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Y&R Upcoming spoiler dates

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Just seeing new photos for Y&R and it looks like Sept 17/18th is the location shoot dates/Colleen's death.

Greg Wrangler is in these scenes as well (ones with Beth Maitland)--the location involves the Patty character, plus Victor, Colleen, Jack and JT.

Looks like Victor gets shot as well.

Show 9233 is the 17th and the "Colleen in the water" scenes. Also looks like some sort of "life flashing before Colleen's eyes."

9834 has Colleen on the ground next to the lake. Assuming she is dead but it doesn't say it in any of the captions.

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Isn't that going to be a little difficult considering the role has been played by 3 different actresses and Tammin doesn't have any really memorable scenes as Colleen. Are they going to make new flashbacks to put Tammin in them instead of LF or AL, make up a past or just put Tammin's scenes?

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Guest dc cubs

I hope TPTB don't think having Victor getting shot will be enough penance for this plan he set in motion. There needs to be some serious ramifications for him. As a result of Victor's actions his granddaughter has brain damage and his wife's niece dies.

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Hopefully she will only be presumed dead and arise in a few weeks with a different actress in the role, though not likely since this writing team seems to love the shock and awe factor. In my eyes, the only difference between this regime and LML is a little bit of history infused in their asinine storylines.

I agree!!

Lie someone said here before, MAB is only recycling her on own crappy storylines. At this rate, the show won't be renewed in after these next two years.

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Last year, Victor's trophy wife was killed so we would feel sorry for him as Braeden slurred and phoned in attempts at grief. Victor's nasty behavior over the previous months was forgotten so we could be reminded he is everything. They also repeated to us a million times that Nikki brought Chow to town, so Nikki killed Sabrina, hoping viewers would forget that Victor brought Chow to town.

Now, Victor is again involved in actions that have destroyed lives, but already the show is shifting blame onto Paul (for being a bad brother), Jack (for being a bad husband). Victor will briefly be ostracized and then after his heart attack everyone will worship him again, because Victor is always awesome and can do no wrong.

We will probably get much more time spent on Victor's pain than on Colleen's death.

It makes death seem meaningless, as does having Phillip return from the dead and people barely care.

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The AL fans' campaign to get Tammin off the show sure blew up in their faces, didn't it? B) If Tammin must go, I wouldn't have it any other way.

Why is killing her off 'lazy'? It seems to me that the lazy thing to do would have been to just have Colleen say "okay, I'm going to stay with my mom for a while - see ya!" and then never be seen again. It wouldn't have required special effects and location shoots.

And to be fair, this is only the second major death since the current PTB have been in charge.

If only!

Exactly. And look at B&B - they killed off two legacy characters (Storm and Phoebe) in the same year!

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