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Thanks so much for telling me. Upon reading about him, I found out that he is mostly a theater actor. Interesting to note that he played Russ Mathews for a few days in 1989, and was once married to Sherry Mathis.

I thought that they had excellent chemistry, but I don't know how others felt. Due to the cancellation, that relationship was left with much unexplored potential.

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I enjoyed Ellen Wheeler and Henry Simmons together as well. Not sure how it would have played out if the show went on but the two did have great chemistry together. It was also a story that was taking Marley back in a lighter direction after her going "crazy" for a bit.

I think the show was headed in a great direction too and then had been cancelled. I really thought that the triangle of Lila/Cass/Anne(Frankie) was a good rival to the old Kathleen/Cass/Frankie triangle that was done really well (if not a bit too long :-) ). I found it really hard to root for Kathleen or Frankie over the other and it would have been the same if it were Lila vs Frankie.

Cameron was my favorite pairing for Amanda since the early Sam/Amanda days when Sandi Ferguson first arrived. The two were great together. Although the "Jordan Stark" storyline was a little out there for AW I did enjoy it because it was something different. It could have been interesting to have seen what became of David and Cindy.

I thought Chris and Toni were a great couple as well and didn't necessarily get the attention they deserved.

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I loathed when they made Marley go mad. It was too hammy and over the top. I feel like this was a move by not only the writers but the network to further make AW fall into the footsteps of DAYS, which was filled with mustache-twirling villains(esses). Sci-fi and over the top villains worked for DAYS but I hated that NBC forced that vision on AW. AW was always the character driven of the NBC soaps. So seeing Marley toss Vicki into a cage and lock her up disturbed me.

And I was glad to see that AW in it's final months try and undo the damage bringing back Frankie. I would've even accepted a Ryan return too had they not been canceled.

I'm glad I am not the only one who liked Cameron and Amanda. I thought they were hot. I also just hated that they got stuck in a stupid story (i.e. the Lumina saga). I would've just preferred a simple Cameron/Amanda romance with Alli being the obstacle. It could've been a great nod to AW's history--mirroring one of it's greatest stories ever, the Mac/Iris/Rachel triangle. Alli could've been like Iris and did everything to break her mother and Cameron up. Having Rachel catch on and see the resemblance to her past would've been so good.

And I loved Chris and Toni too. Watching old clips of AW and being a fans of AW in it's last five years, one thing I could say about the show is that they ALWAYS kept the cast diverse, and the Burrells were well intertwined into the cast. Chris being close to Jake. Toni being close to Josie & Joe. Tyrone being close to Cass. Etta Mae being close to the Hudsons/Loves. I didn't feel like they were isolated like other African American characters on other soaps. But AW was good at intertwining diverse characters going all the way back to the 80s with Quinn, Lily, Zach, Julie Ann, etc.


How I miss the deep bonds and friendships of this show....

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Can someone give me a synopsis of the Jordan Stark story? Maybe it was ahead of its time...given what Carlivati is doing on GH now with Jason and Victor...

The sets on this show, the directing and scripts were great. It was getting good again when they cancelled it. That's why they hired the same team to take over ATWT but it didn't work out so well. Leah Laiman ran out of ideas.

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Here's my best summary of what I can remember (because the story was stupid):

Jordan Stark came to Bay City as the head of the Lumina foundation, which was supposedly dedicated to allowing people to access their full mental potential. Donna, who lost her voice after falling and being knocked unconscious (after Marley tried to silence her about her numerous antics against Vicky), attended the ball Jordan threw and she miraculously became cured. :rolleyes: Jordan then set his sights on Amanda, who resembled his dead wife, Amalie. He discovered her (Amalie) spirit inside Amanda and vowed to free Amalie so that he could reunite with her. He then became David Halliday, a handsome investor for Amanda's magazine, Brava. Jordan nearly succeeded in freeing Amalie's spirit, but Cameron Sinclair stopped him just in time to save Amanda's life. When Jordan was sent back to whatever universe he was from (or the afterlife) and he resumed being David Halliday, who had no memory of what had occurred. David went on to fall for Cindy in the end.

