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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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Are you sure she isn't already? And I agree with the people that say you can't judge people who write for BB too harshly. I've watched that show from day one and at this point, it just so recycled. I don't think anyone but the head writer can be blamed for how truly trashy this show has become. Anytime new blood is brought on for the writer's to work with they are dismissed within months.

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She could make it as trashy as it needs to be, but also fresh and less recycle-y :lol:

Maybe, but I want something mind-numbingly horrible, like stomach ripped, all the insides now around him... he just needs to pay for all that smugness at some point! :lol:

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:lol: Chelsea Cain might be even better in that case. I can see MJ turning on Victor and torturing him in the worst ways. Honestly though, I try to stay out of talk about who should write the show because it's something I'm just not informed about. I've never been someone who checks everyday to see who has written what. Until I started posting on this board a few years ago, the only writer I knew by name was Bill bell. I just know what I do and don't like when it shows up on screen.

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I wish I could stop looking at writers, directors and such, and just enjoy the show... but I can't....

But I don't want MJ to be there at the end of the show. I want it to be some gruesome, random enemy, who just had enough. I want his family to be sad, but also somewhat happy.

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Just watched tomorrow's episode from start to finish. While Cane and Lily are nauseating, it was a good episode overall, and the cliffhanger will shock people who didn't know it was coming.

But I wonder, how the f-uck are they going to explain this? MAB's entire writing tenure rests on this storyline now, this could REALLY break her if it goes wrong.

Very good episode overall though.

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OMG. I checked the thread to get some insights into today's US episode, and had to go back at least 4 PAGES to even get something even related to discussing the show. :huh::huh:

Honestly, the show isn't that bad to have all these pages devoted to finding a new HW. If people really feel it's that bad, shouldn't we have a new thread opened to that specific topic?!?!? :mellow: Granted, we are all guilty of going a bit off topic once in awhile - myself included - but WOW.

Y&R is still a good soap IMHO. Great soap? Not so much. Perhaps we should all recognize and accept that the soap writer glory days of Doug Marland, Agnes Nixon, Nancy Curlee, et. al. are gone forever. Accept it and enjoy that at least an attempt is being made, however feeble you may think it is, to restore a semblance of classic Y&R to the airwaves.

Lastly, as far as I am able to determine, it seems that this show is more responsive and sensitive to the needs of it's viewers than any other soap on the air. How long have people been bitching about ATWT, GL and B&B (for example) and nothing has been done to correct the story mistakes on those shows? At least MAB and Co. are trying. :rolleyes:

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