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Y&R: Week of May 11, 2009

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I've gotten into many board wars over the years in my experience they really don't serve anyone in the long run..... everyone has an opinion..... and if someone does truly stand by their opinion.....nothing anyone says should change that.... I've learned that, I've accepted that. I think when someone gets really upset at another person basically coutering their opinion and negating it, they know their opinion and viewpoint has holes. I can definitely see Sylph's point in the matter.

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Because, pathetic knows no bounds. Take it from one who knows.

Before I stopped giving a good gosh-darn what people thought I liked and disliked, I actually join a message board just to feel like I knew people! Of course, a name like "Khan" is almost a golden ticket into any "Star Trek"-related board, isn't it?

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Well...[ B ]...in a way.

When I complain or even snark about the show, believe me, it's genuine. However, if Y&R were a show I didn't give two hoots about (like, say, GH?), then you probably wouldn't hear one word out of me about it. Not even a negative one.

Does that make sense?

Yes, Sylph, the BAM! show. :lol:

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Okay, let me explain, lol.

If you're a person who is lonely and deprived of companionship - again, like I was, way back in the day - you will stoop to professing your love for something on message boards and chat rooms which you don't know the first thing about. Why? Because, it beats sitting in front of your computer, with no one e-mailing you, or even paying you any attention.

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