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Y&R: Week of March 23, 2009

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I immediately thought about suicide when I heard Sharon's letter, especially when she said something to the effect of "maybe they'd all be better off if I wasn't here." I think that would be a good twist in the story, but I want something dramatic and please no kidnapping. Nothing graphic, but pills seems a bit too predictable. I'd love a scene a la Nicole Kidman's Virginia Woolf in the hours where she stuck rocks in her pockets to weigh her down and then drowned - of course Nick or someone would save Sharon, or maybe a good old drive off a cliff/bridge.

Did anyone find the way EB played the Victor and Nikki scenes odd?

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OMG, the way he was looking at her when she came back and thanked him was totally, "Get the [!@#$%^&*] out of my house!" I don't know what Marge was talking about. Nikki wanted to kiss him but he definitely didn't want to kiss her.

I loved thursday's us episode. It was hilarious. I loved the juxtaposition of Jeffrey and Jack. I don't think the writers defined Jack as such a scoundrel before but I'm so glad they finally did. Jeffrey definitely is screwed up but at least he doesn't hide it. Jack is far more dangerous, I think.

Why the heck was the pacing of the show so quick? One second Nikki's with K at the trailer, the next she's at the Club with Nick and Phyllis? And what's Nick doing back already? With no one mentioning, "Hey, how was China?" That scene was so weird. Like it was edited in wrong.

And that's a great idea for Sharon committing suicide. She'd totally play the victim but not in an obvious way. Because her behavior over the last few months has been based on being secretive and hiding away from everyone (vanishing like the trinkets she's been stealing from people's houses). The pills are definitely obvious and a kidnapping would be so damn repetitive. I hope it's something where she makes herself the victim though, and Nick saves her, again, as you stated. Awesome idea, AllAboutAngst.

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Man, Little Phillip totally needs to come back. All the guys on this show are such wusses. Like variations of Nick and Adam. Where are the real men, dammit! Let's get Phillip in there!

And of course, that would mean Nina.

If they were able to get Phillip in and Mac, who'd both have so much in common, I'd totally buy that triangle with Billy, Mac, and Philliip. Awesomeness! Totally better triangle than any of the ones they got going on in the younger set. I really hope that the reincarnation of Mac isn't as pissy as Lily, though. Although, MAB did do a great job with Billy.

Let's get the Aussie(s) off the show. (that was for you y&r_fan; all in jest, of course)

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I didn't see that SID cover. Thanks, Cheap21. I'm glad that Sharon is getting professional help. I actually don't think that she is playing the victim. If anything she is going out of her way to hide her pain and nervous breakdown from the people that she loves. I hope when Jack finds out about Sharon and Billy that he doesn't turn his back on her because she will need him more than ever. As for Nick, really he needs to stay away from Sharon and let her heal. Watching him trying to sneak upstairs to hump Sharon yesterday was a low point even for him.

The Nikki and Victor scene with Marge's narration about the kiss shows how Eric Braeden's ego continues to dictate how he plays Victor. Clearly, the moment called for Victor and Nikki to show a moment of warm between. MTS followed the script, while Braden was determined not to let Victor show any feelings for Nikki which means that he is resistant to Victor and Nikki reuniting. Paul Rauch may be this tough EP, but I bet he isn't happy with Braden and can't do a damn thing about it.

I hate the Kevin story. It is the weakest story and I hope it wraps soon. No soap is perfect and Y&R is solid at the moment.

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Ah, Murphy, diner, even Perry Como. I could not have imagined I would love it all as much as I did.

I'll say this: I HATED the first Marge go-round. Over the top, too long, and Morey Amsterdam playing violin. IMO, we never saw Marge's charms. And if they were there ('cause she did coin "Sexy Rexy"), I missed them because she was an evil kidnapper. Plus Clint always made me viscerally ill.

But this time around, especially after death...I'm just LOVING that wise, folksy broad. I'm never one to save dialogue, but this time... Did someone have concerns about Janice Ferri Esser, who wrote the dialogue? She really did a fine job here. No breakdown writer was listed. It must have been Hogan Sheffer (given the narrating ghost), don't you think? He probably threw a few of those bon mots into his outlines, I'll bet :) . I have put this all into a single quote box because of SON restrictions....

Her prologue:

This Victor-Kay dialogue was great, esp. Marge's subsequent comments. It tells us that the writers REALLY do still believe that Victor and Nikki are the destined couple. I can't believe that, since he is SUCH a jerk. Poor, poor, poor Doug Davidson.

It is almost the only time I have ever, ever, ever enjoyed Jeff Bardwell. Ever.

Non-Marge related, two things really took my breath away. First, Victor continues to be smart. He has figured out the whole Jill-Kay DNA story. Good for him!

And the Nikki-Kay dialogue about Murphy was :wub:

And in a true sign that we're about to get the real Jill and Kay back, finally....

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My favorite line. I couldn't stop laughing. Hell, I'm laughing now. Nick is a dog in heat. Phyllis is busy deluding herself. Jack is ignorant to Sharon's actions with Billy, but understands that she is in serious trouble. Sharon is having a nervous breakdown.

It is a credit to Y&R that they pulled off this episode. It was humorous, serious, bittersweet, and life affirming all at once. This isn't easy for a soap or any show to do. It actually reminded me of the episodes of Six Feet Under where Nathan Sr. appears. The episode did have Hogan's snarky humor. Who would have thunk that Hogan and MAB teaming up would be such a boost for Y&R? Kudos.

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Wow, they really aren't trying to give anything to Heather. Just another one of those characters they could cut loose at any time if they wanted to. I'm tired of seeing her being hit in the face by Victor's door or just being someone Adam could constantly reject. Either do something with her or let her go.

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I agree.

I think they should give her cancer or something. It doesnt need to be a main storyline, but its a long term storyline that could have impact on adam, paul, and others. I also think its overdue for a storyline like that. It would be great to see a soap take on cervical cancer or something more modern.

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Heather is used at a very supporting capacity, which I don't mind. I don't think I could stomach Vail or Heather in large doses. That said, I'm sure she'll be more involved in Adam's storyline later on. They seem to have been hinting at some sort of reconciliation. She wouldn't have gone through all the trouble of finding him a dermatologist, or trying to get him out of prison if she didn't care.

Victor will never like her, and I can't say I would blame him. She clearly has an agenda against him.

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