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Y&R: Episodes discussion, week of August 24

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Didn't they also say how this summer was supposed to be fun or have romance or something?

They've gone back and forth so many times with Shick and Phick, and have absolutely demolished Sharon's character. She has become the most plot-driven character on the show, she's almost laughable. The latest being her very convenient blurting out of the truth right as Nick could overhear her.

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Not only that, here's how they plan on drumming up sympathy for Victor and totally drop his comeuppance when he's exposed as the person who brought Patty Jane to town, and it's at Colleen's expense, the girl he tortured throughout the final few months of her life...

That's some really crass storytelling, and they totally wasted the Colleen character for nothing. Also, Victor treated this girl like s.hit for her the last couple of months of her life and she ends up saving the day for him?

You know Victor's health problems will get all of those loved ones to come back in Victor's corner and forget all of the damage he's caused, and then poor Jack will probably be blamed for everything and Victor will end up getting no blame in overall end.

This show is written and run by idiots.

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That sounds just TERRIBLE. Y&R is now an ABC soap. That's something right out of Chuck Pratt or Megan McTavish's playbook.

I have to confess, in spite of my boycott, I watched a little bit of the Paul/Patty Jane stuff this week. (Hell, I put all that time in this story; I might as well watch the reveal). I'm not compelled to watch anymore of it. It's subpar, despite the efforts of the actors.

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MAB and her henchmen are turning into a poor man's McTavish, and you know it's BAD when you're a watered down equivalent of THAT.

Total word. The actors are doing their best, but the writing is just so soul-less, crappily executed, campy for all the wrong reasons, hallow, and void of any real substance.

It doesn't help that it gets played for camp and laughs in Monday's US episode with Gloria and Jeffrey, two useless and directionless characters.

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Oh crap. This is pure bull. And then when he gets her heart, he will suddenly become remorseful for his behavior, apologize to people and everything. And as soon as they believe they're redeemed Victor's recent actions, he'll start acting like a pig again after Braeden gets tired of playing a sweet Victor.

I really don't know what more to say. When you look at some other writers who have gone wrong, at least you get the feeling that they tried and that they knew what they were doing even though things didn't go well. However, looking at these writers, we know that they don't know nothing about good writing so even at coming up with ideas they already failed miserably.

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Don't be mistaken, they will go through every single soap opera moment during the next few months. We'll have more explosions, hostage situations, psychos, affairs, baby switches in only a few weeks.

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Remember when we were constantly told to hold out hope for the fall? Well, it looks like we were right to not be optimistic and just expect more of the same lame and hack writing.

There's no use defending anyone on this writing team, especially Bell, Sheffer, and Hamner. They ALL need to go.

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