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GL: August discussion

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I'd completely forgotten Beth actively chased Matt.

Anyhooo....floved most of Dinah's drama today. I think Shayne's a tool for bitching at her. Isn't he the same airhead who thought nothing of telling no one that Henry was his bio-child? Didn't he praise Dinah for keeping that secret...even from him? Ugh...just proves you never mess with a man's mama. *eyeroll*

But her goodbyes with Bill and Vanessa made me well up. Especially Vanessa, who told her she was glad she was running. And then the last scene with Mallet. *sniff*

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would have like to see GL end seeing Edmund with his grandson Henry and seeing Josh/Reva with their grandchild would be so much better - then having them keep forcing jeff on us and keep telling us jeff his wonderful - Let Eddie Live and it would be better if the Light stayed on and we would get to see the characters we love and not for a tacky game show to replace our GL.

GL HOTLINE: 866 - 695 - 1859

email: [email protected]


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Granted GL needed better TPTB for GL - however GL still had many wonderful actors and some characters I still care about and they are not tacky and they deserved better then finding out they were losing their job on April Fools Day and like us[viewers] thought it a bad April Fool Joke - that was really tacky of CBS.


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Got in calls to both GL and CBS today - both say GL is suppose to end 9/18 not 9/21 - told CBS what I thought about a 50 yr. old game show taking GL place - told GL what I thought about Edmund coming back also about baby Henry, Josh, Reva, Jon, Jeff, Olivia and about a Edmund/Jon twist that could be interesting.

GL HOTLINE: 866 - 695 - 1859

email: [email protected]


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I had a dream last night that I watched GL's final episode, and was sorely disappointed. It mainly consisted on Lizzie and Marina talking and some Reva/Jeffery stuff, and then at the end there was a house collapse which Jonathan got caught up in. And then special music played and Zimmer thanked everyone for watching 72 years. Yeesh...

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I have good reason for wanting Edmund on GL till the end - just upgraded my cable with a DVR - where everyone looks better - could not wait to see DAM again and record him with my new DVR and Eddie looks even better then I thought he would - so I want to record as much DAM [Edmund] to have it look at for a long time after GL goes off - Let Eddie Live!! IMO - if jeff didn't stay dead - then no one should have to die - don't want GL to end with deaths - they could say Edmund did the bad things - because of all his head injuries - It would have been better to end with Edmund/Josh/Reva with their grandchild - think DAM may be on show till the show end, but guess we will see.

IMO - CBS is worst then Alan Spaulding - kind of wish he would take over CBS - don't think Alan would take off GL - however he might give himself a major storyline with him front and center and he might change the name of the show to "Spaulding Light" and demand shares of P&P stock.

GL HOTLINE: 866 - 695 - 1859

email: [email protected]


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WTF??? How many more phallic innuendos will we be subject to as we watch Olivia pine away for Natalia?? Y'know...I get that the whole Nat/O thing has a following, but I'd much rather see less of "the in joke" as the single men of Springfield proposition the LesbianO, and MORE of ANYTHING else family-friendship oriented in these last precious days of GL.

Dr. Rick sticking a hotdog in her face has to be proof the writers no longer GAS.

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