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Y&R:Shocking Devon spoiler

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I'm in the minority, but I like Bryton and think he's a pretty competent young actor. It actually sounds like it could be somewhat interesting (minus Tyra, of course). Would definitely like to see him in a FB storyline than the overrated and irritating Reikart and Graz. Honestly, the show has been a boring, convoluted snooze of late...dull stories with questionable character motivations. The only thing that kept me watching yesterday's episode was the hope of seeing Chris Engen shirtless. :) Would be refreshing to see Bryton having something of substance to do. Yes, again, I know I'm in the minority on this :)

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So, it's a little weird, yes, but what is the real dramatic payoff of Tyra not being blood-related, isn't Ana still Yolanda's dorter? Like, who cares? Neil, Dru, and Lily aren't blood-related either. It's a deal, but is it that big of a deal? For instance, I had a relative who was raised as a son when he was really a grandson, his "sister" was really his biological mother, everyone in the family learns the truth when they're old enough to understand it, but we respect the relationship they've created.

At any rate, I bet Devon's dad is white. Could he be someone already in GC? Victor (matching scowls), Jack (matching moles), Michael (matching Andrew Christian underwear)???

I'm just waiting for the inevitable Member of the Wedding scene where Della rocks Devon and Ana in her lap as they each take a verse of His Eye Is On The Sparrow.

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Or THE EDGE OF YOUTH (sorry, Kay and Murphy. You know I love ya).

I sort of wish Della Reese was sticking around and Marcille was going.

However, if this makes Tyra vixenish -- I've been wishing this for weeks, I don't BUY that she loves Ana more than life itself -- I'm willing to give this story a go. I'm not talking mob kingpin/career crim a la Gloria. I'm talking manipulative. Now, I ain't sayin she a golddigger but...

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AGAIN this is not about family ties, it's not about Ana, it's about Tyra lying!! Not only did she come to town with a lie but she's kept the lie going.

Why should Devon's father be white and from GC?? If that were the case TIIC would have thrown that in the mix a long time ago. Who his father is and whether that person is White/Black/Gray/Tan or whatever is not the point here because IMO it's still Tyra and the lies she told and the damage those lies have caused. Especially to Devon

Now as far as a Mammy scene with D/D/A-- Please

As Khan has so eloquently said --- Bang!-- to which I will add Bang, Bang just in case he misses.

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I think you need to switch to decaf, you are no fun. :P

I'm not suggesting that Devon's dad SHOULD be white, I'm just looking at the soapy track record. If they get around to casting his dad, like you, I don't care whether he's black, white, or gray. You are talking to the child of a white man and a black woman here, so you can just cut that noise. I'm not pretending to know WHO Devon's dad may be, but for you to suggest that there's no possibility that he's someone already in GC because the writers would have already gone there just isn't educated soap viewing.

As for Della, she has sung in just about everything she's ever appeared in. Given Devon and Ana's musicianship, it would not be surprising if they were given a singing scene with Della. I'm not CHAMPIONING the idea, just anticipating it.

I get that Tyra lied about her blood ties, but that doesn't change the facts that she raised that little girl, and Neil is responsible for his own zipper. AGAIN, not saying that what she did wasn't wrong, she's nuts, they're all nuts, I just don't see how the burden of the Winters house of cards crumbling rests solely on Tyra's shoulders. There were question marks after those sentences in my last post for a reason, fill me in, let me know, s'plain it to me Rickey, I'm just trying to understand what the big payoff is supposed to be. I mean, Karen isn't coming back... :huh:

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That is what I was referencing. I'd love to see a heartfelt bit of spiritual music, in a church, involving the three of them. I honestly think it would be beautiful. I'd love to know that Della was a frequent touchstone in both of their lives (Ana, Devon), and she gave them their musical inspiration.

Without knowing a thing about Della's character, I deeply wish she'd be a regular on this show. Just as Murphy's addition showed that a new "older" character could be a breath of fresh air, I think Della's instant likeability ("tough love") could immediately re-ground the Winters family. When they screw up, Aunt Della would set them straight. She'd help them to make better choices.

I can't offer any insight into the payoff...I realize your question was not aimed at me. I think villainizing Tyra could be an interesting twist...if we find out that she basically ENGINEERED the current situation...her plan was always to snag Devon's rich adopted Daddy...that could potentially greatly spike the interest value for me. If we find out (though I see no similarity with Dru) that Tyra STUDIED Dru, with the goal of maximizing her similarity...that would be very interesting.

Then, the payoff becomes "what will Tyra try to engineer next?" and "Who's going to recognize her evil, and bring that b!tch down?"

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Yes and yes, that's what I was getting at. Re: Della, The Member of the Wedding was just a harmless reference. I can't imagine that anyone who is familiar with Della wouldn't expect her to sing. It would be lovely, and yes, a little campy, like, "Auntie Della, remember that song we used to sing?"/"Oh yes baby, you mean, WHYYYYY SHOULD I FEEL DIS...COURAGGGGGED?" They are always looking for excuses for Ana to sing.

And that's what I mean about Tyra. Whether it's the writing/directing, or the way Eva plays her, Tyra just comes across as a dim bulb who isn't quite capable of true evil or masterminding a crazy plan. She just seems kinda (for lack of a gentler word) dumb, an empty safe not worth cracking, not smart enough to be considered a real threat. But maybe that'll all change and there's more lurking below the surface...

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Does anyone else find it sad and creepy that Lily's wedding is one of Devon's happiest days.

I'll admit it, I thought this storyline was going to be intresting. So far this is turning out to be one of those "big" storylines.

Devon finding out about his father is the best part of it (and an excuse to send the actor off). Correct me if I'm wrong but didn't Dru talk to Devon's father about adopting him.

Unrelating him and Tyra seems more like a ploy by tptb at trying to make the audience like Tyra. She took care of a child who wasn't blood related to her, isn't she the greatest.

For someone who's hardly on screen Devon sure has a lot of relatives. We've meet his mother, "aunt", sister, great-aunt and maybe even his father.

The Hamilton storyline has a lot of plot holes in it. Where was Aunt Virginia when Devon was going through the foster care system and why would she let Tyra raise Ana. Sometimes I think the writers pull this stuff out of their asses.

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Oh my god.

This is a really important post.

I am ashamed to admit, until I read it, I didn't have this thought:

"Wait a minute...if Great Aunt Virginia and Aunt Tyra are such lovely women, why did they allow Devon to enter foster care? Why didn't they, like with Ana, rescue Devon?? What was Aunt Virginia doing while Devon did whatever it took to survive all those years?"

And now I hate Tyra even more and Virginia too.

This whole blasted storyline is just awful. Tyra is a cancer on this show.

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