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B&B: October Thread

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Yes, Brooke is hardly the innocent one...but I love her with the fire of 1,000 suns.

Taylor...not so much.

And it seems how I feel directly mirrors how Brad Bell feels. At this point, I'm fine if Taylor gets the Winsor Harmon/Lesli Kay "wallpaper" treatment.

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Since 'daytime whores' in my book includes males AND females... not even close by my estimation. I do think Brooke gets a bad rap because taylor is a stealth ninja-whore... she can cheat and lie but because she's great at pointing fingers, she gets everyone caught up in misdirection. Brooke has loved and at times demeaned herself for ONE man, Ridge. That's hardly whore like behavior... I can't defend the SIL boinking... and won't even try.

ATWT Emily... has slept with every man she's pretty much ever known and when that wasn't enough? She became a hooker... for kicks.

B&B... pretty much everyone, save Bridget... whores, all. Taylor gets special mention, drunk and following a man home like a stalker, sleeping with her enemy's father AND her son AND her brother, sleeping with strange MEN she didn't know... she's been BUSY! A load of strange men and THREE families? Stephen-Storm-Rick... Ridge-Thorne-(brief affair with Eric that nearly became a sexual tryst but Steph beat her there)... Ridge-Nick....YIKES!

GH... Sonny, Jason, Liz, Nik, Lucky whored himself out for drugs

DAYS... Another long list but Bo and John Black top the list for me.

YnR.... Shorter list is the list of NON-whores.

Brooke has a long way to go to reach the 'biggest whore in daytime' list in my book.

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Sonny, i will give you. Maybe even Jason... But Liz has been on screen for over a decade and only been with Lucky, Jason, Zander, Ric, and Nik. She was married to two of them and had a long relationship with another one. Her only whore move to date was sleeping with Nikolas and then accepting Lucky's wedding request.

Lucky? He has been with like 5 people in 15 years. and he didnt whore himself out for drugs, he had an affair with Maxie who fed him drugs and made him addicted so she could keep sleeping with him.

and Bo? Bo Brady on Days? Who has been with Hope, Carly, and Billie. And was married to them all? Maybe one more here or there im forgetting... Hes a whore?!?!

Im sorry but save Emily Snyder on ATWT and Brooke has no competition for the biggest whore title. Both in numbers and in actions.

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An affair is falling for someone you shouldn't be with when you're with another person. Lucky didn't 'fall' for Maxie. He only slept with her because she kept supplying him with drugs and refused his request for help when he wouldn't sleep with her. If Lucky was a woman, fans would have already called him a 'crack whore' or the equivalent.

Liz isn't a whore? Well, now I'm back to trying to figure out why Brooke is a 'whore'. Brooke was with men she was MARRIED to, for the most part. The worst acts were the SIL boinking sessions, but outside of that she was in relationships with the men she was with through much of the show's history. Is it the number of men, even if you're married to them, or is it the quality of the relationships that makes someone a 'whore'? Passing one man's child off as another man's child has become an art form for Liz. Ah, not just Jason and Lucky, but didn't she do the same with Ric and Zander!?!? Now there's this mess with Nik. Let's hope there's not a third child to pawn off on an unsuspecting 'not-the-daddy' victim.

Turning up whenever there is a man is in emotional crisis is another Liz trait (color me shocked that she didn't sleep with Patrick while Robin was away - she must have been off her game, or maybe the writers were even bored by having her 'give comfort' to another emotional wreck). Has Liz ever been faithful? She's been emotionally unfaithful to Lucky for so long that by the time she was sexually unfaithful, it was hardly a surprise.

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Its a combo of the acts and the number. brooke is a whore for every reason you listed Taylor as one. She has a high volume of men shes been with, most of them have been affairs, and most of them have been related. then there is all the son in law screwing she did for sport. shes a whore.

i never said lucky feel for maxie, i said maxie fed him drugs and amde him an addict so she could have him.

and liz has had whore moves over the years, as i said, but as a whole i dont find her to be a whore (and if i did id admit to it, i love most whores on tv shows. lol). the ric/zander thing was different. she slept with zander after leaving ric because he was psycho and then, i think but am not 100% sure, ric knew and wnated to rasise the baby as his own or some [!@#$%^&*] like that. and with jason and lucky, again she slept with jason after leaving lucky and yes she let lucky think the kid was his, its a selfish stupid move, but she came clean with him. its not like lucky thinks he the father of cam and jake and isnt, he knows.

brooke is such a freakin whore tho. just like taylor is. thats the point.

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yeah, wow. The whore word. :wacko:

Sorry, I just do not think Brooke is any less "ho"-ie (trying to compromise here -- the w word is up there with the c word for me) than any other female lead on the soaps. I can't go there with Brooke -- maybe because I like her but also because I honestly believe she is more sinned against than sinning.

She was in love with Ridge -- still is, though lawd knows I can't deal with their junior high woh-mance. He was her first! She married Eric when Ridge started his new life with Caroline. She was lonely, so was Eric, they mistook great affection for love and tied the knot.

