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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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Godfuckingdammit Vicki is dead. No. NOOOOOOO. Too soon! Too early! Why turn her and kill her on the next episode? Although, with her addictive personality, it'd be a miracle if she ever learned to control herself.

I never thought I'd see Diane Jenkins as a nasty, drunken, bitchy slore.

Jeremy broke my heart: "Why does everyone die on me?" Aaaaw, come here baby, lemme comfort you.

Damon did something nice? Wow.

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Yes, bitches are my life. Looking forward to what's in store. VD (laugh.png) is definitely what I'll be doing all night! biggrin.png

That is certainly true about binge watching. It changes everything in terms of slow moving or bad periods. Thinking back on it, I don't know how I ever did some shows once a week. HOMELAND is a great example of a show whose frustrating aspects were significantly lessened with binge-watching.

And, yes, spoilers are evil and a huge contributing factor to why TV is less of a fun experience.

Again, thanks. I know there is no obligation for this thread to be spoiler free so I'll be as careful as I can when reading but it helps! I've seen people respond to someone they know is watching for the first time with all types of insane spoilers. You know, the "ooooh just wait until so and so dies in episode 8 and she gets raped in 10 and the earthquake at 15 but no spoilers!" types LOL

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Lol at the reaction to Vicki....just kills me to this day how they utterly effed up one of the best characters on the show as far as potential.

The first 2 seasons were pure awesomeness. The rest is downhill save for the baddest b*tch to ever appear on the CW aside from Leighton Meister from Gossip Girl.

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Up to episode ten:

Bonnie showing Elena she's a witch was a magical scene. Really beautiful! I am enjoying Bonnie's journey.

I am so pissed off that they keep killing interesting characters!!! First Vicki, then Lexie!

I had my first legit "I hate Elena" moment when she suddenly changed her mind and begged Stefan to stay. What a pathetic bitch! I'm glad he turned her down.

Matt & Caroline are love. End of story.

Jeremy finding out that Tyler can draw and trying to reach out to him was fantastic. You can see why Tyler is the way he is considering what a douchenozzle his father the mayor is. Loved Alaric I am confidently sexy Saltzman coming to the kids' rescue and that Tyler still couldn't let Jeremy in.

Holyfuckholyfuckholyfuckholyfuck Logan's back and he's a VAMPIAH!!!! That was my reaction. And for them to kill him in the very next episode!!! Godfuckingdammit already!!!!!!! His return was a beautiful cliffhanger, though.

I'm loving Alaric. Where the hell do they find all these incredibly beautiful men? And Alaric is so nice and hot and awesome... that means he'll probably turn into an evil chit.

Stefan and Elena's first sex was yum! Although I'm confused as to why they would use a song about cutting as the soundtrack. Do they not listen to the lyrics? lol Stefan's body is to die for, by the way. No pun intended. I mean, hot damn.

It's so delicious that the sheriff trusts Damon now and that Katherine may be returning. Fun!

Great twist with Elena seeing Katherine's portrait/picture and running off. The car accident was great (loved that shot of the windshield breaking off on her face) and the thing unbreaking its bones was creepy. I bet thatfucker is Damon, messing with her head. Don't tell me!

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Up to episode 17:

At some point, I felt the twists were becoming too much. Shocker after shocker after shocker, I almost got whiplash, but maybe it's because I was binge watching. This being said, Katherine ending up not being in the tomb was a GREAT twist and a wonderful way to keep the mystery going and prolong her eventual return.

I totally fell for Anna's act, so it was a big shock when it turned out she was a vampiah. That actress can go from adorable geek to nasty bitch to lovesick undead in a blink of an eye. But it was annoying that Ben was ALSO an undercover vampire.

I am STUNNED that characters like Alaric and Anna haven't been killed off yet. I thought they were goners for sure! lol I am so happy to see Alaric return to life.

It's been two episodes without Bonnie at this point and I haven't missed her.

Isobel being a vampire & with an agenda of her own is very intriguing, as is the story of the returned vampires hiding out in the farmhouse (so Y&R of them). Miss Peal is a badass bitch: "I have 400 years on you, little boy. I'll rip you from limb to limb not blinking an eye, and you know it!" Minor gripe: These vampires are adjusting to their new life WAY too quickly. So you figure out a cell or the TV but no way should they be using extremely modern phrases and words this soon and without any sign of difficulty. CW, relax your insistence on 'young,' 'hip' dialogue, please (five years later! lol)

So fun to see Dax Griffin and Melinda Clarke on the show. Melinda played the guilt of not having been a good mother when confronted by Matt to perfection, Speaking of Matt, he and Caroline are still LOVE. Coochie coo.

Sweet baby Jesus and all that is holy, Jeremy wants to be turned? Hold me, I'm fainting! I'm not too crazy about Anna being all lovesick.

The last ten minutes of Elena giving Stefan her blood for the first time, Stefan turning a bit violent towards her, the montage of people dealing with my boo Vickie's death, Alaric punching Damon & Damon letting him (that SO needed to happen), Anna realizing Jeremy wanted to be turned to be with Vickie and then Damon discovering Stefan almost inhaling human blood... perfection! PERFECTION!

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That was a fantastic end to Elena Gilbert. Funnily enough, just when I thought to myself how it would have been great if they kept Jeremy showing up a secret, he instantly popped up, thankfully.

Still, it's a damn shame to lose Jo. Jodi Lyn O'Keefe was a great addition. Poor Alaric.

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Super nice of you to let me know! Thus, I didn't get spoiled! :D Thanks!


Doing season 2. Up to episode 3. Why does Bonnie have to be such a basic bitch? I feel like I should love her but her dialogue, her stank attitude, it's grating on my nerves! Insecure, neurotic, over-the-top Caroline on crack is hilarious! Tyler's getting on my nerves, too, but yay for him and Taylor Kinney running around half-naked most of the time. DAMN at Damon breaking Jeremy's neck, truly intending to kill him. I'm glad Elena told him he lost her forever but we all know she'll be gunning for that peen sooner or later. And Katherine... I'm REALLY interested in seeing what she does.


And, RIP Hot Black Dayplayer who had a really bad night before getting drained to death. What a way to go!

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