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Y&R: Week of January 12, 2008

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I would love to give MAB a hug for finally giving Michelle two wonderful days of fantatic dialouge she brought it in her scenes with Peter which was tour de force as only these two can do. They play so well as Enemies or Fenemies and finally she gave her the fantastic script today opposite Joshua who was brilliant. I loved Jack and Phyllis yesterday, but today I fell in love with Nick and Phyllis who were both magnificient. Bravo Michelle still a big fan

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I loved today's Canadian show, tomorrow's Y&R. Last week was dull but this week is on fire. Not getting into spoiler details, but if looks could kill, goodbye Chloe. I miss seeing Chloe, I rewound all her scenes and watched them again. Nick and Phyllis have an honest conversation, something that is rarely shown in soaps, usually it is straight to divorce or back to bed. And for all of you who complain about Michelle, she brings it. The best part

MAB is a genius and is making me so proud to be a Y&R viewer.

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Where do I know Adam's lawyer from? He looks very familiar

man I cant stand Eden. Why was she being such a b-tch about Abby? I almost thought Abbby would have been a good match for Noah until I remembered they were related

Its really bothering me that Abby is living there at the ranch with Victor. Has she even had a scene with Brad yet?

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Michelle Stafford was SUPER today, and I hope she doesn't start phoning in everything again. It looks like they're setting up Brad's death when Phyllis told him over the phone, "BIG mistake crossing me, Brad!" LOL! Is Phyllis going psycho again?

Katherine and Murphy were a joy as always too. Jeanne Copper was another good one today, especially when she yelled. "I AM KATHERINE!" LOL!

It was great to see the fun side of Chole again, and I liked her little interaction with Billy.

They set up that next part of the Katherine/Marge story well with that guy on the phone...

Good episode overall, and I like the preview for tomorrow's US episode when Nikki told Michael that Gloria got caught and that she needs to take reasonability.

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She's probably being a bitch about Abby because Abby is a colossal snob. I can't fault the girl though, considering how she was conceived and that her mother has a tendency to act uppity, how else would you expect her to be? I actually like Abby though. I mean, I find her to be a royal snot but IMO it fits, because when Darcy was playing her, I found Abby to be a rather snotty child honestly. I'll never forget the episode at the Harvest dance where she wanted to talk to Victor, Brad told her that they would talk to him later, and so she stands up, waves her hand loudly in the air and yells "VICTOR! OVER HERE" :lol: She always had an attitude of "I want what I want when I want it."

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Sweet jesus.

Amber looks like a hot mess. Hair all hairsprayed into some 80's curly moppy mess. She looks like she is about to go gangbang and pop a cap in somebody's ass! She looks like she just came off the Maury Povich show. Whateva! Whateva! I'll do what I want! Whateva! What-EVA!

You've got the big clunky gold Mr. T chain around her neck today too!

Between Sharon yesterday and Amber today- I am wondering what is up here!!


I am just going to assume that the always trendy Y&R stylists have been reading Vogue and that clunky gold chains are IN this season.

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The Red Menace was on fire today! I usually hate how soaps portray the "threatened wife" - and I was all ready to be disgusted at Nick's hypocrisy for laying into Phylliss when he was smooching his ex, but PHylliss was not having ANY OF IT! She put Nick in his place like I've never seen on this show before. I always kind of hated Nick cause he's so self-righteous and is so quick to judge everybody else, but Phyllis quickly reminded him that it was HIS actions that brought them to this point.

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I am starting to think that Karen was the one who filed the missing person's report on Ana. Because of the filing, she and Neil got married earlier, and she now has a daughter. Interesting twist that sweet ole Karen could be manipulative, but I could see her past sadness causing her to become mentally unhinged because she feels threatened by Tyra.

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What bothers me is how completely idiotic they are portraying Nick in the whole scenario. Each time Phyllis does something like this he gets all pissed off and before the end of the episode he's back to being her puppet again. They've totally emasculated him and it bugs the crap out of me.

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To be fair, it doesn't really look like things ended on a stable note for Nick and Phyllis today. He appeared to want to make nice, but he couldn't get over what Phyllis did and she couldn't get over his kiss with Sharon. There's still a lot of unresolved tension there.

Nick has been nothing but a whiny little boy to me for years though.

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