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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I always thought that is exactly what should have happened, that Reva is found living it up with Kyle on some island somewhere (not San Crud) where he controls his business interests from afar. I can see why they had Reva in a "country," situation, after Ghost Reva we needed to know she was alive and breathing and RealReva was such a robust character it made sense to have her filmed in the sunlight. The Amish thing was stupid. I also think it would have been great to bring in Kyle as the big bad. I think he was popular but RR's Alan just sucked from the get go. A Kyle return taking on Lewis Oil and Spaulding, making Josh and Alex form an uneasy alliance to protect their interests and their families would have been great. Plus Reva having a few more kids with Kyle after the fact. I really dont know how there could have been a Kyle/Reva romance after that though, as how could Reva forgive him for not telling her about her kids? Maybe after Reva finds out she leaves Kyle and moves to the Jessup farm to gradually get her memory back and take care of herself. Kyle comes blazing into town ready for revenge and forms an alliance with Roger to take on Josh and Alex, with Reva stuck in the crossfire.

Alex never told H.B. the truth. One thing that was consistent was the Alex was both trying to protect Alan and using the truth as leverage (remember on soaps when characters had warring motivations and were not good or evil but something in between?)

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I believe Josh was back but trying to stay hidden because he was involved in flushing out the evil trucking scheme that was going on at this time, and had just killed poor Mindy's husband Kurt. That was part of the kind of ludicrous, but also sad, scenes where they kept putting off telling her because they wanted her to enjoy the wedding.

Here's the last half of a February 1988 episode. I guess this was not long before the strike.

Geez I think Will and Reva have the same hairdo! Only in the 80's.

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Edited by CarlD2
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That sounds good, Mitch, but unless Kyle were an amnesiac, too, and he had no idea who Reva was or what previous history they had shared, I'd be worried about damaging Kyle's character along with the Kyle/Reva relationship; and Jeva fans be damned, but I would do whatever it took to keep both relationships, or the whole push-and-pull of a Reva/Josh/Kyle triangle, "alive."

Not really. If Megan McTavish had bothered to include flashbacks to when Kyle and Reva spent that time on the other Amish farm, I think viewers would have been more accepting of the story, believing Reva had come to Goshen in the first place because the place and the people reminded her of some vague memories that she otherwise could not have explained.

Those were the days....

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On this 10th anniversary of 9/11, let us pause to remember the late T.J. Hargrave (1962-2001) who played T.J. Werner, the adopted son of Drs. Joe and Sara Werner on Guiding Light (1974-76). He was working as a Vice-President of Cantor Fitzgerald at the time of the attacks on the World Trade Center.

Edited by edgeofnight
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Carl I remember Lynne Adams' first go round as Leslie Jackson. She was not necessarily pretty but she was fiesty. I always liked Fran Myers better as Peggy. I think Barbara Rodell made the role her own and it's really her I remember most as Leslie. Lynne went on to play Amy on Secret Storm and I really liked her in that role. I think she and David Ackroyd had great chemistry...and then Jada Rowland shows up at the 1972 anniversary party, having spent all her money in Europe and she needed a job..and voila she was stunningly back as Amy. Lynne then exercised her right(?) and re-claimed Leslie Norris from Barbara. I don't think fans were that happy about Lynne returning. Barbara's Leslie had married Mike Bauer. Barbara had a vogueish beauty as Leslie and I don't know, it was jarring to have Lynne back. But gradually she won me over again. Their stories were kind of stupid - worrying about Hope, etc. but then Victoria Ballenger showed up (Carol Teitel) and now Leslie has her mother while her father is kvetching. That was good stuff. Freddie missing during the fishing trip - they couldn't kill off Freddie could they, and have Mike blamed?? More good stuff. So I was shocked the show decided to kill off Leslie. Adams and Stewart were finally gelling as the future tentpoles. Again, I think the idea of Mike being free to have romances was enticing stuff to play out. I just think Stewart emotionally wasn't into any of the actresses - with the exception of Lezlie Dalton. I guess the ratings got a shot up, but there was a void and Steve Jackson was kind of relegated to the background at the hospital. Steve and Bert remained close but he was such a great character. I wish in later years Rick Bauer had mentioned his grandfather.

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That photo is so startling. It almost looks like her face was put on there.

I have an old Radio Mirror with Charita on the cover; this was from the early 40's.

I love Bert but I love her most of all when she's a real b!tch in GL's 50's episodes. I wish she hadn't been quite so sweet all the time later on.

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I'd love to have a meal with Papa and Bert. Just one "Berta" to get through the day.

Bill always seems like a big fat loser to me. I never know why fans complained about him being written as such in his 1978 return.

Edited by CarlD2
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I was reading in a Digest from late 1989 that Joe Willmore (or is it Whitmore?) didn't think Ellen Parker was showing enough feistiness as Maureen. He approached Ellen Dolan about returning to the role. Ellen considered it, but they had to be discreet, since she and Ellen Parker lived on the same block, or something like that. Anyway, Ellen Parker found out, and she went to talk to him in his office, basically saying, "If you want to see feisty I can do it!" and they worked it out.

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