Later, when she fell for Thorne (which I loved!), I saw it as this long-standing friendship (they were pals in the early days, back when Clayton Thorcross was playing Thorne) which suddenly bloomed into love without them even realizing it and even when they were busy trying to keep apart their respective love interests (Ridge and Taylor). It was a great, soapy romance which was inexplicably broken up by Brad Bell who wanted to tap the potential drama of a mother-daughter triangle. Breacon had some great short-term fireworks but it ruined Brooke and, for me, was totally out-of-place for a woman who up until that point had been devoted to her children and would never have hurt them. Even Stephanie up until then could not fault Brooke's role as a mother.

Ever since Breacon, the show has essentially been written by the seat of its pants with Bell throwing one plot point after another at us. So whenever Brooke is touted as ending up with somebody else (like Nick), I put it down to Jack wagner wanting to hitch his wagon to the female lead of the show and Bell humoring him. Another great potential pairing ruined by zigzag plotting of the worst kind.

Long story short: Brooke may be misguided, may get sex confused with love, may even have a few brain cells missing when it comes to a man (i.e.: Ridge). But she ain't no ho. She certainly has never seduced anybody for cash or power. Only out of love.

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Your analysis is on point, and I agree with it. Except...

...back in 1987, when starry-eyed Logan first catered for the Forresters (yup, poor girl in a rich house), the attraction to Ridge was made up of lots of components. His look and sex appeal was part of it. But his cash and power were part of it. Over time, as money became less of an issue for Brooke, I agree that it did not really motivate her in her romantic choices (although, I do still wonder about whether Eric's money and the ability to screw over Stephanie was part of the reason she got with Eric). But we cannot ignore that cash and power have been part of her foundation in being attracted to these Forresters. Humble roots... Father abandonment... These are the seeds of the Brooke we know now.

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The way I saw it at the time was a young Brooke (in college) crushing on this dazzling Prince Charming. And Prince Charming has all the attributes: good looks and a castle. I didn't see her as being a gold-digger who didn't care who her mark was, as long as he had wealth. Everything about Ridge overwelmed her: the megawatt smile, the tux, the rockstar-designer rep. I never for once thought the money was anything other than a bonus. It was Ridge's sparkling charisma (!) that swept her off her feet.

With Eric... I can see how toying with Stephanie may have been the cherry on top. But I really think she saw Eric as this lonely man who had never really loved his wife. And since she was lonely, too -- with huge daddy issues, as you say -- she thought he could make her forget her heartache and they could build an exciting new life. Undoubtedly, she was attracted by what he could offer her at FC, too, but thanks to her BeLieF formula, he ended up needing her (for business purposes) even more than she needed him. I honestly do not think she married him just to get 51% of Forrester Creations! That was all him.

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THANK YOU, Cat! For the entire post. I gave up thinking that the 'whore' word would ever go away. Now? I I just make sure that if I have to have that fight, the guys get included, too. I don't know why any of the women of daytime are labeled because NONE of them are as bad as daytime males.

Genetic variation in (Oakdale/Port Chuckles/Llanview) is dead thanks to (John Dixon-Holden Snyder/Sonny Corinthos/Todd Manning) -- and still the women get hit heavy... not ALL women, either... some women are 'excused' even others with the same history or worse, are pure evil.

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You lost me at "charisma (!)", LOL. For me, it only worked if I thought she thought he was rich, sexy, etc...but that rich was a big part of the story. Nonetheless, we agree. She has not been pursuing men for their wallets (or their prestige).

I believe the new term is "man-whore".

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LOL, Mark... I've given up that term too (though, I am still a Deuce Bigalow fan... I shouldn't admit that according to my sister, who is not a man-whore fan. Hey, it happens). I think whore works as a unisex term, if it has to be used at all... No offense to your gender, my friend, but how many men in daytime aren't 'whore-aas'? :P

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LOL, can't let down Brooke, even when the writing for her bites me in the ass, Norrth. I've been fighting that Brookie fight for far too long.

Seriously, we need to do a post on man-hos (I guess I should start being equal opportunity when it comes to lobbing the w insult at the boys). Uh, Ridge used to stick it in anything that moved. But I'm going to put that down to "Little Ridge" being the only brain functionning in the whole package. I won't even touch Sailor Nick (and neither should you if you don't want to catch anything). A woman in every port? Perhaps not, but he has certainly had women in every Forrester hallway. I am waiting for Nick to give poor, sick notBeth the 5 minutesnight of her life, thereby magically restoring her mental and physical health.

And don't get me started on Sonny Corinthos. Man-Boobs needs to give up the mob and start cruising the sidewalk and doling out tricks. The power of those dimples and that, uh, stutter would seemingly pull in more lucrative $$$ than all that messy mafia work.

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Poor Taylor cut out of her own beach house memorial. I really hope Katie gets to redecorate and has some taste unlike the previous owners.

They could have a Cabin memorial that lasts an entire week and re-show some fantastic clips.

If the Forrester's are so poor isn't it time that Brooke return to the lab and do what she does best, chemistry? I would like to see Brooke and Ridge having to sell their house and move in with Eric and Donna. Then when they are financially stable again, Ridge can buy it back for her!

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