ego was f'ing out of control in those interviews where you were cheering him on. I find your indoctrination into the culture of celebrity, the new opiate, that allows you have so much empathy for celebrities you don't know to be far more representative of the proletariat. I hope that you feel this much uncomfortableness when autoworkers and other factory workers would get a pittance compared to Braeden and get strong armed into taking huge pay cuts and fewer benefits.

Oh, Y&R would have been just fine without Braeden.

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I'm not so sure and I think if Sony were that sure they wouldn't be paying him his 1 million dollars or whatever it is. On the other hand, a small part of me wanted to find out if Y&R would have been fine without him. I was hoping it would be whenwe got the news he was out. Victor goes back and forth between being a love to hate character for me and I a character I just simply hate. After this Colleen business, I'm on the side of hate. But the show and all the characters still revolve around Victor. He is at the center of nearly everyone's motivations. If they ever do want to kill the king, they really need to recenter this show first, imo.

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As long as this actor is in the role I can't have any sympathy for Adam. He's just cold and has no connection with scene partners.

I think everything he did was intentional. He knew Ashley was in danger of losing her child. He knew what he was doing with Rafe. He knew he was going to steal the baby.

Billy's eyes also show nothing, beyond occasional hints of madness.

The show really has to try to find a way for their great names of the future to actually develop some chemistry with screen partners. Anyone. I am consistently baffled at how dead a lot of scenes between Adam or Billy and other people are. Billy and Katherine today, it was like they were in a different scene entirely.

I guess Josh Morrow does have chemistry with people. When he tries.

Amelia Heinle...lost cause. But then she's a woman so she doesn't matter to them anyway.

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I'm sorry to have made you defensive, or upset. I didn't use the word to be fancy...it was the only word that came to my mind. Although the opiate follow-up was kind of cool! :).

Actually, this very evening, I watched a DVRd copy of The Last Truck, an HBO documentary about the closing of an Ohio GM Truck plant. It was very affecting. Because I actually worked in an auto parts warehouse for a few years, I "knew" those guys and women in some sense. Displacement is a terrible thing.

Braeden has earned MILLIONS (maybe billions) for Sony. But independent of whether he's worth what he's making, the way in which Sony is apparently handling this business sounds truly Dickensian. I don't like it, but I meant what I wrote above--that's just my personal reaction. I truly wasn't judging.

Well, you all went to better schools than me. I didn't learn it until freshman sociology!

I suspect she's referring to the time Khan accused me of using too many big words.

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Honestly if an ounce of me care anything or do not care anything for the Newman core family now the only one (w/Victor and Nikki removed) left for me to care about would have been never seen (unless; insert idiotic Sharon/Nick/Phyllis triangle plot driving ridiculous dribble here^) Noah

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I don't side with the suits. I understand times are tough and belts need to be tightened, but what they were doing with Braeden and especially Jess Walton and MTS seemed nasty and petty, trying to make an example of people. Y&R's creative situation is such that they cannot afford to be playing these games with such iconic characters as Jill, Victor and Nikki.

That being said, if they had a better writing team in place they MIGHT have been able to make a go out of revamping the show with a renewed focus on Jill, Kay, the Chancellors (not just the kids) AND someone like either William Russ or William Devane, the two actors mentioned as possible "new Victors." Those two men are powerhouses.

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