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This isn't the fault of the fans. It's a bad decision by TPTB, but if my choices are to watch Tammin or have Colleen die, well, I wouldn't have it any other way either.

killing her off is lazy because they don't have the creativity or talent to create drama from the relationships between the characters. Instead they have to use psychos and one meaningless tragedy after another. It's all about shock and plot points. They couldn't figure out what do to with Colleen, so they killed her off. Meanwhile, she had several obvious stories that could have written themselves. The main one being a lifelong rivalry with Victoria giving a new twist to the Abbott/Newman feud.

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Oh please, being written off is far from lazy. It opens up the door for the character to return later on, and they haven't written off a main character IN A LONG TIME.

Killing a core character that has potential for years to come IS LAZY. Especially when they killed off her father in a similar manner earlier in the year.

This writing regime ALWAYS uses death, and when it's done, they never properly play the aftermath.

Sorry, I think you just like this because Tammin is taking the Colleen character with her. I don't think you're objective enough to see past that. That's just my opinion though.

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Not really, this way, Tammin exits PERMANENTLY, which is what we really wanted therefore I'm happy. They could always resurrect the character if they chose to but I don't think they'll be around long enough to have to worry about the future generation of the show.

It seems to me like TIIC are cutting their losses at this point.

I'm certain that they know full well all about the controversy surrounding Adrianne's firing and Tammin's hiring and how unpopular Tammin has been in the role of Colleen. That, coupled with the fact that Tammin clearly has no time for Y&R and is uncommitted to the role of Colleen has probably made TIIC decide to just dump the character. They can't get a storyline going because everytime they try, TS has to run off to film some idiotic teeny-bopper movie and it screws everything up. Furthermore, to this very day folks are still saying they want Adrianne - or Lyndsy - back in the role of Colleen. They've got a bit of a mess on their hands and killing off Colleen is their way of getting rid of it. While they could have simply sent Colleen off to live with Tracey in NY for a while, TIIC have opted for the "shock and awe" route, maybe in the hopes of a minor ratings boost.

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It is possible that the only way that Y&R could get rid of Tammin was to kill off Colleen as part of a major plot. From the beginning it was the obvious that someone got her the role of Colleen and kept her in it. She didn't even audition for the role. She also got all those long breaks away to make movies. Contract soap actors never get those breaks unless they are vets with the clout to negotiate those outs. We know that Y&R has to cut its budget so MAB decides to save some money and get rid of a problem in one fell swoop so goodbye Colleen.

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I don't know if her handlers would want the character to die just so she would leave. I think they gave her the long breaks because they had no interest in the character. She didn't start getting those until MAB took over.

I think the default option for this show is death and misery. They casually killed off Brad, so they will do the same to his daughter. Anything for a few minutes of shock value.

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On the contrary, I think it's appalling that they're killing off this character when they could have just kept Tammin on and given her story until such time as she chose to leave.

However, looking at this from the 'glass half full' perspective, I would rather she be killed off than have to see another actress in the role at some point. They could never find anyone as good.

Then why didn't they do that last year when Tammin actually WAS unpopular? Why wait until she finally gains a fan base and then kill her off?

This isn't about the actress. This is about the character. If they were unhappy with Tammin they would have recast long ago.

Again, that may have been true a year ago, but not so much now.


She did. She auditioned for another role and they called her back when they were recasting Colleen.

So does Graz.

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The only way her sugar daddy would allow the young nobody with no skills to leave was by taking the character with her not allowing for a recast. Aren't she and Vail Bloom the last things of LML's reign of terror to leave? This is probably why she was allowed to have all of the outs thus making way for their excuse of her being too busy to write for her character.

You STILL don't get it, she got the role handed to her by someone from Sony from which she absolutely did not audition for! I've also been told that she is really snotty in person. Futhermore, she has only recently gained some fans merely because HER CHARACTER is being snippy to the Newman's and was on the verge of a reunion with JT.

Graz does not get as many outs as she does.

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