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Y&R Episodes Discussion, Week of October 12, 2009

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Ruxton, I just think is he changed his HAIR it would help a great deal. Short hair makes a person look older most times. I'm not advocating he wear my David Cassidy locks, but something akin to what Morrow has when his hair is longer, and NOT greasy. Just some bangs would help alot. Someone mentioned he acts like Lavosier... HIS hair would work ok on Muhney (Style, not color) Muhney simply's got too much forehead showing, and the furrowed brow expressions eh does just accentuates it.


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Agreed, I especially rolled my eyes at Sharon dancing and acting like she just won the lottery. Really? Moving into a new house makes one suppress their mental health problems and miscarriage? Why doesn't someone spread the word then!

Adam/Sharon is disgusting. I know they're building up to some relationship between these two. Maybe it would be a lot more acceptable if Adam didn't just give Sharon's baby to Ashley and made her believe it was dead, on top of his numerous OTHER crimes. That's the thing with this writing regime, they don't know when to quit with the shock value and disgusting scenarios. They go overboard with it.

Michael Muhney is still trying too hard, god, he just sucks. He needs to stop trying to make himself happen already.

And yes, very aimless Friday episode, but then again, so is virtually all of this show.

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Shouldn't Sharon start stealing again? I thought they said every time she has faced a crisis, she's started stealing?

Then again, she has a hot new guy, so I guess this is supposed to be good enough to keep her from assaulting the local McD's and making a run of their napkins and ketchup packets.

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The Indigo set turned up this week.Another plot point that needs to be addressed.Neil should probably sell it.If we must endure Cane,maybe he should buy it.This might be a better meeting place than Jimmy's.

So Roxanne randomly re-appears.I thought she and Devon worked well together,but who knows if this is the beginning of anything,or she will disappear again?

I'm thinking Devon/Roxanne/Nate could be interesting.

This return to business with NE is welcome,but again seemingly comes from nowhere.We haven't seen Victor at the office for months.good writing would have weaved business stuff in for months before,so things would flow.

The same thing is bound to happen with Ridiculous Style.After months of Phyllis running around like a headless chicken putting the mag together,it's now been totally ignored.

Why the Jill hate?

After seeing Gloria in handcuffs after scheme #3456 has failed,why is this character still onscreen,when Jill languishes?

Meanwhile Ashley,who was having visions and delusions,wandering around the ranch a quivering mess is now Sally Sensible,after not giving birth.

Not that she's missed,but where is Eden?Why have characters that have no story or reason to be on the show?

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I was surprised they even remembered they had Roxanne. Maybe they went to the board and found our comments on how disgusting Devon/Tyra was, and how Tatyana Ali did a good job. They can easily build a romantic storyline around these two, but then again they don't even know how to do that for anyone else on the show.

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