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When I see William Gray Espy on AW in the 80's I keep picturing what he would have been like on Y&R if he had been brought back during that era. 

Philece Sampler (born 1953) looks too young for Donna, but she was only 5 years younger than Anna Stuart (born 1948).

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Thanks! "Cass" at this point is of course the imposter Rex Allingham. 

I was pleased to find the below even though it is the Italian dubbed version. The first 2.25 hours are from late 1983/early 1984 with Kim Morgan Greene's Nicole and then it jumps a few years to at least 1987 with Anne Howard's Nicole. 


I don't understand enough Italian to really follow the details but I enjoy seeing the 1983/1984 cast. I do wish I knew what Cecile's visit to the fashion house[?] was about, or Jamie working on the green screen until suddenly success!

5 years could be too much when you're calculating whether she could be the mother of a pair of twins about to reach the age of majority. But there was enough wiggle room there that I don't think age was Philece's biggest problem as Donna. 

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I was very disappointed in her Donna. It wasn't all her fault, part of it was absolutely the writing, but after Anna Stuart there was something missing. Philece did not bring the patrician air that made Donna's snobbery convincing. But Donna at this time was in the shadow of Reginald, or maybe I should say that Donna had been replaced in the conflict with Reginald by Michael. Reginald was Michael's enemy and Donna was the wife Michael was protecting. In the meantime Michael and Donna's love story was undermined by the way John's backstory forced him between them. That doesn’t even get into the messed up rape angle juxtaposed with the current-day lustful temptation story which I have ranted about here at every opportunity. 


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The first 2.25 hours seem to be completely new to me. Of course, I don't know Italian and I can't quite tell if these are full episodes or some clips bookended with an opening and closing, but based on the characters present my guess is November/December 1983 -February 1984. Mark is in the hospital, Carl is on the cast crawl, Stacey, Ted Bancroft, and Leo Mars are still present, and Kathleen Layman seems to make an early appearance as MJ. The "Welcome Party?" For Mac I think would be after he was hospitalized because of being out in the Canadian wilderness in January 1984. I'll have to give it a closer inspection

Edited by mikeaw1978
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I know some other versions of these photos were already posted but I'm not sure if the AWHP's 60th anniversary photos were. 

ANOTHER WORLD: 60TH ANNIVERSARY (anotherworldhomepage.com)

Nice to see the turnout from a number of actors who were on the show in the late '60s and early '70s. I know Judith Barcroft was interviewed by WLS years ago and Barbara Rodell has a book coming out, but I hope some of the other vets of that era like Jordan Charney and Leonie Norton can be interviewed while there's a chance.

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Time gets us all.

Maybe except for Anna Holbrook. Damn, does that woman ever age?! She looks almost the same from her AW and Law & Order appearances days!

I think Alice Barrett and Laurence Lau (whom I will always associate as Greg Nelson on All My Children - 11-year-old me met him at an appearance with my mom back in the day and I was so star struck I said barely anything, LOL!) also look good, too. As do Anna Stuart (she really did resemble Cher in her younger years, which she spoke of in a SOD interview!) and Linda Dano.

I will say Paul Michael Valley has aged so he could probably play an older cop type in a show. Not hunky anymore, but he does have a distinct look!

John Bolger, I think the only reason seeing him now threw me is because I still watch Law & Order: Criminal Intent repeats, where he appeared three separate times as three separate characters, and two out of the three as the victim!, where he still looked as he did when on AW. But, as I said, we all age. No escaping it!

I'm surprised not to see Stephen Schnetzer included, but maybe this happened while he was on the west coast. Or he had another job.

And finally, I sort of get a kick out of seeing both Anne Howard (who also seems to have aged very well) and Ariana Muenker (she looks good, too!) there, as besides having AW in common, both ladies temporarily (although I believe Muenker was on short-term contract due to some behind the scenes issues) played Kimberly Brady on Days of Our Lives! Except when she played that role, Ariana Muenker was going by Ariana Chase.

Edited by Wendy
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I was mostly glad many of them seem to have tried to age naturally, so I can still recognize them.

It's comforting to know that Julie Osburn still has the same smile and is what I could see Kathleen being at this stage of her life. 

I thought Russell Todd looked good as well for someone his age who was likely outdoors a lot.

Alice Barrett also looked very good.

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Someone should really try to interview Gail Brown (Clarice) as well.  She was at the 60th anniversary, and she will turn 87 this year on October 11th.  I’m sure she would have some good AW stories to tell having been on the show from 1975-86.  I’d especially like to hear about her working with Beverlee McKinsey in those early years when Iris terrorized Clarice over the birth of baby Cory.

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The "recreating" of Donna.  Making her more a victim, more someone who was in adventures with Michael, John and Felicia.  Who was a "mom" and supporting character to Vicky, who became the "b" that Donna was...for a while.  Then when Iris came, we had two kind of the same upper crust entitled powerful women, but Donna was fighting her guy while Iris was taking over companies and going after what she wanted.  

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