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Y&R: Week of February 16, 2009

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I loved the ending with the lawyer. Just pure soap opera at it's greatest. Ashley being upset and running to Victor. Did you guys see the GLEAM in Jack's eyes when Colleen mentioned the board meeting? You could practically hear the gears turning in his head as he thought about the possiblities....

And the music that was playing...does anyone know where I can get that piece? I have no idea where to even begin. The piece I'm referring to is the melody/tune that they played immediately as Ashley told Victor that she would take the seat on the Newman Board. And it continued throughout the last scene between Colleen and Jack. So if anyone knows where I can find it I'd love to get it.

I'm loving Abby now. Brad's death has definitely humanized her and I just love the b. Love her and Colleen tight bond as sisters.

Sharon Case is a wonder to watch. It's amazing how funny she is as Sharon Abbott. And slutty/drunk Sharon is must see tv. Billy never looked sexier.

Few random thoughts....Cane as a father is so difficult to watch that I want to bang my head against the door. His cooing to the baby and his words with Bill just boiled my blood.

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third that one. SERIOUSLY they need to be kept far away. Let Lane have their back burner happiness.

The Colleen twist--I don't know, it seems like a bad version of Melanie's business venture on DAYS. Seriously, it once again seems to come out of no where for the character and a flip. I am looking forward to seeing it play out, of if it will really just become a mute point after a while.

I am so glad that we still have Jack and Sharon as friends. There's something so tragic and human I love about them together it all works. And I didn't think I would like this Sharon story as much--the halo being a little tarnished works for me.

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I don't want Cane and Lily to be backburner'd, because they have this quality that makes many want to hate them

I don't think you have to worry about them being on the back burner they have plenty of fans who love them. Although MAB would like to trash most everything LML related, the woman isn't stupid.

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I've always liked and defended Cane but this week has shown up some of Daniel Goddard's limitations. Next to a powerhouse like Billy Miller? Billy Miller showed he can do understated, that he doesn't have to hog a scene which isn't his. BM has owned ALL of this week thus far. OWNED it.

I think DG can definitely work on this -- after all, Joshua Morrow was once a himbo, and he has improved in leaps and bounds. But MAB also needs to rebuild the character of Cane from the ground up and infuse new life into an underwritten foil for Lily. Now is the perfect time to do it.

Oh, just wanted to big up two actors who came back from a short hiatus this week: Melody Thomas Scott and Chris Engen. It was great to see Nikki again, to see her deal so maturely with Ashley and TGVN, and to reunite with Paul. And Adam? Seething with anger and resentment? Going toe-to-toe with the Tache? Loves it.

I'm glad MAB has him in a holding pattern but I hope she brings him back soon. This is exactly the kind of troublemaker needed on the canvas. Just so he can piss off Prickolas and Fauxtoria. LOL, I loved the way he used to get Prick all "Don't push me, boy" and riled up.

This week feels like a bunch of SLs have either turned a corner or are beginning to take shape. And many have sprung from fallout over the past month or so. Cool!

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