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Ohhhhh, we'd make them be ready for us! Contrasting views, healthy debate... We don't always agree, UCLAN, but you had my vote from day one! I don't know where Steve lives, but if he isn't a Californian, he should fly out and do lunch with us. I bet it would be fun!! B)

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Ummmm. Wow. :wub: I've forgotten my entire train of thought now... :lol::lol:

Now, now, now Brian. That's a little harsh, don't ya think? My friend Roman is just as good as debate as anyone here. Of course, I don't know how he can concentrate on anything else while sporting a boner for the last 6 months! ;)

I'm outta the loop on this one obviously. Guess I'll have to start my own political party. Whose with me? We'll completely pummel the Bri/UCLAN/Steve party at the polls, y'all! :P

Interesting. Also interesting is how the blogger couldn't complete his thought without using the words "fag" and "queer".

If Reagan did stand up to Prop 6, then good for him. I didn't know that myself. I was, however, aware of his statement that he couldn't condone an "alternative" lifestyle. Not sure how that makes him a friend of gays.

And oh yeah. There was one other little issue that began under his watch - AIDS. He did nothing about it for his first term because it was only affecting us fuckin FAGS. It was called "The gay cancer" if I remember correctly - before the term AIDS was coined. Reagan couldn't even say the word until a year into his 2nd term.

Let me think.....oh yeah, he was a REAL GOOD friend to the gay community. <_<<_<

You and me both, MTSRocks. Roman's boner, Brian's boner, David Vicker's boner....mmmmmm. LOL!

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Lotta boners in this thread. :lol: :lol:

hat was just a very stupid way to ask a question, Greg. Brian wants to always bitch about no one giving him respectful debate, yet he ask me a question in a stupid ass manner and then bitches about why I won't answer it. This is after him spending all of his time telling me and you and others that the last 8 years were just WONDERFUL and that WE are the ones who got it all wrong. How is that when the Republican Party, the party he wants to always apologize for, now sits with a 23% approval rating? I posted material that had proof that some Republicans in Congress were beyond the pale. I still have yet to hear any response from Brian on that. Probably because he agrees with that crap. And Reagan being a friend to Gay Americans? WHEN? When he didn't even want to acknowledge that people were dying from AIDS because they happen to be Gay?!

This revisionist history from Brian really makes him look bad.........and makes me laugh my ass off. :lol:

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Revisionist history? Puh-lease... I never said how WONDERFUL (in all caps, mind you) the last 8 years were. The key to the last 8 years is that Bush kept us safe from another attack. Will Obama? I have my doubts. I had big issues with Mr. Bush and some of his policies and I have stated it time and time again (a lot more objective than you and your 3 incher for Obama) -- or did you not read those posts? Probably not... because I posted it in English rather than Roman's language of Lame.

I don't respond to your links, Roman, because you don't respond (at least in any intelligent way) to stuff I post. I would love to engage you in intelligent debate and pleasant conversation, but you are too busy spankin' it to Obama pictures that you don't have time for anything else.

Dude, wash your hands when you're done. And why are you so angry, anyways? Did you get your ass beat a lot in school or something? If so, I'm sorry about that... must be painful to live with that, then have your ass verbally beat regularly in the forum here.

<<hugs and kisses>>

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>>hugs Greg, but is mindful of his boner and stands back about 2 feet<< :D

So, my friend... what has Obama done for the Gay and Lesbian community lately? Or, actually... What did he promise during the campaign?

And moving on to another topic... WHY HAVEN'T YOU MESSAGED ME??? I'm beginning to think you love Roman more than me. >>sniff<<

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Ouch. <<Looks to Roman>> Is Brian a bit grumpy this morning or what?!?!

<<hugs my buddy Brian back but pulls him closer when he notices his boner>> :lol::lol::wub:

This is getting way outta hand with all this boner talk! I can't concentrate on anything else now....

Obama hasn't done anything for the GLBTs lately. Nada. But he's been in office for 5 months and there are more pressing issues at hand than GLBT ones, IMHO. I have faith that he will address them eventually. But when there are things as fucked up as the economy and healthcare that affect a much greater portion of the population, it makes sense to tackle those first.

Campaign promises? Let's see. Repeal of DADT, adding sexual orientation to the federal hate crimes bill....and uhhhh....I think that's about it.

I will message you, I promise! I want to hear more about this boner of yours! :lol: No, seriously...I will get around to it. You do know, my good buddy, that YOU could always email ME first and I'd respond. You get that, don't cha?

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Oh goodness folks why can't we discuss without the attacks on each other. That is what I hate about this thread and have to take breaks from it.

When we all discuss the issues it's fun and we accomplish stuff.

All this [!@#$%^&*] back and forth calling each other names and judging one another gets us no where.

And GD it is easy to fall into. I am quick to respond to some of the other remarks too. That is the reason I have someone on ignore. I don't get mad and my life doesn't go into freefall. And I can enjoy SON and this thread.

Because people like GregGL and so many others have constructive stuff to say and add so much to the conversation and I do not want to miss that.

Oh and the thought of all those boners is making me horny too.

Edited by SteveFrame
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You know Brian, I was going to type some really silly response from this. But, you just showed what type of person you are. And, from now on, don't wonder why I think you are just a sorry individual.

This has nothing to do with you. This is between me and Brian, ok?

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Steve ;) Thanks bro. Same back at 'cha.

Well, Roman. You're still the bomb in my book. :D:D You can talk to me anyday buddy. And speaking of the bomb, Wales just went MIA after the election, huh? Talk about someone that added a lot of value to our discussions. Man, I miss him/her. If you're out there, Wales, please jump in anyday now. We miss ya!

Just a random thought about posting on SON in general. Why is it that you can type "fucked" and it's not bleeped out? But if you type "fu.ck-ing" it is?!?! Jo no say. :rolleyes::rolleyes:

Edited by Greg's GL
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I think it has something to do with the censor thing.

It goes back to like on regular TV now the censors allow you to say "[!@#$%^&*]" or "Fucked" if you don't use them in a sexual meaning.

Like we fucked up or we're fucked

But they won't allow you to say we just fucked

I have read on a few Internet sites who use the censor say that it has a hard time with the word fucked in deciding when it is dirty and when it is not.

Of course the word with the ing is more or less sexual in nature so it blankets it.

That is the only thing I have ever heard. So not sure.

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