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I'm going off what's available on YT from that time, which certainly doesn't seem to be everything, but it seemed like they were trying to have it at least three different ways with Carl leading up to his death-via-not-wanting-to-pay-CK-anymore.


At times it seemed like Carl was returning to his evil ways.


And then they throw in medical stuff that didn't make sense that he could have been faking, such as the headaches while he was alone and not needing to put on a show for anyone.


And then there was the return of his fear of never being able to measure up to Mac (who could blame him for that one, though?) and losing Rachel (and now his children) because he couldn't measure up.


And then there was a mention or two of possible PTSD brought on by the Nikos debacle and Matt and Amanda's betrayal of Rachel.


And then they throw in that Embers in the Snow crap where, out of nowhere, Cass is now one of Carl's moving targets? Was that ever explained, or just dropped in the wake of Carl's death?


I mean, have I put more thought into this now than the writers did at the time?

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Yes. He kept quiet about his killing the guy and let her stand trial. He then cried in a scarf a lot. I do wonder how it played out onscreen, as Lemay's book is very skewed and I regret letting it influence as much of my view as it did, especially about Jacquie Courtney. 

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I don't know how fans reacted, although I guess he must have been a popular character. 


I remember Lemay belittling Dufour for ruining Susan Sullivan's chance to shine in his final scenes...although given that they were his final scenes, not hers, maybe they should have been about him...

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