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Y&R: Potpourri Thread

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Meh, Maria Arena Bell has had the same big problems from the start of her writing tenure during the strike and they only appear to be intensifying now.

Again, my list, which I could add more to if I thought about it more...

But she still can't tell these stories, which used to be essential to the show:

-Can't write corporate storylines.

-Can't write for the minority characters (OK, the Winters).

-Can't write strong female characters.

-Can't properly develop and write for new characters.

-Is a big fan of disgusting plot points that turn many off and are seen as offensive.

-Has potentially caused core characters (Adam, Patty Jane) to be irredeemable and has written them into a tricky corner.

-Can't write romance stories.

-The 20's set is given horrible stories, like this art storyline.

-Doesn't write for almost half of the canvas, yet always writes for favourite characters repeatedly.

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But that would require writing for a strong female character, and since Felecia isn't a psycho or there's no man for her to go nuts over and chase after, there's no room for her on the canvas. They, however, have room for yet another slutty male character that can play a one-not villain. :rolleyes:

This writing team is jacked up...


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Puhlease, every social issue that LML told was told in such a plot driven way and just thrown together. It was rarely about WHAT story she decided to tell, but how poorly her team executed it.

You know, I understand why Josh Griffith was rewriting the show. Maybe he should've remained with some power as Co-HW as opposed to being EP. He understood her flaws early on and could've been a nice balance. Just look at how bad the show was when it was just her and him. It's hard to see just whose at fault in all this, lol! All three seem to have their problems.

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Damn y'all. Not only did you totally spoil that deacon's coming on y&r <_< , I read all these assumptions that the storyline will suck??

The hint of his character isn't even on the canvas and y'all are complaining already? Yeesh.

Not that you're wrong lol. Of course Deacon will be 1D and of course Felicia didn't come onto the show cause she's a smart character that's too difficult to write for.

But damn. I'd like to see sexy-ass Sean back on the tube before I deem him as much of a joke as Cane.

And MAB has gotten off to a pretty rough start but like alphanguy79 said, we're judging her off of really a year's work with Shaeffer and Hamner. Who says it's those guys that aren't the idiots? What if she's spearheading the only smart-female-character-driven storyline now? (Despite the hole where P3 comes back from the dead, which is intriguing in and of itself)

I say let's see if this wonderfully bad art story will end up as horrendously as Mendorra on OLTL or if it'll bring abould real change on Y&R as Sabrina and David Chow's sudden plot-driven deaths have, IMO.

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The art storyline already sucks and gets worse day by day, I hardly doubt one character that's very one-note will be able to save it.

Some of us would like to see more of the current cast utilized instead of add new characters whose primary history took place on another show, and we're tired of the Scobby gang being propped.

Have you seen Kanan lately? Meh.

MAB's problems started long before Sheffer joined, I listed many of them, and they've only gotten worse IMO. I think there's a reason why these problems existed before Sheffer and after Sheffer, and since MAB is the common link there, I give her blame.

And MAB constatly brags to the press on how this is HER show and HER vision, and she's the only one on that writing team with a Co-Executive Producer credit. So, in reality, she lets a lot of bad bad storylines slip though. I'm not saying Hogan and Scott don't spearhead them, but MAB and her authority over them lets it go though when she has the power to stop it.

LOL, the Scobby gang bring about real change? Unlike Sabrina and David, who were tied to Nikki and Victor, the Scobby Gang aren't real vets and they've been fed horrendous storyline after horrendous storyline. They're all poorly defined characters and perhaps the weakest link of the entire show. This set has been ridiculously propped and they aren't getting better, IMO.

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For me, Sabrina's death brought changes which were for the worst, and have been close to the last nails in the coffin for the Newmans (MTS staying means the last nail isn't in yet). That type of heavy, dark, depressing material where so many characters were dragged down for the sake of the plot, including one who should have been a long term fixture (Adam).

I think the only way a B&B character could change Amber's life for good would be if Rick crossed over, or if they brought back her mother Tawny. I wish they hadn't killed off her cousin Becky, she was a great actress.

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