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March 16-20, 2009


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I am enjoying B&B's ratings WAY too much. The show deserves those ratings- and lower. I am glad viewers are losing interest in the joke B&B has become.

Y&R is kind of stagnant ratingswise and I am surprised- yet i'm not. The viewers who watch REALLY like it.

ATWT and GL- Wow. I don't want to see those shows die.

GH- So funny. So very funny. The show is ever so slowly dropping more and more- Its now alternating between being ABC's highest rated soap to lowest rated soap in two weeks time. I think people are tuning out then tuning back in. Sooner or later, they are not going to come back.

Days- The only soap with real ratings growth potential imo. Young people love it. Still can't believe that NBC would cancel this show.

I knew AMC would bounce back and would tie with OLTL. OLTL lost 20,000 viewers. Those two shows seemed to gave stabilized in blah ratings. I guess it is better than a 1.8.

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It is too funny and I'll bet TPTB for ABC is wondering what the heck is going on with all their Soaps. GH should have been the Soap to get the ratings Days is getting right now. All of ABC Daytime Soaps are just too trashy for me to watch. AMC really didn't have a good week considering they lost 200,000 viewers in HH from last and only gained back 100,000. It's not good at all for ABC Soaps right now. I can't believe Days is kicking GH's butt right now.

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Don't worry, B&B will bounce back, it always does. The true test is next week to see how the CBS soaps did with a whole week's worth of episodes.

GH is really an odd ball for ABC, being the only down from a year ago.

DAYS is the only show that's accomplishing anything remarkable ratings-wise this week.

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All the numbers across the board are horrible. GH's numbers are awful. ATWT had Parker and Liberty in full force last week. I guess Goutman hasnt gotten a clue. We dont want to see Puberty the second time around either.

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I wish there was not such a big gap between Days and the middle shows, it would make the ratings alot more fun! 300,000 viewers is huge this day and age. OLTL and AMC are never gonna get close to Days. So now the only fun is watching GH, and seeing what happens between Days and B&B. GL and ATWT's situations are just plain sad.

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I'm not shocked that Days hasn't dropped after Dee and Drake's departures. Everyone has their favorite characters, but I don't think the average viewer watches for just one or two characters. The only negatives that come from this is ABC and CBS seeing that they can fire their high-paying vets and not suffer any ratings damage, and possibly Frons reconsidering acquiring Days during its next contract cycle, forcing the cancellation of either AMC or OLTL to make room for it. GH is just painful to watch and it's FINALLY becoming reflected in the ratings. Took a while to register, but people are finally tuning out for good. They need to make some major changes there. As for Y&R, once the Kay kidnapping stuff ended, things were bound to come back to reality. I think mid 3's are now the norm for them, with 4.0 their upper tier when something big happens. I wonder if their ratings decline over the past couple of weeks has something to do with ATWT's and GL's falls.

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DAYS still has two major bombs (the Chloe/Dan affair reveal, and the baby switch reveal) to drop for potential higher ratings. If they stay consistent until those bombs are dropped, a 2.5 in HH and #1 in 18-49, are not out of a the question. Ken Corday better not fuck up and start meddling - just let Tomlin/Whitesell/Higley drive this show!

Is anybody keeping track of lowest daily ratings? Angela? I think that could be GH's lowest episode ever.

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Everytime I say that ABC will buy Days nobody agrees. I would never want that to happen because they would cancel OLTL- no doubt in my mind, especially now considering AMC's growth and pedigree as a crown jewel. GH could drop to a 1.4 and they would still cancel OLTL first for Days.

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But the week before that the ratings for all the shows were exagerated due to the winter storm and so many people being home. We all predicted then that the shows would drop last week and they did - when all those people returned to work.

For AMC to be one of the few shows to gain back any viewers this week is something to be happy about. Plus they didn't lose 200,000 viewers - they only lost 82,000 viewers. They gained back 81,000 of them.

Here are the viewer numbers for the last 4 weeks including this one. For 4 weeks straight they have been up from the year before.

Feb 23-27

AMC 2,634,000 (-95,000/+46,000)

March 2-6

AMC 2,700,000 (+66,000/+141,000) - the week of the winter storm

March 9-13

AMC 2,618,000 (-82,000/+72,000)

March 16-20

AMC 2,699,000 (+81,000/+184,000)

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Well looking at those it seems that AMC and OLTL had a slight benefit on Thursday due to the preemptions.

ATWT's ratings sucked all week that it was on, and so did GL's. B&B had 2.4's all across the board Mon-Weds.

GH was the only ABC soap to have a 1.8 that whole week! lol.

SteveFrame- You would be a wonderful PR person for AMC. You spin the heck outta those ratings and I love it!

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I have no idea what makes ratings rise or fall other than general "is the show boring or not?", but it is so nice that Days has stabilized after such a disheartening couple of years. Once that putz NBC exec announced the show might be canceled, ratings collapsed. I hope somehow the show can inch its way up to B&B ratings and be assured of renewal.

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