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Y&R: Week of February 09, 2009

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There was this trashterpiece of a mini series from the 80s called 'Hollywood Wives' (based on the Jackie Collins novel) that my wife and I watched on Lifetime or WE or one of those channels when we were in Floria for a few weeks a number of years ago...there was a character, played by Candice Bergen, who was really into shoplifting...of course, I'm not expecting Sharon Case to be like Candice Bergen...but if she can be half as good, it's the sort of character tick that's riveting to watch.

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Go Colleen! I loved her lashing out at Victor. Its kind of crazy even thinking of her feuding with him but I hope they let the hate fester inside her and she turns into a complete bitch. AL's Colleen had the bitch potential down and they've kind of watered her down since but I saw some of it today. Id love to see her join up with her uncles Jack and Billy and become more of a dark character

Phyllis blaming Brad for his death...how typical

Its weird seeing Lauren and Traci so close

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I was actually thinking today with the various scenes with Colleen and Jack, and his mention of the Abbot in her coming out I could see them moving her more into the Abbot fold..For a while I was convinced once Brad died that'd be it for Colleen but not after today..

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You know what...she did fine. The material supported her. I'm over this debate about LF vs AL vs TS. She's with us for the time being, so I'm focusing more on the character.

Regardless of actress, the character has been neglected by the writers for a very long time. (As was Brad, and as is Paul).

Thus, it is nice to see the character to get some story, and to see it tightly integrated with the Abbotts makes it better.

I watched Tammin closely, and she played aloof, agitated, distracted. There were a few scenes of her kind of staring into space. You could blame that on actress limitations -- maybe -- but the writing can support that and transform this embittered character into aloof, etc. My perception is the writing is finally going to play to her strengths...and then I'm totally content with this version of Colleen.

As an "orphaned" (well, half-orphaned) characters whose connection to her uncles (Billy, Jack), nephew (Noah), sister (Abby), mother (Traci), and former lover (JT) is being played, suddenly she is a much richer character for me. And, if she takes up the torch of the Newman/Abbott rivalry, all the better. And if she ruins a Newman marriage (Victoria's...with whom she has a long bone to pick anyway...remember Colleen's toast at Victoria's wedding shower!) in the process, what a fine way to screw with Victor!

So, from this moment forward, we have a "new" Colleen, and for me, TS owns the role. Might another actress be better? Maybe. But this is what we have, she's doing fine, and it is an important character on the show.

I have come to feel the same way about Heinle's Victoria. She's doing fine in the context of what Victoria has become. What is the point in me lamenting my much-missed Heather Tom? (A lot of people hated her in the role). This is Victoria now. And I kind of thing she's in for some interesting story too.

I just don't see the point in all of us unendingly decrying these casting decisions.

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great post and ITA! There is so much potential with Colleen right now regardless of who she is playing her. They need to capitalize on the stuff you mentioned bc this is a great way to take the character instead of letting her sit on the background as everyting moves on around her

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Tammin has no screen presence and the fact that she can't control her Aussie accent while playing an American role is a farce. She's incredibly miscast, and seeing as she's spent 95% of her time on the backburner on this show, someone else obviously agrees. I don't see what's taking them so long to get rid of her, and why she hasn't opted to leave, since she has so much going on outside of Y&R for her. I wouldn't be surprised if she's headed back to the backburner when everyone's done grieving Brad, and I don't blame the writers for that. She may be tied to the Abbots, but Colleen isn't needed right now. They should either ship her off to New York to live with Traci or send her off to Europe to study Art History, since she's supposed to be into that. Maybe in a few years they can bring her back with an American actress who has screen presence and has the right accent, but now, I don't care to see where she fits in. Lily doesn't need her, Abby doesn't need her, Brad is dead, Traci lives in New York, Jack, Billy and, Ashley have other things going on, and there's isolated Colleen, yeah she would be better off the show.

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