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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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we will not have our GL 4 the holidays this year and not get to see our characters we love - CBS how could U take away our Light away and put on tacky LMAD - I know it's cheap, but it has no heart and what will GL viewers who watched GL all their lives - do this year 4 Christimas.


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From around April 76

Barbara looks at Adam. His eyes are boring into her, searching for the answer to his question: "I want to know what's bothering you. I don't want any more excuses or evasive answers; I want the truth, now." Barbara feels a headache coming on, she steadies herself on a nearby chair to stop the dizziness. "I'm waiting, Barbara." She sees the confusion and concern on her husband's face, she knows, despite her promise to Holly, that she has to tell Adam the whole sordid story. Barbara hesitates for a second then blurts out what she has discovered about his son. At first Adam doubts the veracity of her story, but when the shock dies down he realizes she's telling the truth. Adam says he'll talk to Roger when he and Peggy return from their European honeymoon.

Love does strange things to a man. It distorts his vision and deafens his hearing. It creates false hopes to soothe the cravings within his body and soul. Tim's in love and he's experiencing all these things.

The object of his affections, Rita Stapleton, tells him over and over she wants things free and easy. She cares for him but she doesn't love him. She begs Tim to heed her words, but she knows he's deluding himself with dreams of walking into the sunset with her. Rita's right. Despite all she's said, Tim asks her to live with him. He says it'll be a trial marriage. "Let's live for the moment (with Tim anyway)" Rita ponders over how to handle this lovesick young man.

Before heading back to Springfield, Mike has one final meeting with Clint Pearson. It's a very profitable one, since Clint's parting words hint at a man who's got something to hide. This burly gent tells Mike he's making a mistake looking for Spence Jeffers around here; people who interfere in other people's lives are only hunting for trouble.

When Mike tells Ann what he's learned, her eyes sparkle like a child who has just been given her favorite toy for Christmas. She tells Mike she's sure Clint is Spencer and she wants to go to Redding to see for herself. Mike warns her not to, saying Clint is a dangerous character. Ann is too excited to listen to his warning.

There was a time when Tim's career was all that mattered to him, but with the advent of Rita, his work seems to be taking a back seat to his love -- and it hasn't gone unnoticed!

Steve comments to Joe that he has observed a change in Tim's surgical technique; it seems to be much slower. "If he doesn't pick up," Steve warns, "we'll have to take back the recommendation to make him Senior Resident."

Meanwhile the love of his life -- the fire of his heart -- has her own fires ignited by receiving a letter from Ed. Ed tells Rita he's decided to go into neurology. These written words bring a smile to Rita's lips.

Trouble at the Bauers

Mike's total involvement with Ann's case is causing Leslie great distress. Leslie feels there's more there than meets the eye -- or when Mike and Ann's eyes meet. It's bad enough that Mike has already taken two long business trips for this woman, but now he's going to accompany her to Redding, California. Ann is determined to go and Mike feels it's too dangerous for her to go alone. Leslie expresses her fears, telling Mike she feels that Ann is very much attracted to him, even though he may not reciprocate her feelings. She's afraid if they go off to California together something might happen. Mike assures his wife that he loves no one but her and she should have no worries in that direction. Leslie half-heartedly accepts Mike's explanation and lets him go on the trip.

Refreshed, rejuvenated and full of love and gifts -- the Thorpes (Peggy and Roger) have returned to Springfield. The hard cold dawn of reality that Roger's soon to be faced with, will be quite a change from the warm and serene dawns of Europe.

Roger gets a glimpse of the future when he stops by his father's house to bring him, Barbara, and Christina, some presents. He's surprised that Barbara won't come out of her room to see him. He's also perplexed by his father's strange behavior.

