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2009: The Directors and Writers Thread

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I can believe that -- actually, I am shocked that AMC has been relatively stable these last six months under Pratt.

I was about to be selfish and say that if she's a good scriptwriter then bring her over to AMC -- but you're right. Out of the three ABCD shows, OLTL is in serious need of another good scriptwriter besides Aida Croal. AMC at least has Hall, Cohen, and Patrick.

SPEAKING OF AMC (y'all know whenever it starts getting Y&R heavy in here, I do my best to re-route this bus from Genoa City back to Pine Valley)

I just wish AMC could get a new script editor, get rid of Rebecca Taylor once and for all and quit starting stories only to drop them.

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Or return to GL, but I'm unsure whether she has a good relationship with HW's there. The last time she was there was under Taggart and Co if I'm correct.

OLTL is in need of good scrpt writers though. Somehow I don't think anything is going to change for the better with TPTB there.

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Yeah, it's probably about eight or nine weeks before air, which I think is normal for a soap. That "writing-a-month-before-air" was what happened under LML, hence the insane turnaround time we've heard about for that time period. I guess when you've got such a large team of writers, it's easier to get back ahead of the game. LOL!

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Deveney Kelly directed for Y&R again today. Why don't they just bring back Kathryn Foster!!! Come on!!

Sometimes when writers get hired, they dont' start writing. Remember Amanda Beall who started like almost 2 months after she was hired. Lisa Connor and Tom also started weeks after their hiring.

I think Y&R is about 9-10 weeks ahead in breakdowns. But that's nothing compared to OLTL - I think their breakdowns are like 4 months ahead. LOL

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I like Casiello as a blogger, which is the context in which I met him. During his writing stints at OLTL, ATWT and Days, even during his time at AW, I didn't really watch the show. So I cannot comment him on a writer.

I did watch Y&R during his time there. While he said he wasn't a fit, my understanding was "a fit with LML's team"...not necessarily the show. I actually WELCOMED one of the stories he broke down (Devon's deafness), because I thought we were getting a plausible, mainstream deaf character. (Little did I know they would essentially wipe that story out, since Devon does NOT play like a real deaf man. I speak from experience).

As a writer for Y&R, I'll evaluate based on what I see. But he'll also get the benefit of the doubt from me, because he has shared his passion for the genre. And, given his trial period, if he's not a good fit this time, he'll leave the gig before I even notice :). But I hope for him, and for the genre that needs people who care, that he is a terrific and long-lasting fit, and everyone benefits from the association.

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I didn't see a breakdown writer credited for Monday's US episode. Beth Milstein is the Script Editor, not a breakdown writer. Teresa Zimmerman is on a trial run right now, who knows if she'll be picked up when her trial period is over.

I assume the breakdown was written by Marla Kanelos or Natalie Minardi Slater for Monday's US episode.

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