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GL: August discussion

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^^^ Ah, Mitch! That sounds absolutely fan-tab! :D

I realize pre-EW GL was nothing to write home about, but IMHO she destroyed this show. She destroyed with the new "production model" launch when the show was obviously not ready. She destroyed it by choosing "cutie pie" Krapsman to (supposedly) write the show. She destroyed it by allowing these inane pairings like Cassie/Josh, Marina/Mallet, Harley/Cyrus to continue for months and months.

The bones of this show were still in place when she took the reins. It was by her hands that it has died.

When I tune in these days to watch, a little over a month before the finale, I'm pissed off that there seems to be no momentum in the stories heading into September. It seems everyone is just wandering around town, aimless and directionless, waiting for someone to cross their path in the most pathetic way, and then have a throw-away, pointless conversation with them.

And yesterday's show with Bill going on about how he thinks "that one was a boy" after boinking Lizzie was just <<< ugh >>>. And for him to continue with the "I'm gonna give you a girl now" was just TMI over the top for me. Hey, I'm all for everyone gettin' some, but that was just a little too much for me.

It makes me wonder how the show is going to end. So far, it doesn't look promising.

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Billy and Lizzie are supposed to be "cute," but both of them come off as being, uh stupid most of the time. I know this is Wheeler's reaction to viewer's complaints that the show is to dreary, but come on, they are both educated young adults who have come through a [!@#$%^&*] load of issues and they act like they are high school sweethearts without a care in the world. Yesterday's thing with him and the sex problem was supposed to be funny(and the Bill actor played it well) but made Bill look like a tard (who in their right mind would bring up sex to their mother, much less Vanessa???)

Just be thankfull they didnt go to WSPR and hold a press conference like they did everytime one of them farted or had a hangnail.

All of Wheeler's NUGL have been people walking around having pointless conversations. It made more sense when they had the Beacon lobby where everyone would go or to go really old school, have everyone converge at Cedars ( there was a reason old school soaps had set everything in a hospital, it made more sense if everyone worked there to bump into each other.)

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What the hell is Robert Newman doing??Did he make a pack with Satan or something, or did God just feel sorry for him for having to have scenes where Zimmer opens up that gaping maw of hers constantly to scream! The man looks better then he did when he first started on the show.

I know all the BC/Jeffie and KZ/Reva cookoo nustsos would disagree, but it makes it even more ridiculous when put him up against BC, he of the craggly face, thin hair and eyeliner and weird voice. Why the [!@#$%^&*] have we been having BC shoved down our throats (Ewww the image) while RN has sat on the sidelines doing nothing. Coulda put him with Blake and those two would have made Frousey, sweaty Reva and Craggy Jeffie look like retreads.

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