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The Vampire Diaries: Discussion Thread

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I had no idea they were together INL, but i agree they are hot. I wish Damon and Elena could get a season together. Maybe this is supposed to be their year, but they won't really go there completely.

What really surprised me is Elena saying that last night was her anniversary with Stephen. It's only been one year in TVD time?

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Since he was on ATWT, I have found Zach Roerig beautiful and he has only gotten better looking. They need to do more with Matt on the show. I am hoping that he and Bonnie hook up now that she is done with Jeremy.

Edited by Ann_SS
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Williamson has talked over and over about what an amazing acor he is and how they're looking for a major part in the show for him to play, so it sounds liek they're going to stick with him. I hope so--and I agree with you, though not sure about Bonnie. I guess that would form some drama between he and Jeremy though :P

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Yeah, I ahd the same worry.

Just got caught up--seemed weird that Rebecca completely was missing this episode (I guess she's off with hybrid boy). And I thought Elena was a bit of a bitch with her reaction towards Jeremy--Yes Bonnie's her friend and he was acting pretty foolish, but she of all people should have understood his feelings.

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I wasn't sure I was going to like this episode because I am not entirely sold on this Klaus/Rebecca/hybrids thing. But weirdly I liked that this latest episode focused almost entirely on Rebecca telling Elena about how she came to be a vampire, complete with "historical" flashback. Luckily, the actors worked overtime to make this pagan world of runes and sacrifices and alliances between different tribes come to life. And good to see Sebastian Roche ham it up with his awesome voice.

That final scene was -- I don't know what to say about it. Except that I watched it holding my breath. Elena and Damon "sharing" the same bed, talk about drawing out the sexual tension. And Elena telling Damon, in the dark, that when Stefan turns back into NiceStefan, it won't be because of his love for her, but for his love for his brother. Damon not saying anything, perhaps understanding that vampires will carry their humanity with them always, whether they want to admit it or not (which I think was the point of this entire episode. Even Klaus's evildoing is recognizeably human).

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I love seeing the "history of Vampires" on this show and True Blood - there's just something about old school vampires that are kind of more interesting than vampires in the 21st century. So the first vampires were created by witches! That's pretty cool. Vampires weren't just "there" or evolved like humans. So now the question is, were the werewolves or witches "created" or did they exist/evolved?

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I think Witches are seen as always being there--as they serve nature and come from that. Werewolves I suspect were somehow created as the implication seems to be that they're a bit of a curse against nature as well.

i loved it too, but one thing confuses me. Why then was Eli so bent on killing Klaus last season? did he know klaus killed his mom? Or was it just cuz klaus was going around temporarily "killing" all their relatives?

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  • 2 months later...
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Never mind Klaus! Finally Damon and Elena kissed. Finally. Sometimes I wish Elena was a more relatable, kinder character, because then I would be truly addicted to this show. I guess the plot goes by so fast that they don't have time to refine her character, except as an object of two brothers' affections. Still. The kiss. About damn time.

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  • 4 months later...
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Anyone else watch this show? My friend got me into this show and now I'm totally hooked. Can't get into Twilight at all but Vampire Diaries is like what Twilight was trying to aspire to be like. And all the actors can actually act their socks off.

I know the triangle between Stefan/Elena/Damon is one of the mainstays of TVD but it's so obvious that Damon & Elena are *the* story. They are off-the-charts hot and now the revelation that Damon had met her first will add a whole new dimension to their relationship. The season finale with Elena dying and coming back to life (obviously as a vampire). :o Can't wait for Season 4!

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