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Right you are! 

The modern actresses I've known about what they do is that they have several reels, for different purposes. And, they have a website & their reels are up on it. 

The older actresses, though seemed to have things on regular videotape. 

Edited by Contessa Donatella
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We don't really know the circumstances of these clips - so far they've encompassed probably a dozen episodes. A number of actors, or their family or whoever else, were less likely to keep that many episodes, given the time and expense. Select clips being saved is more common.

I'm sure if she has the full episodes those could go up somewhere - if not on her channel, then maybe she could give them to someone else. I assume she doesn't have full episodes. I'm surprised she even had the clips, as most actors don't. I remember Laurie Heineman saying she had to buy an episode to submit for her Daytime Emmy reel.

@NothinButAttitude Ariana said in one comment that she had a certain ATWT scene that hasn't been seen before on Youtube (Melinda's death), so she does have some ATWT material at least.

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I'm pretty sure he wasn't *quite* that old. I found something that gave his year of birth as 1948 which would make him 12 years older than Ariana Muenker and only 3 years younger than Victoria Wyndham when he played Jamie in the 1980s.

I found this yearbook photo dated 1966: 

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And physical space! I don't know what format she would have had them in, but video cassettes are huge compared to DVD which is huge compared to a hard drive and so on. 

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Obviously, I'm viewing all of this material over a compressed period so the story may seem amplified. But, I'm struck that Chris was a more significant character than I'd imagined, and then eight years later Stephen Yates was recast as Jamie.

Here's his take on the issue:

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I recall him as Jamie, although Chris predates my time paying attention to the show.  But, were those watching contemporaneously bothered by having the same actor play multiple parts?  I guess it was something of an AW tradition, with examples like John Considine playing both Vic and Reginald.  Yet, today, social media would be in an uproar over such a thing. 


Edited by j swift
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It's not a matter of ego at all, which is frankly insulting to Ariana who is graciously sharing this amazing footage with us. Ariana posted weeks ago that her mother was her biggest fan and that her mother recorded all of her scenes. She also shared that most of the tapes were destroyed by mold after her parents' basement flooded. What we're seeing are scenes from tapes that were stored in the parents' linen closet.

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With Ariana, she says in the YouTube comments for her first clip, when someone asked, that it was her mom who got one of the earlier versions of the VCR and was taping these clips in 1975. I would guess blank tapes back then used to record were expensive and probably held only an hour of material; which is why I doubt full episodes were taped; which is why they probably only taped her clips, when Ariana came on.

Edited by Jdee43
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Maybe prices were different here in Canada than in the United States, but when I bought my first VCR in the mid-1970s, I had to cough up a whopping $27.99 for one blank videotape. I had to use the same one over and over again, and simply could not afford to buy enough tapes to use for soap-preservation purposes. My first VCR was, I believe, $1,400.00.

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If one hasn't seen Yates' Jamie debut episode, one must find it and watch it.  He shows up to the mansion in the shortest, white, hot pants I've ever seen on a man let alone a daytime character in any decade except maybe some Bill Bell Y&R/B&B characters. His white shorts rival a GL episode that featured Carl Tye Evans as Alan-Michael in scenes with Harley. He's chucking flicks up his you know what throughout the episode.  I loved Yates but he was never convincing as a straight romantic lead.  His role as Jamie would have been a perfect opportunity for the show to play the gay story that Lemay wanted to tell years earlier. 

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I think of Yate's Jamie as being the most plausibly written as Rachel's son, (almost like when Matthew 1.0).  They were both creative, possessive in matters of the heart, and a little neurotic.  Dr. Jamie(s) seems to have eschewed any influence of being raised by Rachel because they were so easily manipulated and rarely a protagonist.  I prefer intergenerational stories to be written as if they share some characteristic DNA, as opposed to acting as if they grew up and decided to be the antithesis of their parents.  More of a 'sins of the father' or repeated lessons vibe.

But, those short shorts may have swayed me.

Edited by j swift
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