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For some reason I can't resist this one. I'm inclined to think they will just leave him alone and go with the whole single-mindedness of black Americans, if they want to dismiss his decision. I don't recall what they said last time he did this. But if they are going to claim his not really an American then they'll dig up "evidence" that he was really born in Jamaica which is where his people are from. I'm actually now a bit disappointed that Barack Obama's dad wasn't Jamaican because I'd love to have seen Dinesh D'Souza concoct a theory based on some connection to Rastas. I love when people assume that Jamaicans all smoke ganja and wear dreadlocks.

In my ideal reality, people will start speaking for themselves and not entire groups of people they don't know.

It's important to maintain the right of a woman to have an abortion if she so chooses. I used to believe that because I would never choose to have an abortion that this issue did not concern me. Then I realized that it's not my place to inflict my beliefs on other people. I have friends who've had abortions--some are still troubled by it. I get tired of hearing what women want and I wish they would phrase their opinions and beliefs in ways that get the message out that being able to make that choice is important without making it sound as if this is every woman's desire.

Some time ago, I read a magazine article about a woman who'd been raped and ended up pregnant. She said she was afraid that she would look at her baby and see her rapist but she decided to have the baby anyway. Her daughter, according to her, has become the greatest love of her life but she does struggle with what and how to tell her child about her father when the time comes.

I don't believe that God wants bad things to happen to anyone but I do believe that He allows both good and bad things to happen. How we handle those things is entirely up to us.

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My separate post to thank Roman for his kind words. Also thank you GoldenDogs. If I did .gifs I'd have a humorous fighting back the tears one but I don't so I offer you "Special" instead:

<iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/ysvgSL6tz0k" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I will do my best to live up to your words.

I think I will tackle my ballot today.....or at least read the umpteen propositions on it. My gripe: Los Angeles county has the most unfair property tax assessment in all the land, according to me. I don't know why California is so crowded considering the number of laws they produce that should run people out of the state. My biggest gripe this year is that they finally forced Amazon to start collecting state taxes--which wouldn't be so bad if the state government was even moderately efficient. Our special fuel regulations has gasoline near $5/gallon....I know it could be a lot worse so happy face timemellow.pngmellow.pngmellow.png

Okay now I feel better....

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We live in such a beautiful state, Wales... So many different landscapes, each different yet unique. Given what this state has to offer, it really is a shame it has been run into the ground 10 times over and made to be such an inhospitable place to live. The state legislature is one big massive fail. The governor(s)? All one big massive fail. I realize a governor has limited power unless the legislature plays ball, so I suppose you must give credit where credit is largely due... but still... It's disappointing to see these people routinely throw us all to the wolves.

Since the sales tax mess, I haven't ordered a single thing from Amazon, by the way. Screw 'em. And screw the state. What's sad is that the issue doesn't steer people to local, small business... It drives them fast to Costco, Wal-Mart, Sam's Club, etc., where they look to save every penny. That's where I go. I'm not throwing a dime away... not when my pocket is being picked by Governor Brown. But it will be interesting to see which state propositions pass... We should compare notes on these things to see which way we went.

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My problem with the Akins and the Mourdocks and the Ryans and the Santorums isn't just their opinion on abortion but it's their trivialization of rape. Is it any wonder that so many rapes go unreported when you have people running for office who basically think rape is just sex? That's what all of this comes back to: they don't see rape as violence or an assault, it's just inconvenient sex and the baby is some sort of prize. They claim to be law and order types on every crime except rape then they seem singularly devoted to making sure every rapist gets to be a father. It's demented.

All the time and energy trying to reclassify rape makes me wonder exactly how many women these men have abused in their past.

Edited by marceline
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Thank you as well my friend.

D'Zouza is in some water as it is. He was caught in a hotel room with a married, and also forgot to tell his own wife about this woman. There's some family values for ya. those who talk great amounts of stuff always gets caught in the end...

With their pants down, as it were.

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I just watched Powell's endorsement of Obama. I don't know that it was have any weight, but it was devastating to Romney and not just on foreign policy, although Powell's distaste for Romney's neoconservative advisers who lied to start the Iraq war was on full display. Powell said that debate Romney said things that were not consistent with is previous statements that he had not given enough to his foreign policy.

What makes you think that Romney is left of the mainstream Republican party? Seriously, how do you know what Romney believes in, stands for, or will do under any given situation?

Edited by Ann_SS
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I haven't ordered anything since the day before it went into effect but won't rule it out for the future. If they have a significantly lower price including the tax, I will go with them.

One of the L.A. County propositions asks whether or not porn film makers should be required to get a public health license. The Erotica whatever company who wrote the rebuttal of course says that it's not necessary and a waste of money. I'm having a hard time with the idea of county health inspectors visiting porn shooting locations to check up on these people.

The majority of the 11 state propositions were poorly written so while I may have agreed with them, they were not definitive enough and had too much wiggle room. I don't mind comparing.

I can tell you, because I remember these two quite clearly, I am surprisingly okay with keeping the death penalty. People like Charles Manson should never be up for parole and they should have let him die in that gas chamber.

The Three Strikes law absolutely needs to be revised. Not only can there be issues with the first two strikes, but to send a man whose third strike is for stealing a slice of pizza, to prison for life is insane. Yes, he should have known better and is simply dumb but I cannot just shrug my shoulders and shake my head and pretend it's okay to lock people up forever for being stupid.

Oh and I do think it's stupid to have me vote for a list of people of whom I've never heard. Should I go with the nice sounding names or eenie meenie. I ended up with a plastic bag full of pamphlets for the recycling bin. The candidates for representative send at least ten pieces of mail/week accusing each other of various practices.

Is Dianne Feinstein ever going to retire? I don't even know what she does. California loves their old politicians. All you need to do is get elected once and you have a job for life as long as you aren't caught committing crimes....ethics violations--you can worm your way out of those.

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It does seem like the Romney/Ryan campaign has lost faith in Paul Ryan. When he got picked we kept hearing how he was going to be some game-changing rock star. Now he basically treated like the boyfriend you bring to your friend's wedding only because you haven't officially broken-up with him and people expect him to be your plus one.

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I think the problem with Paul Ryan is that most of the people out there who adore him are already people who should be supporting Romney anyway. Most of the public has no idea who he is, and while he is charismatic and personable enough, his views are anathema to a wide majority of American voters. Someone probably assumed that if he made his puppy dog eyes wide enough, the public would agree with his desires to abolish Medicare. They don't.

He's also a bad fit for Romney because he has basically stuck to the same views throughout his career. Romney has not. He can't even stick to the same view in a day.

Everyone loves to bash Joe Biden, but he was a great balance to Obama in public image, and he knows how to form a basic emotional connection with the voter, which is why the crank attacks against him often seem so bizarre (like the attempt to manufacture outrage because he said memories of 9/11 are "bittersweet.").

Romney should have picked John Sununu. He says crazy [!@#$%^&*] all the time and just keeps on saying it. He's everybody's not so favorite uncle, and would make Romney seem stable in comparison. He also gets tons of media attention.


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I'm always more surprised Barbara Boxer has stayed in office. Feinstein seems to encompass the various parts of California more than Boxer, who always reminds me more of politicians from New York, New Jersey, etc. like Schumer. Feinstein is also so very cautious, I guess because California used to be much more middle of the road and because of the Harvey Milk and Moscone shootings.

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Ha, Sununu could never make the Republican ticket. He is of Palestinian and Lebanese descent. He is an Arab-American although I would be surprised if he sees himself as one. I bet his fellow Republicans do and we all know what right wing conservatives call Arabs behind close doors.

Edited by Ann_SS
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