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AMC: Liza

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Well, at least Liza's character and attitude will stay true to the old 80s Liza (and when she returned in mid-90s). But Liza got a little boring and was tamed down in her final years, so it will be interesting.

Lunar just doesn't look like Liza, but I'll get over that I'm sure. I can't see her being Colby's mother either...but oh well. She would have been a great Skye, but I know that's been said way too many times.

And please don't pair her with Zach! I wonder if that's something TK requests - to act against newer actresses? I think she needs to stay out of that dreadful orbit. She kinda looks like Hannah, and we don't need that again.

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I also think its interesting (in a bad way) that Pratt called out the cast of AMC by saying the behind the scenes is like high school which we all know he probably means that some of the cast are in clannish cliques, fighting over screen time, fighting the writing, and most likely some of the cast are not very welcoming to newbies, etc. I'm positive its like that or this happens on most shows in daytime or prime time. But Pratt did not need to call out his cast in a public platform. Then Pratt took it further by saying that Jamie is not an arse kisser and would shake the cast up. Which is just Pratt saying on a public platform that there are some he finds in the cast as being arse kissers and saying that the cast of actors need to be desperately shaken up(because he finds them dull or not daring enough). Telling the cast they better watch out for Jamie?? This is rubbish and not a way to endear the actress to the cast or the audience. I just found Pratt's comments to be unprofessional, bitter, and not needed in this article to try to sell the audience on Jamie Luner as the new Liza. Pratt was being an arsehat with his comments which were not needed. What Pratt did is extremely bad form.

I gather this little public diatribe from Pratt will just further the acrimony between him and the cast on AMC. It just seems like Pratt does not have much respect or interest in the cast of actors he has on AMC. Or perhaps Pratt just does not like that the cast is not liking or enjoying how he has mucked up their characters with god awful and horribly schizophrenic writing that makes zero sense. Looks like Pratt does not like the cast for going on record saying they are not liking or understanding his no good bad writing for their characters and the show. And now Pratt has called them out in a similar manner. Pratt's statements just seem sort of sarcastic, confrontational, and disrespectful. Pratt should perhaps write actually entertaining characters, couples, and stories for AMC to get his points across to the cast and audience to prove himself worthy. And if Pratt wants to sell the audience on Jamie being right as the new Liza then he should stick to selling Jamie and not doing diatribes against the cast of his soap in order to make her look good because that is beyond petty and rudderless.

I actually liked Jamie Luner on Melrose Place and thought she did a great job with her character, etc. But I'm in agreement that Jamie would have been a better Sky recast because she does not look like Liza Colby. I think we all knew that the reason Pratt brought on Jamie as Liza is because he knows that Jamie will love and run with all of the crazy(lame and illogical) writing given to her on the show. Pratt knows Jamie is game for pretty much of anything as long as she is front and center on the show. Pratt also knows that Jamie can play a crazed, over sexed, manipulative, vamped up, and trashy type of woman in her sleep. And Pratt(like he mentions in this article) is going to throw Liza with many men on the AMC canvas while also throwing her in Zach's orbit. So basically Liza will be vamping and sexing it up with many men on the canvas which is what Pratt wants to see in his female characters. Pratt is going to make Liza Colby into a female character like GH's Carly. This is probably right up Jamie's alley and she might enjoy all of this since she did this exact stuff on Melrose Place, etc. But I'm sure the audience is going to continue to not like or enjoy(as well as have severe whiplash) seeing their fave characters and couples change on a daily basis with no clear or solid point of view because of the horrible, illogical, and schizophrenic writing that leads to the road of Nowhere-ville. Pratt needs to be shown the door.

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Personally i think its FANTASTIC that he is calling his cast out like that. Its about time soap actors started i dont know... ACTING! Not writing or producing. Acting. It would be one thing if he called certin people out by name, but he didnt. And i do think he was using tact. And if someone like Lunar is needed to shake up the cast behind the scenes then go for it.

Tho what would be best is if they just started letting actors go who refused to play things.

I also dont think this is any worse than actors bitching to the press about the stories they have. Shut up and act!

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I think any actor worth their salt would like they know that the characters they are playing won't be changed or routed a billion times in one week. A few actors are going on record complaining about the writing or being confused at how they are supposed to play certain things when the writing is so bad and schizophrenic.. So far those few actors or the cast has not complained about Pratt or called out Pratt, or made unprofessional, bitter, or personal comments about Pratt. Pratt called out his entire cast more than once in a bitter manner and used them to try to sell (and endear) another actress, etc. to the audience. It's the same tactic a parent uses when they want to get their other children to do something they want which is the parent uses their fave child against them, etc.

Pratt is pitting Jamie Luner against the rest of the cast with his odd statements while calling them out for not playing by his unfair and unscrupulous rules. . That is not a good tactic for Jamie or the rest of the cast. This is not needed. Pratt should have just stuck to selling Jamie Luner as the new Liza and left the bitter comments out of the public consciousness. For Pratt to say that behind the scenes the cast is like high school is beyond ironic since Pratt's own tactics and words in this article are just as juvenile, petty, and churlish. I'm sorry, but Pratt's comments were bitter, personal, unprofessional, and beyond the pale in my view.

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That's my thing, he's not a good enough writer to be saying relish and enjoy the genius my minions, that's just my opinion (and it's so JER like /shudders - JER showed it but never really said it). That said, he's stopped the shows bleeding - he ain't exactly bringing up fantastic numbers but he did stop the bleeding. With that, I can't exactly say he doesn't have a few ego notches to step on there and he can spit in the face of people who have issues with his writing until the ratings say different.

I think Brian, Charles and Bob are a little like high-schooler too, the high school bullies. If only somebody could be thrown in there to break it up. Hey Anne! Anne, come on come out!

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Is this their charm offensive?

Chuck Pratt is such an ass. He wanted to make GH and now AMC into a fusion of GH/SuBe/Melrose/90210, and look, I loved MP, and I loved Jamie Luner on it, but it is a totally different beast than daytime soaps like AMC. Zach is his Sonny and Tamara Braun/Jamie Luner is his Carly/Lexi - the only resemblance to Liza is the name. Like Guza, he seems to have contempt for the genre and is dying to get back to primetime, so his best shot is to bring primetime to him, by dragging Luner on to resurrect Lexi Sterling as Liza. Now, Lexi was great. But this is just nastiness and alienation tactics on the part of AMC PTB. When she blows up in their faces like Reese or Taylor, they'll be sitting there staring dumbfounded at the 1.6s asking, "wha hoppen?"

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Also, we haven't a clue what kind of agendas, cliques or lack thereof are at AMC - Pratt just implies it by saying Luner is not an ass-kisser or syncophant like the rest of the cast (except to him, of course). Why am I going to side with profoundly unpopular HW Chuck Pratt over the veteran cast of AMC based on no evidence?

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