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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Ah, so that's what that was for. I think I got distracted for a couple of seconds there. LOL


I think the next three Degrassi girls who have a shot at a CW show (or joining an American show) could be Charlotte Arnold (Holly J), Samantha Munro (Anya) and Paula Brancati (Jane).

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The second episode was even better than the pilot. It seems this is an actual quality show with actors that can overcome the somewhat corny dialogue, but even that seems to be getting better.

Stephen R. McQueen has me wrapped around his puppydog finger. How that bitch can deny him at all is beyond me.

Ian Somerhalder is pretty delicious as the evil brother. Literally just [!@#$%^&*] with the town for kicks. Though it seems underneath it all he desperately wants his brother standing side by side him [!@#$%^&*] up the world LOL

I was shocked another one of the girls got attacked so quickly. And the show actually gave me a genuine scare moment when Damon appeared to Evelyn. It probably helped I turned all of the lights of in the basement to watch :)

I hate the ass hole guy. How Matt even lets him near his sister doesn't really make sense to me. That should be against every friend rule there is.

And then there's the psychic chick. She'll be fun to watch for sure.

Edited by Amello
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I love this show, it's my secret little guilty pleasure lol.

Nina Dobrev is :wub: I don't get the hate she gets from some folks(never watched Degrassi TNG). Same goes for Paul Wesley. I think these two are great leads and I'm diggin their chemistry.

I like Damon, but I hope he isn't gonna be killing folks at the beginning of every episode. OMFG at the end of episode 2! :o Hopefully he didn't kill Caroline cause I'm diggin her too.

Bonnie's another one of my favs. It'll be interesting to see how her psychic powers develop. Can't wait for

Also lovin the Aunt. Couldn't care less about the two druggies, the guy who played Ozzie on 90210 or Elena's ex. The teacher guy is a douche too.

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I'm hooked on this show after tonight.

Near the end with the actress playing Bonnie happily surprised with her small freak out scene. And how refreshing is it to see a character like Matt be a genuine good guy even when it would understandable for him not to be. It,s characters like him that I absolutely fall in love with.

This show is not healthy for me. Witch Zach Roerig, Stephen McQueen and Ian Somerhalder it's one huge swoon fest that I hope I can handle every week.


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It is a total swoonfest and a real guilty pleasure. I imagine Twilight fans are geeting their Edward Cullen fix in between movie installments by watching this show.

What really drives Vampire Diaries, though, is the MOLTEN hot chemistry between Dobrev and both her leads -- Paul Wesley and Ian Somerhalder. The love scene between Elena and Stefan when he morphs into Damon was sexy AND freaky. Seriously, Damon is the funnest baddie ever, but at least he has this connection with Katherine which stops him from being a total cartoon villain. The way Stefan looks at Elena is equally affecting and as rivals, they are more or less equally matched.

And top marks to Kevin Williamson for fleshing out the supporting cast -- tart-with-a-heart Vicki, druggie Jeremy. The guy who plays Matt is a stand-out, anchoring all the characters in their scenes. He is like the heart of the group. I also really enjoyed witchy Bonnie.

Edited by Cat
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[!@#$%^&*], I LOVE this show. Such a great and very unexpected twist at the end. And now Bonnie is fully realizing she's definitely got some power. Should be fun to watch unfold.

You think we'll ever see Caroline's gay daddy? Probably not.

And Jeremy ... how someone would pick him over any human being is beyond me. DE. LIC. IOUS!

Susan Walters premiered in this episode playing a rich bitch. I would think due to her being the mother of one of the main characters and the twist at the end that she'll be in more episodes.

Anyone know when Jasmine Guy premiere's?

And the best part? Making fun of how stupid Twilight is! Hilarious and 100% correct.

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I love Caroline's line to Damon: "Why don't you sparkle?"

Caroline really grew on me in this episode. Bonnie OTOH? They need to do something big with her, because if every episode is going to be "Bonnie learns to switch out the lights with the power of her mind," it is going to be a lonnnnng, hard slog towards realizing her powers. Out of the supporting cast, she is not the most interesting and they need to work on that.

Cool seeing Susan Walters. I half expect her to turn out being a vampire, just so she can stay young and beautiful! BTW, I think Elena's parents were killed because her mother was working at the Heritage Founders Foundation or whatever it's called and stumbled upon the Salvatores being vampires. I wonder what is up with the watch left to Jeremy, though, and why the Lockwoods want it.

Damon remains a sexy mofo. This show is pure escapism. LOVE it.

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ITA! Great ending - didn't see it coming.

That was funny. :lol:

I was so glad she wasn't killed off. When Damon bit her I thought she was a goner for good this time. I fell for it again. LOL

Well, it's gotta be a slow build up! I don't mind if they take it slow. I would hate it if she discovered/mastered her powers by like episode 10.

She's still a MILF!

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