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B&B/Y&R: Actor back on Bell show

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Uhhh... what? How random...

Diamont would have been better off on another soap because I don't see him lasting past six months. New characters regardless of who they are always have a short life span with BB.

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I've always loved Joanna Johnson, and I've always believed that Caroline, not Brooke, was the love of Ridge's life. Not that I'm only into beauty, but have you guys seen recent pics of Johnson lately? She's let herself go a lot. I remember when I used to think she and KKL looked like twins, well KKL's definitely aged better.

I don't see much of a point in bringing Karen back, as they never developed that character in the first place. I thought it was a HUGE mistake to kill Caroline off when Bill Bell did it. I liked the story, but Caroline had been the main heroine on B&B since its inception to that point.

As for Don Diamont joining B&B, eh, I don't care. Not a huge Diamont fan at all. I'm sure he's going to be wasted though.

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If this is true, I smell a twist.

The only reason I can think of them bringing back BOTH Karen (a mistake of a character) and a long-lost Spencer sibling is to somehow make it out that Karen is really Caroline. I wouldn't put it past them.

It's also a really good thing Ashley's no longer on B&B. Seeing her interact with "Bill Jr" would have been a stretch.

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I would hope that the arrival of Don Diamont would mean that Felicia is finally getting a love interest. However, I don't think there's any chance of that when there's Brooke "legs like a 7-11...always open" Logan for him to have fun with.

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Count me in as another Joanna Johnson fan! Ridge and Caroline were the best couple ever on B&B. Caroline's death was B&B's saddest storyline. I cried so much when she died in Ridge's arms.

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I like that Don Diamont is NOT going to play Brad Carlton.

I think this will definitely energize the cast and stories. I just hope Brad Bell really gets his thinking cap on for these entrances.

This would not surprise me either. But would Ronn Moss and Joanna Johnson still have the same chemistry, over 10-15 years later? I mean, the game has drastically changed, especially with Brooke pretty much evolving from the scheming vixen to the role Caroline was destined to have. How would Caroline fit into that?

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Not really. This is April Fools early, right?

When Lauren saw Bill Spencer she said "you remind me of someone" (i.e., her daddy, whom he also played). Now, will she say the same about Bill Jr? (Who the heck is that? He never existed before).

But but but...

Have you seen Diamont with that beard? He is a new work of art! Who thought he could be EVEN MORE handsome?

So...I could TOTALLY see him as a new man for Felicia or Brooke (or hopefully both, duking it out).

I can't tell you how much better it makes me feel ... oddly ... to see Diamont back in the Bell fold. Something just felt wrong to me.

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