Adam's Anguish

It took a long time for Adam to trust his son and now with the heavy dose of truth Adam just consumed, it seems as though this trust has been destroyed. Roger tries to make his father see why it happened ("we were just two lonely people reaching out towards one another") and why he never told him the truth ("too many people would have been hurt if they knew I was Christina's father") but Adam just stares at his son coldly. From looking at his son's eyes, Adam knows Roger's really hurting by this rift between them but he feels there's little he can do at the moment to relieve Roger's pain, Roger leaves; and Adam replays their meeting in his mind. He wants desperately to believe his son but the truth is a bitter pill to swallow. Adam's mind twists and turns with indecision.

Ed's New Life

Ed's the picture of health and confidence as he walks through the halls of Cedars Hospital. He tells Joe and Sarah that he's decided to go into neurology. Later over a home cooked meal in Rita's apartment, he tells this beautiful young nurse -- and new friend about his new medical specialization. He also says she's greatly responsible for this change in him and he's quite thankful. Rita wants more than thanks from Ed (and she makes subtle hints in that direction) but Ed says he won't be ready for an involvement for quite a while yet.

Ann's Ordeal: Is It Now Over?

Ann and Mike wait for Clint, Ann's quite nervous; Mike asks her to wait in Clint's office. He says he wants a chance to prepare Clint for what's about to happen. Clint arrives and Mike tells him the real reason for his visits to Redding. Clint replies Mike is crazy and walks into his office. His mouth goes slack with recognition when he sees Ann standing there. Ann utters a questioning "Spence?"

Ann's Little Boy Lost for Good?

Spencer is not exactly overjoyed to see Ann. Her appearance places him in quite an agitated, nervous state. What he doesn't need is a part of his past showing up in Redding. Ann says she doesn't want to harm him, all she wants to know is where Jimmy is. At first, Spencer is quite evasive, but Ann keeps pumping him for information. Spencer can feel the noose tightening around his neck, he finally blurts out that it's too late, Jimmy is dead. He dies in a drowning accident in Alaska. Ann is completely shattered. Mike tells Spence that he's not through with him yet. He's going to check out every last detail of that story.

When Mike arrives back in Springfield, Leslie is distressed to learn her husband is still involved with Ann's case. She thought he'd be finished once he got back from this last trip.

Peggy Talks to Adam

Peggy has a heart-to-heart with Adam. She begs her father-in-law to accept the situation. She has and she's going to stand right by Roger. Peggy says Roger so needs Adam's love and respect. Adam finds it very hard to resist Peggy's heart-felt words. He tells his son he forgives him. He's not going to turn away from him again.

Peggy fares less well with Barbara. Barbara still blames Roger totally for the situation. She refuses to place any of the blame on her daughter's shoulders (something which Holly now does readily).

Holly is going to be Steve's new secretary. At Ed's suggestion, Steve interviews, then hires her for the job. Ed tells Holly they're both starting new lives now.

Tim Gives Rita a Gift

Rita opens the small, beautifully wrapped box. Inside she sees an antique brooch. Tim says the pin belonged to his grandmother and she gave it to him in the hopes that someday, he would give it to the girl he loves. Rita tells Tim it's lovely, but she can't accept it. She would feel very wrong about it. He's the best friend she has in Springfield, but she doesn't love him. She tells Tim it may be best if they stopped seeing each other. Things have just gotten too heavy.

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Thanks for posting that Paul Raven. Quite an interesting read.

A little off topic, but does anyone remember those soap chapter books they used to publish in the 80s? I remember they were all CBS and NBC soaps. I used to have so many of GL, ATWT and Y&R. I think they even made them for Capitol.

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I don't know what viewers CBS was going for with tacky, stupid LMAD, I know it's cheap, but if it was taken off next week who care or notice and there is no excuse we can not see our GL or the characters we love, the only thing I can do is not watch CBS daytime since they took off my GL and it was only business then I have taken my business other places - I am 3rd GL gen and have watched GL all my life and I am gone - GL will never be forgotten by the fans, but I do not miss CBS daytime at all.


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GL ruled and the Light shined bright - till CBS did the unthinkable - turing our GL off and they thought GL viewers would stick around and watch any tacky show they replaced our GL - well they thought wrong we have gone other places to watch and deleted the time where GL use to come on and don't care to watch what comes on CBS daytime now.


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