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Guiding Light discussion thread

Paul Raven

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I know people go on and on....about this location shoot, and it is shot nicely, however, it kind of is dumb. I love all the extras dressed up like local yokels, and I remember the scene of Reva on the front porch yelling, "Hiya cousin Andy, Marybelle its been so long, ah, Bevis you go on with your self," to invicible people! Plus, when Reva came to SF her name was mud, as she was just a social climbiing, brother screwing white trash floozy, who everyone was annoyed with, now all the citizens are in love with her? Also, it would have been nice to see the citizens of SF there for the wedding too.

Well, I guess I can compare this to Wheeler/Peakpack, where the boys for Billy and Vans wedding are fishing....in a storm drainage sewer!!!

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I never knew India's arrival in Springfield was pretending she was close to Alex all while actually taking the family's money while waiting to land Phillip. Mary Kay Adams is too shrill in the scenes with Alex (she got much better at this in no time at all) but otherwise these are very good scenes. I especially like India's vulnerability with the estate guy.

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Actually, Bev seems pretty shrill here, far different from her later, cool as ice Alex.She seems much more Marj/Alex here. I remember India appearing on the Spaulding door, telling Alex's assistant (wahtever happened to her anyway) "Please tell the Baroness her loving daughter is here!" Friday cliffhanger....great. India was originally going to be Beth's cousin, a down and dirty tramp but MKA read and Pam Long rewrote India and her backstory. I wish they would have had India return in 1995 instead of the deaged Amanda. India always knew how to get under Alex's skin, and I don't think we had any scenes between her and Marj/Alex, which was typical Rauch/EB stupidity.

Forgot that Irizzarry was so cute when younger

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Yes that was how India was originally concieved (thats why Kristi Ferrel tried out for the role).

Didnt India also sleep with Warren Andrews and alex found out?

As a die hard Phillip and Beth fan, I wasnt a fan of India, and def saw no chemistry between MKA and GA, but she was def maginificent in her scenes with BM and WB, and I liked the Maeve/India friendship.and India and simon.

That clip is funny as India describe hating being second best and she blackm ailed Phillip into marrying her despite him saying she was always played second to Beth in his heart and she did :lol:

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I guess when India came back in 1999 Alex was gone again, since Marj left for AMC. I don't think they overlapped that time.

Do you mean the stout woman in this clip, as her assistant? In one of the other clips on that channel, she (Jane) tells Alex she's leaving to go to a hospital somewhere.

I think Beverlee got shrill at times of the biggest anger for Alex - I seem to remember her being like this when everything was going wrong with Nick and Mindy and Roger. Usually she was more reserved.

I didn't know she was friends with Maeve.

What did you think of Mary Kay and John Bolger?

It's still odd to me sometimes how quickly they moved away from Phillip/Beth. I guess they knew GA was leaving.

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Yes I think they knew GA was leaving awhile before he did hence the switch up in couples, but I also think they later knew VI was leaving ahead of time as the started reconnecting Phillip (JB) and Beth, months before Lujack died, they even re di the Prom dance.

MKA didnt really have a lot of romantic/sexual chemistry with any man imo, except the Dude the played Simon, and maybe CB (Alan).

Yeah Jane also worked for Nola, I think before she worked Alex.

I was watching some old GL clips and what a shame they reduced Nola to so much comedy schtick (that wasnt funny), wanting to open up a Exercise place calle "Nolarobic :blink:

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Ron Raines complained how the entire clothing budget for the Spaulding family went to Marj and Mary Kay and that's why he was stuck wearing a yellow sweater. There were promo shots and everything, but Marj did what was best for her and went for where the money was.

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True, MKA as much as I love her..did not have a lot of sexual chemistry with men...the Simon character was such a dud so that didnt count. I did like her "friendship," chemistry with guys, from Lujack to Rick to GA's Phillip their second time around. I think this is the reason that the Ross and India relationship didnt last and that Rauch didnt know what to do with her, and termed her a "dog. I have no idea why the PTB loved RR so much but a good storyline would have been for them to have India marry Alan on his death bed (they could retro write it later that Alan once again faked his death to escape prosecution.) and battle it out with Alex from then on in. Loved that India was the only one in town to give both Beth and Reva [!@#$%^&*], and with a smile on her face. The Beth love from everyone in town at that time made Marland's Lily look like a wallflower.

Yea, as I said, always dislike RR in the role, he was toothless even when the writing was good. I remember the time the clip above played, and it seemed that GL was getting back on its feet after the disaster of the clone. Marj was actually good at this time..loved her confrontation with Annie in the attic ""Let me tell you, each time Alan and I have battled I won!" and "Ya got quite a bark on you don't ya sister!" Marj could be good when the wrote Alex with a backbone..not good in a Bev way, but a more down and dirty, midwestern Alex. Have no idea why the dropped the ball on that...and instead we got the Santos family and the fairy princes of San Crud.

Hated what they turned Nola into with the Nola aerobics and then just running out of town after Quinton. Of course, I would have killed Quinton off to give her more story so the original couple fanatics would have hated me!

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