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Hopefully this terrorist attack escalates the removal of these so called monuments


Joy Reid made a good point  this morning on her show when one of her panelists mentioned removing these is destroying history. Most of these monuments were put up at the height of Jim Crow or when the Civil Rights and Voting Rights acts were passed as a stmt of their own so called "superiority" not during the civil war.



Edited by JaneAusten
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With President Trump’s refusal to condemn the white supremacist fervor that today led to the death of at least one person in Charlottesville, Virginia, it is absolutely critical that white Americans speak out and take a strong stand against the plague of racist hate that Trump continues to stoke.

Navy veteran Jim Wright is accepting that challenge and pulling no punches.

Wright published the below below post on his Facebook feed today, sending a strong signal that Trump’s values are not the American values he fought to protect.


His powerful and harsh words should be read by every American and can be found below in their entirety:

I keep trying to get to a point in this insanity where I can write a piece, but it’s all going sideways

So, instead, some observations:

– [!@#$%^&*] racist terrorists. This isn’t free speech. You don’t bring guns, clubs, torches, and shields to peaceful demonstration. This is terrorism. These people are terrorists. A car just plowed into a crowd of anti-racist protesters. I’ve watched the video. It was deliberate. It was attempted murder. This is terrorism and should be called such. So far as a I know, the terrorists have not been caught yet. [!@#$%^&*] those cowards.


– [!@#$%^&*] the Confederacy. Every symbol of the Confederacy, every monument, every flag, every statue, should be pulled down, uprooted, smashed into rubble, and burned. [!@#$%^&*] Robert E. Lee, he was a traitor, pull down his statue, melt it down, recast it into urinals. Piss on the Confederacy.

– [!@#$%^&*] Nazis. I don’t want to hear any social justice warrior bullshit about not confronting these racist shitbags with violence if necessary. They get punched in the head, they take a lead pipe over the skull, well it just plain sucks to be a Nazi. I’m not going to sugar coat that for you. Nazis are Nazis, they deserve nothing but a boot in their yellow teeth and punch in the throat. They’re getting off easy. Our grandfathers hunted Nazis down and EXTERMINATED them and it’s to our everlasting shame that we let this cancer regrow in our midst. [!@#$%^&*] Nazis.

– [!@#$%^&*] Trump. Trump owns this. Republicans own this. This isn’t the Alt-Right, this IS the right. These sons of bitches are literally shouting “Sieg Trump” in the streets of Charlottesville right now. [!@#$%^&*] Trump.


These people are the vile residue, the foul distillation, of every failed hateful rotten-tooth inbred ideology in history. Don’t let them hide. Don’t make excuses for them. Get them out in the open. Make them own it. They have jobs — some of them. They have parents and kids and neighbors. They have churches. The Constitution gives them a right to their hate, but not a right to be free of the consequences. Publish their pictures. Publish their license plates. Get them out in the open. Pull their hoods off. They’re standing out there shouting hate, flying the flag of treason, their arms upraised in the Hitler salute. Make them own it. Make them infamous. Don’t let them hide.

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I don't understand how removing this-or-that statue or monument would be like "destroying history."  Lord knows history can be forgotten, but can it ever be destroyed?




Pics or it didn't happen.


Frankly, I wouldn't let him off the hook.  If I were living in Lexington, I would remind the mayor as often as necessary to back up his words with deeds.

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Look, Petey, you took your chances when you picked up your Pier One tiki torch and went a-marchin'.  You didn't want to be portrayed as an angry racist?  Then you shoulda stayed yer ass at home.


Also, from the interview:


"White nationalists aren’t all hateful; we just want to preserve what we have."


And again, I scream, YOU HAVE NOTHING.  What you have, you've appropriated from other cultures.  Right down to those ridiculous tiki torches.  (Seriously, did y'all think you were going to some kind of luau?)

Edited by Khan
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Condaleeza Rice said the same thing and I was perplexed. Monuments to traitors to the United States is not destroying history. And as most of these monuments were not even erected during that time and were erected to demonstrate some twisted form of superiiority, no clue.


There is something to be said for preserving some of our darker history as a reminder. Parts of Aushwitz is still there intentionally and can be seen. But what is the equivalent here? I am sure there are plantations that can be toured where slave quarters are still in tact as a painful reminder. Leaving a monument up to Robert E Lee would be the equivalent of a monument to people like Field Marshall Romel or Goring. Why?


And seriously all this glory to the confederacy. Are there many Germans around today praising what the Germans did to the Jews and other "non arians" during the 30's and 40's, because of  how "great" the German economy was at the time?   This is why reconstruction was really such a mess. The people from the south at the time were never made to see the evils of slavery and treating people worse than animals. I'll never understand how enslaving and killing people in your past is something worth embracing  These same people also think Jackson was a great president and he committed mass genocide.

Edited by JaneAusten
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