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I too loved Amanda and Cameron together. Sandra Ferguson and Michael Rodrick were incredible together. I read in the AW Trivia Book that John Littlefield was originally cast as Cameron in 1998, but then Tim Gibbs abruptly jumped ship to OLTL and JL was recast as Gary instead. I also recall reading in SOD in the spring of 1999 that Gary was going to be written out, but then the show was cancelled and they kept him to the end.

Edited by amybrickwallace
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I got a copy of the Another World material 1964-1978 from a download. Some of the footage has a weird angled cam corder filmed technique. I don't know why. The Walter & Lenore wedding from 1968 is a b&w kinescope,but great fun to watch. The Alice/Steve/Rachel material is edits, but awesome. Jackie Courtney and George Reinholt were really good, which I don't understand why Paul Rauch and Harding Lemay complained.

The scene everybody has talked about from the WoSt days with hateful Rachel is included. Rachel is in Alice's bedroom and Liz is there. Alice is in the middle of a mental breakdown. Rachel starts screeching she wants the house and Alice tells her she will never let her have it and whispers to Liz "Please don't let her take it" and Liz say's "I promise I won't" Rachel keeps on and on about how Steve wants her and Jamie to have it and doesn't want Alice there anymore. She then tells Alice that she was able to give Steve what he wanted, a son to carry on his name. And then screeches where is the son that you ever gave him. Liz makes the most painful expression after she says it. Alice looks at Rachel with hatred, hollers out and lunges off the bed while Liz tries to restrain her and Alice picks up something and throws it at Rachel and screams "Get Out Of My House". Alice runs after Rachel throwing things and Liz follows then the camera cuts to Rachel running down the stairs and Alice picks something off a shelf and throws it after Rachel is able to make it out the front door.

There are several fantastic scenes where Alice has mentally lost it. One scene is where Russ and Lenore have to break one of the side light windows out to unlock the door after Alice won't answer. They go in and then Lenore turns around and Alice comes out of the closet from hiding in her night clothes. She then starts teling them that she will never leave the house because Steve built it for her.

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Hey, does anyone remember a character named Carol Lamonte from the mid-70s? She worked for (and at one point had an affair with) architect Robert Delaney (Nicolas Coster).

I came across an old clipping somewhere and it turns out the actress who played her, Jeanne Lange, was married to David Haskell. He may be best known in general for his work in both the stage and screen adaptations of Godspell, but is best known to soap fans as Nick Hartley on SB from 1985-86. Ironically, one of Mr. Haskell's SB co-stars was Nicolas Coster, who of course played Lionel Lockridge on that show.

I was unable to find out if they were still married at the time of his passing in August 2000. Their only child, Alexandrea Haskell-Young, grew up to become an entertainment attorney in the LA area.

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Only thing I know about Carole Lamonte is that she was one of Harding Lemay's favorite characters to write for. At least that how it seemed when reading his novel, Eight Years in Another World. She seems like a fabulous character to have watched too. One of Lemay's high class, jet set women alongside Iris and Therese (Carol's mom). I'd die to see footage from the early to mid Lemay era too.

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I have some questions about vintage AW footage. I saw some scenes in Victoria Wyndhams 25th anniversary where they show Rachel and Steve arguing about their marriage and him still being in love with Alice. The footage would have been from around 1973. Has anyone come across that footage in their vintage collection or was that found in the NBC vault ? It's not on the download I got and Eddie at the AW Homepage said what was in the collection he has was all there is available.

I viewing the Rachel/Alice confrontation years ago at WoSt, but I seem to remember a scene where Rachel arrives at the house and Alice is on the stairs when Rachel starts in on her before the scene in the bedroom. Am I right about that ? It's been years and my memory is a bit fuzzy. I have the bedroom argument scene downloaded.

Is the majority of the early AW footage gone now or is there some at UCLA etc.....waiting to be archived ?

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