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Y&R: Week of February 09, 2009

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It's hard though, when the actress/pairing/actor what ever is featured in a story, because it's that line between not liking her and a critque of the scenes and what they do with them.

Ohhh, Haiduk I LOVE IT! SOO excited for this storyline and what she's going to do with it. I'm loving Victor being all up in this business too, it's classic!

And Billy and Chloe are just love.

So the Kevin/Gloria scenes I find interesting--I've always wanted Kevin to say all of that, and I'm liking it coming after helping Katherine.

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I would love that. If she just restored the Chancellors/Jill there would be no point of the entire Jabot storyline. I'm sure the writers will come up with something. I, along with many fans and a few residents of GC, want Abbotts to be there.

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God, today's episode gave me squeals of delight. First seeing Victor with Jill, then seeing Jill reluctantly appoint Billy, to Cane's reaction to the news (HAHA! Take that!), to Chloe's fantasy, to the Abbotts finding out, to the mystery chair-woman, to the Cane/Chloe scene, to Jack needling Jill to try to get info. Brilliant. Just brilliant.

By the way, I normally find Cane stiff as a board, but I did find his scene with Chloe at the end rather cute. I think I'm warming to them (and what a time for that right?). What an incredible episode; I'm still tingling.

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Very few stories aren't spoiled before hitting the screen, and I'm happy not to know who this woman is.

HOw great were the Billy/Jill scenes, as was the silliness that was Chloe's conscience with Billy and Cane.

I enjoyed today, but I'm sooo over Gloria and her manipulation of Kevin. I'm not even sure why he bothers anymore.

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It is hard not to comment on the actors when they are a part of the scenes for the day/week of discussions. That said, I still think that these scenes within the last week would have been much better with a different actress in the role of Colleen, preferably AL for this Y&R fan. While Tammin did do somewhat better, I still was not impressed and did not feel sorry for her or NuAbby (Haley Erin smiled too much). Colleen going up against Victor: Tammin looked like a kid having a temper tantrum instead of it being her inner bitchy side. We all have different opinions which is what makes a discussion thread all the more interesting; I just still do not feel the love for Tammin's Colleen even with the better writing. It is sad though that the writers couldn't come up with anything for the character so instead they had to kill off someone to do it.

I love Traci being back, I just wish it'd be more.

I'm dying to know who the mysterious woman is that Victor has been talking to.

I can't wait for Sharon's breakdown and seeing her mother there was a nice surprise.

It is rather nice that not as much as been leaking out from this regime; it's great to be surprised every now and then!

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It's weird how little leaks out from Y&R these days and the weekly spoilers we get are so vague that it hardly gives anything away. I guess it's a good thing, since it builds some type of suspense for the audience. Someone who knows what they're doing much be on top of everything behind the scenes.

This is the total opposite of the Latham administration when everything leaked and she didn't give two f-ucks about it.

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