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We have had both Demorcrati and Republican corrupt politicians in Tennessee - so like Golden Dogs said we could go on all day back and forth mentioning corrupt politicians. Deep down I don't trust any of them and wouldn't be surprised to hear that any of them are corrupt or on the take.

As to this story along, I am not a big newshound anymore. I don't watch any of the news channels at all - they are all slanted way too much for one side or the other - so I don't watch them.

I get some of my news from the local paper, the rest from the Internet on such sites as Yahoo News, and the rest on Good Morning America. For some reason I trust George Stephanopolous and he always seems to hit both sides (conservate and liberal) or (Rep. and Dems.) just as hard.

Anyway I agree with him that Obama has not had anything to do with this and that there is no evidence to say that he is. But I also agree with him that Obama is being tested by this in as he said "how transparent he is going to be with the public". In other words how open he is going to be with the American public as he has always seemed to push that he would.

He talked about it this morning that there is enough evidence to indicate that the Governor did have talks with someone in the Obama camp and as he George S. said Obama needs to seek out who that was and launch his own investigation to make sure the truth comes out as to who it was.

As they said on GMA this morning if he is open with this first bit of light scandal then he can win over some doubters to his side. If he tries to skirt around the issue as did with the Rev. Wright thing when it first came out then this could be just another thing that clouds his early days in office as some will always think he tried to hide something.

Edited by SteveFrame
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1. You are the last person to tell me how to react to a post.

2. I have said on many occasions, that corruption exist in both parties. It is not mutual exclusive. Maybe you were not listening to me. Wouldn't be the first time.

3. I want to see how Obama handles this situation. I feel he had no contact with this fool about his former seat, but someone in his transition team has. I will be waiting to see how he handles it, and hope it doesn't take the few days he just said it would. The longer this takes, the more it drags out and the more it gets him off message. It helps that the [!@#$%^&*] called him a mother !@#$%^&*] when he did not play ball, But we'll see.

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And it was just said on MSNBC that the reason why he did this was because Obama called the President of the Ill. Senate to push through new ethics reform bills that go into effect on Jan. 1st. He tried to get this [!@#$%^&*] doen before these new laws took effect.

Dear God. Breaking........a child's remains were found near Caylee Anthony's home.

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Rahm Emanuel talked with governor's office about who should fill Obama's Senate seat

Chief of staff for Obama had list of names

One source confirmed that communications between Emanuel and the Blagojevich administration were captured on court-approved wiretaps.

Another source said that contact between the Obama camp and the governor's administration regarding the Senate seat began the Saturday before the Nov. 4 election, when Emanuel made a call to the cell phone of Harris. The conversation took place around the same time press reports surfaced about Emanuel being approached about taking the high-level White House post should Obama win.

Emanuel delivered a list of candidates who would be "acceptable" to Obama, the source said.

C H A N G E .

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From columnist Andrew Malcolm of the Los Angeles Times:

As a representative of the outgoing senator and president-elect and a member of the same party, it would be hard to believe Emanuel or someone did not communicate somehow with Blagojevich or his staff.

What's puzzled some people and raised suspicions among others is Emanuel's refusal to talk about it (reportedly physically pushing one reporter's tape recorder away and having a verbal altercation with another) and the delay on Obama's part in releasing the promised diary of contacts.

From a practical point of view, if everything is above board, what's to hide?

C H A N G E .

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They hailed him as the Messiah and said his election was a miracle, but now Barack Obama has made it into the Holy Family to appear in the Nativity scene alongside Mary, Joseph and the Baby Jesus.

Hand-carved figures of Mr Obama and his wife Michelle are on sale in a Naples Christmas market with the rest of the Nativity set regulars.


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