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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Uh, it's Beyonce.

Britney Spears??!?!? That was ten years ago LMAO.

The only good characters are the ones who are being coddled: The Chancellors. Everyone else is either languishing or dead.

I don't see why she can't take the formula she's been using on the Chancellors and apply them to everything else. Damn. If she didn't know what she was doing at all, then I'd just say fire her but she obviously know something. I'm one of those youngsters who hates watching octogenarians make out but MAB and 'em made it sweet. That's miraculous to me. If she could do that, then she should be able to make me like Lily again and make Victor smart.

I'm still pissed about Victor. Dammit.

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Alvin, I understand the lack of romance... I would like to see more of Katherine/Murphy as well. I don't know if you agree, but I and many other felt Goddard had SMOKIN HOT chemistry with Haiduk. Seeing that, do you think the lameness that is LANE is due to the actors, or the writing? Personally, I put all the blame at the feet of Kahlil. I still remember how with the same writing regime, Lily was so mcuh EASIER and ENJOYABLE to watch once Sherwood came on board.

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It's one of the big reasons this gaslighting storyline has become a big bomb. Everyone involved has become stupid, and we know Victor wouldn't trust some scoundrel who he found lying to him more than once, not even his son, especially after his recent history with Adam. It's pathetic and nonsense writing.

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Oh. ok... I'm not very familiar with modern music, but you get the idea. I say it's about time the Chancellors are being coddled. But I think it's also the overblown cast coming into play. MAB is trying to spread heself too thin, not giving everyone the attention they deserve... the ones that GET attention get good SL's, so I think she needs to cut down the cast, and focus. The show needs TWEAKING, not an OVERHAUL.

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OK, here's how it's gonna go down.

Jana's gonna go ballistic rotting in jail, break out, run into the Newman ranch (because you know there ain't no security over there and because she's got so much adrenaline, she's running on crazy), grab Adam's hypodermic needles, steal Noah's car (which he obviously hasn't been using since his friends always pick him up for sleepovers) drive to the "mausoleum," and stab Murphy in the neck with the empty needle. (She won't need motive and there won't be explanation as to why she killed Murphy cause this is MAB and it's about the gore and violence)

Then, she'll drive to Crimson Lights and torch the place to the ground with Michael, Kevin, Amber, Gloria, Jeffrey, Cane, Tyra, Ana, and Devon inside.

She didn't even sell out overseas, apparently. Beyonce sold out like everywhere. But I'm not a huge fan of either of them and it's all one's opinion anyway.

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Beyonce is annoying the ish out of me these days. <_<

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