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ATWT: April discussion

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Well, I did end up watching it before bed. Good episode. Balanced. There was a lot of paced conversation, which I usually enjoy. Love Craig and Margo's interaction, and it's always nice when they trot out the forgotten such as Sage. Now if only we see JJ this year, we'll have seen 90% of the faces we never see in Oakdale! Oh, aren't we spoiled?...

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god, i hate allison. does anyone really believe that casey would be interested in her???

and emily -- what's up with her ciriticizing hunter (the new digital newspaper computer guy) for being so young when she was screwing her brains out with casey?

gee, i hope van hansis overacts again tomorrow and SCREAMS his way through some scenes.

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I actually thought it was one of the best episodes in a long time. We had vets interacting with each other...Lucinda & Emily, Lucinda & Holden/Lily, Lucinda & Damian. And of course it's obvious who Hunter is. The casting was good on that end. He is

I also floved Holden being pushed to side. Had he still been humping Carly....he could have cared less who Lily is seeing or much getting close to.

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Are you serious??

No...the sad truth is if Holden had still been doin' Carly (ick, mind purge...:lol:), he'd still have stomped over to Damian, screaming about "his kid" Luke and defending Lily's "honor". (yeah...sorry, personally, I think Lily's a big ol' 'ho...but that's just me.) Holden would have forgotten Carly existed.

Emily screws old men or young boys. It's her thing.

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Holler, indeed. ;) It's all he seems to do these days. :lol:

I liked today again! Crazy, right?! It's amazing when we get to see characters like Katie interacting with *gasp* her brother Craig. Oh, and I nearly pissed my pants when Craig looked at Brad and back at Katie and said "Should he be indoors?" LMFAO. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Amity, I have to agree. Funny how little things like seeing characters outside of their bubbles can help. Loved seeing Katie and Brad with Craig, and Carly talking about helping Craig expose Dusty. Several plotlines, no untalented newbies, and all adults. Even though nothing extraordinary happened, I didn't hit my FF once. Good job, ATWT.

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Oh, I think a lot of my disappointment in the show could be solved by the bursting of storybubbles alone. Just by definition, it would bring more character interactions and give the stories more potential to ripple around town. Even the horrible Meg/Paul situation would be more tolerable if they didn't have only each other (plus Dusty) to scream at.

I liked today more than yesterday, no surprise. Well, it kind of surprised me, 'cause I normally abhor Katie and Craig, and even I had to give props to the sibling interaction. I suspect I enjoyed Brad's bemusement of getting to poke a stick at jail-bound Craig....jus' 'cause. :lol:

I think I decided to ignore the particulars of the plots, and focus on how it affects the dynamics of the group. I honestly can't make heads or tails of why or how Craig is really supposed to defend himself, or even what exactly the OPD has on him other than his obnoxious 'tude and sketchy admission to spring Carly. The murder is the mcguffin of the story, no one really cares about why, how or even who killed poor Caesar the dockworker. Lucy doesn't believe in her father, but can't put him away for something he didn't do. Dusty is selfishly taking advantage. Carly is wary but supportive, and Jack is our dogged investigator, not impartial but not willing to cross from duty to revenge either.

LOL of the day...(just because JL managed to say it with a straight face to Lucy)..."if I was guilty, I'd sit in here and not protest." Says the man who blackmailed his sister and framed his BIL to wiggle out of the charges for blowing up Paul? I know it wasn't supposed to be funny, but it was hysterical to me!

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PJ what has happened to you? You enjoying a Jon Lindstrom day and a Katie day...huh :huh: ....and Lucy too...LOL....I haven't seen today's eppy. But I thought yesterdays was good.

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