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I had no idea that PGP has now rebranded itself.

Given that the reboots of AMC and OLTL failed, I sadly but objectively can't see anything that P&G could successfully do with its soaps (which don't have anywhere near the rabid fan following that those cancelled ABC soaps had). Once a soap has been cancelled, most of its casual/habitual viewers will never return. I also don't know of any network that would air a P&G soap-reboot, and the internet just isn't a viable platform for soaps (as evidenced by the failed ABC soap reboots and because of the fact that soaps attract an older audience).

Furthermore, if any P&G soap reboot ever did see the light of day, the quality of what we would see on screen would likely be horrendous, given the bare-bones budget such shows would receive. Given the choice of a bad revival or no revival, I would rather take the latter.

Edited by Max
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So sad, especially how soaps were their bread and butter for decades. It's an insult to not only the fans, but to the cast and crew on each of those soaps who worked so faithfully for P&G over the years.

What I wouldn't give to hear Vicky Wyndham's take on this development. Then again, she's so many years removed from it she'd probably be indifferent to it now. Sad.

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