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Y&R: Episodes discussion., Week of July 6

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Mark - the picture I have in my mind of Patty is Linda Carter in the Exorcist, only without the vomit. I really think she's possessd by her psychological demons, so much so that the "good" part of her feels really guilty. I think there's almost two sides to her. This vulnerable child that we've seen with Victor, Jack and even Paul - and this demonic side that comes out toward Phyllis and Sharon.

The bad part of her justifies her actions by having to break some eggs - the good part of her hugs Victor for dear life cause she's so afraid. She made a card for Summer...She's apologized to her in the hospital room. I think she's shown remorse. But she's losing hr grip on reality. And then there's those pills....

Just as there were clues and hints and subtext about her identity, there is the same for her character and mental state.

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Thank you for answering my question! I wasn't expecting such detail.

I don't think they have plans to redeem Adam, and I think the sudden monologues are more about trying to add some type of coherency to a story which many viewers seemed to become very confused by, but we'll see.

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And PAUL!!!

Nikki's fiance, Nick's future stepfather, Victor's long-term friend, Heather's father...heck, even once Phyllis' nemesis. Not having him there to express outrage also blunts the ironic emotional impact that HIS SISTER is the one who caused all this.

I don't see how all these stories are exploding around Paul (Nina's story...she was his ex-wife's BEST FRIEND; Neil's daughter....he was her late husband's BEST FRIEND; Summer's story, for the reasons above), and he is a non-entity. I feel as incensed about Paul's absence as lmfan does about Lauren.

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A bit of a twist in the thread....

Adam's line made me giggle: ""Rafe, what I did with you I have never done with anyone before. I thought that what we shared-- you know, you should probably just leave. I mean it. Get out."


Adam had a robust sexual life with Skye, Heather, and probably others. So I am hard pressed (no pun intended) to wonder what the writers are intimating here!!

It was a great line...because it just totally opens up prurient speculation without being remotely dirty. I love how the writers are playing with us on this score...

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Well - Paul was there two days last week. In fact, he was the one who alerted Nikki to Heather's plans to investigate Phyllis.

That being said - you're right. He is missing from this week's shows. But at least he was involved at SOME point.

Or maybe I'm nuts and this is one of those "making excuses" posts. I can't tell anymore. LOL! But I do think Paul was at least involved in some small way, and with his unfortunate absence, we have gotten very interesting and unique Victor/Nikki scenes in their place.

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Maybe you're too easy on this show too :lol: .

Imagine, though, as Victor and Nikki had that moment...if Paul had spied it from around the corner. That would have been classic soap :).

Again, I really do understand the business aspects, I really do. But I think there is another model...trim your cast to what you can afford, and then play them 4-5 days a week. I'm probably unrealistic.

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Ugh..just this once( :angry: ) .... but you can't discuss the spoiler here. :P

On to today's show, I didn't like how the episode didn't pick up from Tuesdays' cliffhanger of Philip outing himself to Nina. And that story isn't playing in Thursday's US episode either. I hate it when there's no follow up to big tags/cliffhangers. :angry:

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Toups, so your'e saying that the Phillip/Nina coming out scene has aired? I thought Tuesday's eppy was pre-empted? I sure as hell haven't seen this scene air yet. I just thought Tuesday was pre-empted, and US and canadian eppies were all pushed back a day. I'm confused.

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Thanks, Toups! I swear, the spoiler wasn't a "make it or break it" spoiler, and it was connected to the Rafe/Adam discussion. But I promise, it wasn't those "I've ruined the next three months of story" kinda spoilers. And I won't do it again.

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Those FU#*ERS! I did see that soapnet had brought back the whole week's worth of eppies on Saturday night, so I can catch it then. You know, the official DAMN SITE said on it's front page that Tuesdays eppy was pre-empted, just in case, I tuned into my CBS affiliate at 11:05 and saw B&B, then 11:30 newscast. It's a hell of an out that they picked TUESDAY'S eppy, when Phillip drops his bomb, to screw around with the time scheduling. Damn these celebrity funerals.

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