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I'm glad. The network has steadily become a complete joke over the last 2 years. It's one thing to be partisan. It's another to be blatantly foolishly partisan. At least some anchors manage to contain it but you've got Ed Schultz who's basically the DNC head chair on MSNBC. Then you'e got 8-11PM block which is a hot mess of boring/awkward Chris Hayes followed by boring, way too loud, obnoxious and holier than thou Rachael Maddow, and then unabashed liberal Lawrence O'Donnel who I don't mind as much since it is quite late.

Even Chris Matthews is starting to irk me. Morning Joe has devolved into whatever Mika and Joe's crusade of the moment is....it's no longer interesting/exciting political discourse/analysis. Instead it's just NFL this or this stupid story or another.

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These are both insightful criticisms. I personally think that the network could benefit if it brought in someone new--who is liberal, but not liberal 100% of the time--and made his or her show the network's flagship program. I think that having Rachael Maddow's show serve this purpose is not helping MSNBC.

For all of Fox News' flaws, they do not have a program as hard-lined as Hannity serve as the network's flagship. The O'Reilly Factor echos the conservative talking points most of the time, but the host sometimes says things you don't expect, and I think that is when the show is at its most interesting.

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I'm shocked that I am the first to bring this up but Rick Scott's performance at last night's debate was the worst debate performance that I have ever seen (far worse, IMO, than Rick Perry's "Oops" moment, which at least was understandable to anyone who has ever had a brainfreeze, although it indicated that he most definitely was not ready for primetime).

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I think that Charlie Crist is an total opportunist, but Scott sucks. (I personally would not vote in that race if I lived in FL, but after last night I have changed my mind and am starting to think that Crist may be the lesser of the two evils.) Even though Crist had a tiny lead in the Real Clear Politics "poll of polls" (which I consider to be the best election prognosticator), I had always thought that Scott was going to win because of the Republican nature of the year and because many liberals mistrust Crist since he isn't a true believer. But after last night, I would be shocked if Scott pulls out a victory.

This won't really matter in terms of the 2016 general election because I feel the adage of governors "carrying" states for their party's nominees is one of the most overhyped "nuggets of wisdom" in politics. (Unless it's Florida 2000 close, it rarely seems to make a difference.) But primary elections are a different matter, and this has to be a terrible day for the Chris Christie 2016 Presidential Campaign; the whole reason why Christie has been spending so much time on behalf of Scott is because Christie knows that Scott--if re-elected--will owe him big during the Florida primary (which will be Christie's make-or-break primary).

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He won in 2010 even though he was obviously going to be a disaster. I wouldn't be shocked if the same happens again.

Of course one of the reasons he won was because his opponent screwed up at a debate...

I read that the moderator was trying to claim Crist brought the fan to deliberately throw Scott off. So if the media runs with that, they may make Scott a victim to the public.

I guess we'll see.

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I totally forgot about Al Sharpton who's an absolute embarrassment to me. To this day I don't know why or how he's amassed this much influence with President Obama or in the political realm.

The bold part is absolutely true. They need someone who can manage to handle the issues has his own opinions and can voice them without coming across as too obvious or over the top like Hayes or Maddow.

That Florida debate was a hot mess but I'm glad it happens since I do believe Crist will definitely win now. Rick Scott is just plain weird. The guy came across as so petty because of a stupid fan. Like there are so many issues that the voters need to hear about and you're b*tching about a FAN? I do think Florida will be warzone in 2016....especially if Jeb Bush runs. So whoever is governor will definitely have a huge role.

One thing I heard on Morning Joe the other that struck me is how Joe and Mika claim that Mitt Romney isn't worried about Chris Christie and doesn't think he can win. Same for Jeb Bush and Bushworld. They both don't think Christie has the temperament or the ability to make it all the thru the primary or even the general....

Edited by ThePrinceOfSunspear
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MSNBC actually has a decent talent base. I feel like all of the ones I like are relegated to the weekends. I like Jonathan Capeheart, Willie Geist, Melissa Harris-Perry, Alex Wagner and Joy Reid. I also like Andrea Mitchell even though I agree that there are some concerns about conflict of interest. I'd like to see the network bring on other personalities. Not necessarily for shows but just to add to the mix. That said, I still consider Maddow and O'Donnell to be MSNBC royalty

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Chris Christie can't win. The guy has an unlikable personality and except for Richard Nixon how many unsmiling sour pusses have been elected in the TV age? He is also obese, of which there have been no obese presidents in the TV age. He is also from NJ, a state republicans don't like because it is not in their base of the south. They only went for Romney because it was the weakest field any party ever put forward and there was no one to choose.

The republican field is pretty pathetic. You have Governor Oops, no personality Jindal, a bunch of Jesus freaks, and the elder statesman of the party: the guy who was Speaker and got run out of town on a rail. Add to them you have the Queen of all republicans who spends her spare time white trashing it up as a wrestler at parties, and finally the last Bush who doesn't seem all that excited to run. Hillary would have any of them for lunch. Probably the one she would like to run against is Rand Paul, the isolationist radical.

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In an effort to save Mark Udall, whose candidacy appears to be just about over, Deadspin (which is owned by the far left website Gawker) makes up a story about his opponent Cory Gardner, only to have it blow up in their faces:


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At this point I'm afraid to say that it's not quite in the bag for Madam Secretary. No matter who the Republicans nominate the problem will still be after 8 years of President Obama the country will be yearning for something more down to Earth, less "hope and change". In short the state of US while not bad may be all over the place. Even I as a staunch supporter of the President can admit that his leadership has been kinda lax at very crucial times. I don't know if he just has terrible people advising him in these last two years but if he doesn't get it together soon, his legacy will be very mixed and I'm afraid he'll be known for incompetency in some arenas/circles.....

Because of that the right Republican (say Bush) can run on competency and getting ish done. It may not be sexy but if he can convince people that he'll make the right decisions then he has a good shot again Secretary Clinton. Of course she'll be running on competency too and her wide experience. It will definitely be interesting.

Still can't believe Mitch is probably going to win in Kentucky. I really don't give a rats a$$ who Grimes voted for and I doubt Kentucky does it but leave it to the useless media to focus on that rather than on the real issues.

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McConnell was winning even before that. I think the coal issue (which is often pooh-pooed by many but is hugely relevant in KY and WV, among other states) and Grimes being a little too polished without being tested did her in. Her gender is probably an issue too.

The media sucks, as always. They won't rest until we are officially a banana republic. If we aren't already.

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He had a slight lead in some polls and in others shes was ahead. I think she could have pulled off a squeaker if not for this unfortunate episode/manufactured outrage by the media.

On another topic I am really digging Meet The Press these days with Chuck Todd. I don't care if the ratings are about the same (I blame Gregory for the steep decline) but the show is so much more polished and the format is just so much more tighter. I liked the panelists and the transitions from interviews to the panel.

The Republican field for 2016 is like 16 people here but it's the type of field where if Person X says they're going to run then Persons Y and Z are definitely NOT going to run. And vice versa. There are of course people like Cruz and Paul who are in no matter what. But I have to think Rubio and Bush and Christie will think twice if there's too many establishment people in it.

Losers like Jindal may run since they know they're unliked in their current jobs and have nothing to lose. The midwest governors also have a shot but there's only so much room for Kasich, Pence, AND Scott Walker.

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