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Aw did we spoil the surprise for you?  I think Harding Lemay would have benefited maybe if he did relate more to the times of 1988 and not his long drawn out scenes.  A sign of the time and probably why and he DS were clashing over story lines.  She was a younger new writer.  If they just had a meeting of the minds the show would have benefited so much more.  I have read that Lemay can be difficult to work with and very stubborn.  He was good at what he did but like all of us, we become replaceable over time with our skills.  If you get a chance, look at some of the stuff from the 70's.  Very dramatic broadway type actors that were great.  I mean for a soap anyway.. Also, he wrote the Frame family into the show.  More or less his baby..  Steve Frame was already a character but he did a spin on his own farm family creating the Frame characters and I am sure another reason why he wanted to bring back the Janice Frame story .  All speculative.. 

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It was 28 years ago today- June 16, 1989, that Another World aired the funeral of Mac Cory, who was played by Douglass Watson.  Victoria Wyndham, Constance Ford, and the rest of the cast did an outstanding job not only during this episode, but in subsequent episodes following Mac's death.  Is still baffles me that Wyndham and Ford never won an Emmy for their performances- and that Ford wasn't even nominated for her portrayal of Ada.


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I can't remember - I haven't gotten that far in my rewatch yet.  I thought someone else said Evan was going to be Janice's son so I grabbed on to that.



I remember so sad when Mac died.  I'd only been watching the show for 2 years at that point but ya gotta love Doug Watson!

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Wait a minute, wait a minute, hold the phone.  I thought it WAS revealed that Josie was Russ's daughter, hence her rivalry with Olivia.  Wasn't that the whole storyline that Russ was brought back for in the first place?  I'm pretty sure I remember watching (and re-watching) that happen.

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Russ should have been re-paired with Rachel in 1989 after Mac passed away since he was her first husband.  Russ was engaged at one point to Iris in the 1970s.  Throw Lucas/ Felicia/ Mitch into the mix and AW could have had a sophisticated adult set of characters.  I would have much rather seen this than the Ken Jordan pairing with Rachel.

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I checked her IMDB and I didn't realized she'd worked for as many years as she did. She always did have a lot of charisma though, but the soaps never knew what to do with her. Her AW role was especially strange...not helped by the casting of Kit going to such a very dull actress. The better moments were probably when she and Cecile would sit around bitching.

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Oh you're making me cry.  What a beautiful show Another World could be.  I truly believe that when AW left the airwives, daytime lost a HUGE, ICONIC piece of its heart.  And I have to say that, though I know you posted this as a tribute to Mac, that was a beautiful, quiet scene between Bridget and Vicky.  Anne Heche was a powerhouse even then and Barbara Berger gave great support.  Though AW fans always talk about Frankie Frame's cruel death via Fax Newman, this serves as a reminder that he first did away with Bridget, which is what started the cruelty.   It wasn't just the death of Frankie that helped kill AW, but the one-two punch of Bridget AND Frankie, especially so soon after killing off Ryan Harrison.  JFP was pretty cruel to the character of Vicky Hudson when it comes down to it, though I really think that she brought a vision with her to AW and executed it.  Say what you will about JFP's tenure, but she was the first EP to even have a vision for AW since Paul Rauch.


Either way, this was a beautiful, beautiful 7 minutes to watch and makes me yearn for the days of classic soap.  (Re-posting this commentary from Best Daytime Dads thread bc it could turn into a good old fashioned AW discussion)

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